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This paper presents the results of a research on the way which shows the role of the farmer women to contribute to overcome the life hindrances in the Amazonian agroforest environment, for food safety and familiar income. The sample was the women of the Associação de Produtores Alternativos - APA, Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brazil. Questionnaires were applied to 50 women of this community, in 2004/2005, with additional interviews in 2006, taking into account their role in the farms, and their several invisible activities. The role of APA?s women was compared to that of other Amazonian women, like rubber tappers and riverine people. The APA?s women perform tasks as field manpower - 78.0% of them, making decisions about what to plant - 18.0%, harvest destination - 32.0%, which animals to raise -14.0% and animal products destination -34.0%. Traditionally, in rural zone, the women with their children play a role as non-paid manpower, getting some monetary income with occasional commercialization of on-farm processed products as cheese, pickles, jellies and fruit liqueurs. They are responsible for the cultures practiced around the house. All these Amazonian women edaphoclimatic conditions, greatly contributing to the biodiversity, conservation, and to ecological, social and economic stability.are guardians, perpetuators and disseminators of a rich germplasm adapted to local.
The duckweed Lemna valdiviana is commonly founded colonizing small shallow waters (lakes on the lowland in south Brazil. This organism may have been affected by herbicide input into lakes from aerial application and/or drainage office paddy fields. Clomazone (2- (2-chlorophenyl) methyl-4.4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone) is one of the herbicides more fiequentely used as post-emergence in rice paddies. For this work assays were carried as EC50(96h) semi-statics with aseptic culture. The sterile fronds were abtained from material harvest on the paddy fields, and the concentration of Clomazone ranged from 14.0 to 229.0 mg/l. two procedures were considered: diluted in water and sprayed applicated Clomazone. The observed phytotoxic effects were evaluated by growth rate (kt), duplication time (Td), frond yield, plant yield, mortality, chlorophyll a and b and protochlorophyll concentration. The EC50 values obtained to sprayed Clomazone (Kt=31.7; Td=31.9) were significantly small than to diluted Clomazone (Kt=46.4; td=47.3). These dadta suggest that aerial route is more hazardous than diluted procedure. Presence of chlorotic, necrotic, abnormal and died frond were common at the 114.0 and 229.0 mg/l treatment. Recuperation test corroborated the evidence that the sprayed procedure were more deleterious and L. valdiviana doesn't recovery his reproductive ability at the 114.0 and 229.0 mg/l treatment.
Foram testados os efeitos, in vitro, de 160, 320, 640, 1280 e 2560 mg/L do óleo essencial (OE) de Lippia alba contra Anacanthorus spathulatus, Notozothecium janauachensis e Mymarothecium boegeri das brânquias de tambaqui. 1280 mg/L e 2560 mg/L mostraram 100% de eficácia in vitro após 20 minutos de exposição ao OE, enquanto nas menores concentrações a eficácia foi após 2-3 h. Nos controles a mortalidade ocorreu em 9 h. Em seguida, 240 alevinos de tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (11,0±1,0 cm e 44,0±10,0 g) foram distribuídos em 4 tratamentos (20 peixes por repetição) e 3 repetições nos banhos com 100 e 150 mg/L de OE, durante 30 minutos e a eficácia contra Ichthyophthirius multifiliis foi 40,7% e 50,3% em peixes expostos a 100 e 150 mg/L do OE, respectivamente. Para monogenoideas houve eficácia de 14,0% somente nos peixes expostos a 100 mg/L do OE, que tiveram aumento de glicose plasmática e variações nos níveis de proteínas totais, hemoglobina, hematócrito, número de eritrócitos, trombócitos e leucócitos sanguíneos e severas alterações histopatológicas nas brânquias. Óleo essencial de L. alba mostrou grande potencial no tratamento antiparasitário in vitro contra monogenoideas e eficácia in vivo contra protozoários I. multifiliis.