12 resultados para beans

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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Fifty-one experiments on maize -beans and 34 on maize-cowpea intercropping systems conducted mostly in semiarid Northeast Brazil were analysed to get an understanding of the performance of these intercrops in terms of their productivity as well as stability. Both the intercrop systems produced higher yields over their respective sole crops under a wide range of agroclimates; the average advantage with maize-beans was 32%, while that from maize-cowpea was 41%. The optimum row proportion for maize-beans was one maize: three beans, requiring 59% of sole crop maize population and 75% sole bean population. In maize-cowpea, alternate rows or one maize: two cowpea arrangement with about 50% of sole maize density and 100% of sole cowpea population seemed to be optimum. The intercrops failed less frequently compared to sole crops to meet specified incomes or yields. Sorghum seemed to be a good alternative to the traditional cereal because of its improved and consistent performance. Future research needs are discussed for further yield improvement in these two intercrop system.s


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Although since 1984 there are Rhizobium strains available for common bean inoculation in Brazil, a survey in 2014 showed that only 15% of the Brazilian farmers adopt inoculation as a routine practice. Part of this disbelief in relation to common beans inoculation can be attributed to the fact that supposedly, bean inoculation would not be able to support increased yield levels in high-tech farms, being appropriate only for small farms. A series of demonstration units carried out since 2012, under farm conditions in the Cerrado region, have showed that a 10.8% mean increase in yield were obtained only with inoculation in relation to the treatment without inoculation and without nitrogen fertilization (whose average yield was 3163 kg ha-1). It was also found that inoculation with supplementation of 60 kg ha-1 of N promoted yield levels (4010 kg ha-1) higher than those with 120 kg ha-1 N as urea (3411 kg ha-1).


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The aim of this study was to characterize the agronomic performance of three elite genotypes of common bean with early cycle by growth analysis technique.


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The Juruá valley mesoregion is recognized for its diversity of cultivars of common beans and cowpea and is an important center for on farm bean conservation in Brazil. However, there is little information about production systems of Creoles cultivars and, in this approach, the study aimed to identify the production centers and to gather information about beans production systems. Thirty eight farmers and five merchants were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaries. Juruá valley farmers use three beans production systems: "beach farming", "slash burn system" and "stuffy farming". The systems use family labor with low dependence on external inputs, two classified as itinerant. The study identified two beans production centers: Alto Juruá extractive reserve and Santa Luzia directed settlement project.


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Common bean and its importance for the brazilian population. Golden mosaic of common beans (Bean golden mosaic virus). The BGMV whitefly vector: Bemisia tabaci. Breeding for BGMV resistant varieties. The development of a BGMV-Resistant common bean transgenic event. Other whitefly-transmitted viruses reported on common beans in Brazil. Whitefly-borne disease and insect management. Future perspectives.


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The establishment of a specific Marker-Assisted Selection Facility at the Embrapa Rice and Beans Biotechnology Laboratory, in 2014, has better supported the routine analysis with molecular markers demanded by the Embrapa Common Bean Breeding Program. In addition, it has also supported other Embrapa plant breeding programs, such as rice and cotton.


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Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp (cowpea) is a food crop with high nutritional value that is cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The main constraint on high productivity of cowpea is water deficit, caused by the long periods of drought that occur in these regions. The aim of the present study was to select elite cowpea genotypes with enhanced drought tolerance, by applying principal component analysis to 219 first-cycle progenies obtained in a recurrent selection program. The experimental design comprised a simple 15 x 15 lattice with 450 plots, each of two rows of 10 plants. Plants were grown under water-deficit conditions by applying a water depth of 205 mm representing one-half of that required by cowpea. Variables assessed were flowering, maturation, pod length, number and mass of beans/pod, mass of 100 beans, and productivity/plot. Ten elite cowpea genotypes were selected, in which principal components 1 and 2 encompassed variables related to yield (pod length, beans/pod, and productivity/plot) and life precocity (flowering and maturation), respectively.


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The recommendation of bean cultivars and the use of appropriate storage techniques allow the quality characteristics of these grains to be preserved for human consumption. The aim of this study was to characterize the effects of storage on three cultivars of the common carioca bean in raw form and to determine the relationships between storage time and technological quality parameters involved in the darkening and hardening of grains, the chemical composition of the beans and the presence of secondary metabolites. The experiment followed a completely randomized design (CRD) with a full factorial scheme consisting of two factors: bean cultivars, with three levels and storage time, with five levels. The color parameters and the storage times significantly differed between the cultivars. The cooking time, when compared to the water absorption index, indicated that the cultivars had, on average, a high percentage of moisture (>95%) and an average cooking time of 17 min., this applies to the control, while values increase during the storage time. Storage under ambient conditions led to a reduction in grain brightness parameters, characterized by darkening and hardening; no reduction in protein and mineral content; and an increase in iron, phosphorous, tannin, and phytic acid contents at 180 days.


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Beans fromcowpea cultivars fertilized with mineral N or inoculated with various rhizobium strainsmay contain different nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen metabolite composition, which affects the beans? defense mechanisms against pests. In this study, the population growth of Callosobruchus maculatus reared on beans from four cowpea cultivars fertilized with different nitrogen sources was evaluated. The factors tested were beans from four cowpea cultivars and seven different nitrogen sources: mineral N fertilization, inoculation with five strains of symbiotic diazotrophic bacteria, and soil nitrogen (absolute control).