2 resultados para fish farming activities

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the histological changes in the liver of thirty-five Gymnotus spp. parasitized by endohelminths collected between April 2012 to October 2013 in commercial bait fish farming of Pantanal basin. Histological cuts of 7?m were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for parasites research and liver changes and have also been submitted to the Perls histochemical method for evaluation of hemosiderosis (Fe+++) based on the incidence degree and severity of change (Grade I, II and III) and tests for the presence of central melanomacrophages. Parasites identified were: Brevimulticaecum sp. with a prevalence of 22,9%, Eustrongylides sp 17,1%, Contracaecum type I 68,7%, Contracaecum type II 5,7%, Contracaecum type III 5,7% and larvae of Anisakidae 11,4%. Histological analysis showed intense disorganization of hepatic parenchyma with degenerate hepatocytes due to high parasitic infection, changes that can be deleterious and compromise the organism functioning, being harmful to the health of evaluated animals. Also evidencing normal tissue interleaved with different stages of Fe+++ deposit in grades II and III, injuring or destroing the cell. Histopathological changes in the tuvira?s liver suggested a chronic response and the development of a balance relation between tuvira and parasitism by endohelminth identified in this study. There are also a testimony to the health condition of commercial bait fish farming on current ecosystem conditions.


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Resumo: Predição da concentração de baixo risco de diflubenzuron para organismos aquáticos e avaliação da argila e brita na redução da toxicidade. O diflubenzuron é um inseticida que além de ser usado agricultura, tem sido amplamente empregado na piscicultura, apesar do seu uso ser proibido nesta atividade. Este composto não consta na lista da legislação brasileira que estabelece limites máximos permissíveis em corpos de água para a proteção das comunidades aquáticas. No presente trabalho, a partir da toxicidade do diflubenzuron em organismos não-alvo, foi calculada a concentração de risco para somente 5% das espécies (HC5). O valor deste parâmetro foi estimado em aproximadamente 7 x 10-6 mg L-1 . Este baixo valor é devido à extremamente alta toxicidade do diflubenzuron para dafnídeos e à grande variação de sensibilidade entre as espécies testadas. Dois matérias de relativamente baixo custo se mostraram eficientes na remoção da toxicidade do diflubenzuron de soluções contendo este composto. Dentre esses materiais, a argila expandida promoveu a redução em aproximadamente 50% da toxicidade de uma solução contendo diflubenzuron. Os resultados podem contribuir para políticas públicas no Brasil relacionadas ao estabelecimento de limites máximos permissíveis de xenobióticos no compartimento aquático. Também, para a pesquisa de matérias inertes e de baixo custo com potencial de remoção de xenobióticos presentes em efluentes da aquicultura ou da agricultura. Abstract: Diflubenzuron is an insecticide that, besides being used in the agriculture, has been widely used in fish farming. However, its use is prohibited in this activity. Diflubenzuron is not in the list of Brazilian legislation establishing maximum permissible limits in water bodies for the protection of aquatic communities. In this paper, according toxicity data of diflubenzuron in non-target organisms, it was calculated an hazardous concentration for only 5% of the species (HC5) of the aquatic community. This parameter value was estimated to be about 7 x 10 -6 mg L -1 . The low value is due to the extreme high toxicity of diflubenzuron to daphnids and to the large variation in sensitivity among the species tested. Two relatively low cost and inert materials were efficient in removing the diflubenzuron from solutions containing this compound. Among these materials, expanded clay shown to promote reduction of approximately 50% of the toxicity of a solution containing diflubenzuron. The results may contribute to the establishment of public policies in Brazil associated to the definition of maximum permissible limits of xenobiotics in the aquatic compartment. This study is also relevant to the search of low cost and inert materials for xenobiotics removal from aquaculture or agricultural effluents.