8 resultados para native vegetation

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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ABSTRACT: Changes in carbon stocks in different compartments of soil organic matter of a clayey Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (Typic Haplustox), caused by the substitution of native savanna vegetation (cerrado sensu stricto) by agroecosystems, were assessed after 31 years of cultivation. Under native vegetation, a stock of 164.5 Mg ha-1 C was estimated in the 0.00-1.00 m layer. After 31 years of cultivation, these changes in soil C stocks were detected to a depth of 0.60 m. In the case of substitution of cerrado sensu stricto by no-tillage soybean-corn rotation, a reduction of at least 11 % of the soil C pools was observed. However, the adoption of no-tillage as an alternative to tillage with a moldboard plow (conventional system) reduced CO2 emissions by up to 12 %.


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The influences of clearing native vegetation (Caatinga) in contour strips at 25 cm vertical interval on evaporation losses in cleared strips, annual runoff efficiency and annuall soil loss on gently sloped micro-waterheds in the arid zones of Northeast Brazil are reported. The alternate native vegetation (Caatinga) strips function very effectively as windbreaks thus reducing evaporation losses substantially in the leeward cleared strips. The runoff measured at the micro-watershed with cleared strips was many-fold lower than the runoff obtained at a completely denuded watershed even when it was protected by narrow based channel terraces. However, the annual runoff efficiency can be significantly increased in a strip cleared watershed if narrow based channel terraces are provided on the lower side of cleared strips. The annual soil losses in strip cleared watersheds as well as completely denuded waterhed of gentle slopes were negligible. Thus clearing land in alternate contour strips on a micro-watersheds shall substantially improve crop water use efficiency without creating any significant erosion problems. Additionally this treatment will increase runoff for water harvesting for irrigation purposes.


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Purpose Inadequate soil use and management practices promote commonly negative impacts on the soil constituents and their properties, with consequences to ecosystems. As the soil mineralogy can be permanently altered due to soil use, this approach can be used as a tool to monitor the anthropogenic pressure. The objective of the present study was to assess the mineralogical alterations of a Brazilian regosol used for grape production for 40 years in comparison with a soil under natural vegetation (forest), aiming to discuss anthropogenic pressure on soils. Material and methods Soil samples were collected at depths of 0?0.20 and 0.20?0.40 m from vineyard production and natural vegetation sites. Physical and chemical parameters were analysed by classic approaches. Mineralogical analyses were carried out on <2 mm, silt and clay fractions. Clay minerals were estimated by the relative percentage of peak surface area of the X-ray patterns. Results and discussion Grape production reduced the organic matter content by 28% and the clay content by 23% resulting in a decreasing cation exchange capacity. A similar clay fraction was observed in both soils, containing kaolinite, illite/mica and vermiculite with hydroxy-Al polymers interlayered. Neither gibbsite nor chlorite was found. However, in the soil under native vegetation, the proportion of illite (79 %) was higher than vermiculite (21 %). Whereas, in the soil used for grape production during 40 years, the formation of vermiculite was promoted. Conclusions Grape production alters the proportions of soil constituents of the regosol, reducing clay fraction and organic matter contents, as well as promoting changes in the soil clay minerals with the formation of vermiculite to the detriment of illite, which suggests weathering acceleration and susceptibility to anthropogenic pressure. Recommendations and perspectives Ecosystems in tropical and subtropical climates can be more easily and permanently altered due to anthropogenic pressure, mainly as a consequence of a great magnitude of phenomena such as temperature amplitude and rainfall that occurs in these regions. This is more worrying when soils are located on steep grades with a high anthropogenic pressure, like regosols in Southern Brazil. Thus, this study suggests that changes in soil mineralogy can be used as an important tool to assess anthropogenic pressure in ecosystems and that soil quality maintenance should be a priority in sensible landscapes to maintain the ecosystem quality.


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A busca por aumento de produtividade da pecuária pantaneira tem motivado o desmatamento de áreas florestadas para a implantação de pastagem cultivada, gerando preocupação quanto à sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais. Para estudar alguns aspectos de uso do solo no Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as alterações nos atributos químicos e físicos do solo em razão da conversão da vegetação arbórea nativa em pastagem cultivada, bem como da submissão da pastagem nativa ao sistema de pastejo contínuo. Os ambientes de estudo consistiram de três remanescentes de vegetação arbórea nativa, representadas por uma floresta semidecídua (FN) e dois cerradões (CE1 e CE2), três pastagens de Brachiaria decumbens com 27, 26 e 11 anos de formação, implantadas em substituição a FN, CE1 e CE2, respectivamente, e uma pastagem nativa caracterizada pela predominância de Mesosetum chaseae e Axonopus purpusii, submetida a três diferentes sistemas de pastejo (contínuo e sem pastejo por 3 e 19 anos). Amostras de solo, deformadas e indeformadas, foram coletadas em cada ambiente de estudo, nas profundidades de 0?10 e 10?20 cm, com três repetições. A substituição da vegetação arbórea nativa por pastagem cultivada e o sistema de pastejo contínuo da pastagem nativa determinaram redução da qualidade química do solo, evidenciada principalmente por perdas de matéria orgânica do solo, notadamente na profundidade de 0?10 cm. Embora a qualidade física do solo também tenha apresentado tendência à redução nas pastagens cultivada e nativa sob pastejo contínuo, a densidade do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado eresistência do solo à penetração não atingiram valores considerados limitantes ao desenvolvimento do sistema radicular.


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Poincianella pyramidalis (Fabaceae), Schinopsis brasiliensis (Anacardiaceae) and Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Sapotaceae) are native species of the Caatinga vegetation from Northeastern Brazil and have both biological importance and potential economic uses. Little is known about the water uptake and degradation of storage proteins during seed germination of these species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the imbibition and quantify the amount of storage proteins during seed germination of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium. Two lots of S. obtusifolium seeds with different vigour were used. Four replicates of 20 seeds of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium, were sown onto gerboxes with blotting paper soaked in distilled water and incubated during 72, 200 and 624 hours. Before and after imbibition seeds were weighed and frozen at until the sequential extraction and analysis of the seed storage proteins. Based on our results, we conclude that seed germination of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium has a well-defined triphasic imbibition. All storage proteins content of P. pyramidalis and S. brasiliensis seeds degraded along with the seed imbibition. Likewise, the content of albumins, globulins and glutelins decreased as S. obtusifolium seeds absorbed water


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The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, the Caatinga, is extremely important due to its biodiversity and endemism. Measurements of plant physiology are crucial to the calibration of Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) that are currently used to simulate the responses of vegetation in face of global changes. In a field work realized in an area of preserved Caatinga forest located in Petrolina, Pernambuco, measurements of carbon assimilation (in response to light and CO2) were performed on 11 individuals of Poincianella microphylla, a native species that is abundant in this region. These data were used to calibrate the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vcmax) used in the INLAND model. The calibration techniques used were Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), and data mining techniques as the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and K-MEANS. The results were compared to the UNCALIBRATED model. It was found that simulated Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) reached 72% of observed GPP when using the calibrated Vcmax values, whereas the UNCALIBRATED approach accounted for 42% of observed GPP. Thus, this work shows the benefits of calibrating DGVMs using field ecophysiological measurements, especially in areas where field data is scarce or non-existent, such as in the Caatinga