13 resultados para Soil fertility evaluation

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, which is grown in most tropical countries. The objective of this work was to evaluate the main attributes of soil fertility in a banana crop under two cover crops and two root development locations. The work was conducted in Curaçá, BA, Brazil, between October 2011 and May 2013, using a randomized block design in split plot with five repetitions. Two cover crops were assessed in the plots, the cover 1 consisting of Pueraria phaseoloid es, and the cover 2 consisting of a crop mix with Sorghum bicolor, Ricinus commun is L., Canavalia ensiform is, Mucuna aterrima and Zea mays, and two soil sampling locations in the subplots, between plants in the banana rows (location 1) and between the banana rows (location 2). There were significant and independent effects for the cover crop and sampling location factors for the variables organic matter, Ca and P, and significant effects for the interaction between cover crops and sampling locations for the variables potassium, magnesium and total exchangeable bases. The cover crop mix and the between-row location presented the highest organic matter content. Potassium was the nutrient with the highest negative variation from the initial content and its leaf content was below the reference value, however not reducing the crop yield. The banana crop associated with crop cover using the crop mix provided greater availability of nutrients in the soil compared to the coverage with tropical kudzu.


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Landfill leachates carry nutrients, especially N and K, which can be recycled in cropping systems. We applied doses of landfill leachate (0 [Control], 32.7, 65.4, 98.1, and 130.8 m3 ha-1 ) three times in 2008 and three times in 2009 on a clay Rhodic Kandiudult soil. In 2009, black oat (Avena strigosa L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) were cropped in succession and assessed for concentration of nutrients in leaves and for shoot biomass and grain yield, respectively. As a positive control, an additional treatment with urea (120 kg ha-1 of N) was studied in corn. Soil was sampled at four depths (down to 60 cm) in three sampling dates to assess chemical and biochemical properties. Concentration of nutrients in leaves, oat biomass (8530?23,240 kg ha-1), and corn grain yield (4703-8807 kg ha-1 ) increased with increasing doses of leachate. There was a transient increase in the concentration of nitrate in soil (3-30 mg kg-1), increasing the risk of N losses by leaching at doses above 120 kg ha-1 N, as revealed by an estimated N balance in the cropping system. Sodium and K in soil also increased with increasing doses of leachate but decreased as rainfall occurred. The activity of dehydrogenase decreased about 30% from the control to the highest dose of leachate and urea, suggesting an inhibitory effect of mineral N on microbial metabolism. Landfill leachate was promising as a source of N and K for crop productivity and caused minor or transient effects on soil properties.


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Resumo: O entendimento do fluxo de produção e do aporte de nutrientes via decomposição da serrapilheira e as interações do processo com parâmetros edáficos e ciclagem de nutrientes de espécies nativas da Caatinga têm sido pouco estudados. O conhecimento sobre ciclagem de nutrientes em florestas manejadas também permite inferências sobre as espécies com maior capacidade de reciclagem de nutrientes e seu potencial para recuperação de áreas degradadas. Objetivou-se com isso avaliar a produção e a degradação da serrapilheira de oito espécies lenhosas da Caatinga e mensurar os efeitos de sua aplicação sobre a fertilidade do solo e sobre a produção de sorgo em solo degradado. Para isso realizou-se três ensaios: para o ensaio I quantificou-se a produção de serrapilheira em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 6 repetições, por meio da instalação de coletores sob a projeção da copa das espécies (tratamentos): mofumbo, sabiá, jurema-preta, jucá, catingueira, pereiro, pau-branco e marmeleiro, sendo o material coletado mensalmente; foram quantificadas a produção das frações folhas, caule, material reprodutivo, miscelânea e total, bem como o aporte de nutrientes no período chuvoso e seco. Para o ensaio II avaliou-se a taxa de degradação da fração folhas de cada espécie citada por meio da utilização de litter bags, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições, as coletas foram aos 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias, em seguida quantificou-se os macro e micronutrientes, celulose, lignina e carbono em cada tempo de amostragem. Para o ensaio III, realizou-se experimento em casa de vegetação para mensurar os efeitos da aplicação dos resíduos da serrapilheira das mesmas espécies mencionadas nos ensaios anteriores (I e II) sobre a fertilidade do solo e a produção de sorgo em solo degradado, neste experimento adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com 5 tratamentos e 5 repetições, sendo avaliadas doses equivalentes a: 0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N dos resíduos de cada espécie e um tratamento adicional com adubação mineral, totalizando 30 unidades experimentais para cada espécie. As variáveis mensuradas foram biométricas, biomassa, teor relativo de clorofila e nitrogênio total, além de análises de fertilidade do solo. Com a análise dos dados verificou-se que a época de maior produção de serrapilheira ocorreu no final do período chuvoso para o início do período seco. A espécie jucá apresentou maior produção de serrapilheira, comparado às outras espécies. O nutriente cálcio apresentou maior acúmulo na serrapilheira para as espécies mofumbo, sabiá, catingueira, pereiro e marmeleiro e o nitrogênio foi superior para as espécies jurema-preta, jucá e pau-branco. Para todas as espécies avaliadas no ensaio de degradação houve redução significativa na sua biomassa em relação ao tempo zero, apresentando a seguinte ordem de velocidade de decomposição: jurema-preta > catingueira > pau-branco > jucá > marmeleiro > mofumbo > pereiro > sabiá. No ensaio de fertilização com os resíduos verificou-se que o marmeleiro promoveu efeitos negativos no solo, como acidificação. Porém, a aplicação dos resíduos da espécie pau-branco foi a que promoveu aumento nos valores de K, SB e CEC do solo e na produção do sorgo os resíduos de jurema-preta e pau-branco foram as que promoveram aumento na massa seca das plantas. Enquanto a adubação mineral proporcionou aumento na produção de massa seca do sorgo, demonstrando que a associação entre adubo mineral e o uso da serrapilheira de espécies da Caatinga pode ser uma opção viável para acelerar a recuperação de solos degradados. Abstract: The understanding of the production flow and nutrient supply via decomposition of litter and process interactions with edaphic parameters and nutrient cycling of native species of the Caatinga has been little studied. The knowledge of nutrient cycling in managed forests also allow inferences about species with capacity greater nutrient recycling capacity and its potential for recovery of degraded areas. This study aimed to evaluate the production and litter degradation 8 woody species of Caatinga and measure the effects of its application on soil fertility and production of sorghum in degraded soil. To this was carried out three tests: for the test I quantified the production of litter in a completely randomized design with 6 replications, by installing collectors under the canopy projection in the species (treatments): mofumbo, sabiá, jurema-preta, jucá, catingueira, pereiro, pau-branco and marmeleiro for each species, and the material collected monthly, were quantified the production of fractions leaves, stem, reproductive material, miscellany and total nutrient intake in the rainy and dry season. For II test evaluated the degradation rate of the fraction leaves through the use of litter bags, in a completely randomized design with 4 replications, the collected was 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days and quantitated nutrients, cellulose, lignin and carbon at each evaluation time. For the III test, there was the experiment in a greenhouse to measure the effects of the application of litter waste of the same species of previous tests (I and II) on soil fertility and production of sorghum in degraded soil, was adopted the randomized block design with 5 treatments and 5 replications and evaluated doses equivalent to: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1 N of waste each species and an additional treatment with mineral fertilizer, totaling 30 experimental units for each species. Biometric analysis and biomass, relative chlorophyll content and total nitrogen were proceeded. In addition to soil fertility analysis. With the data analysis it was found that the time of greatest litterfall occurred at the end of the rainy season to the beginning of the dry season. The jucá species showed higher production compared to other species. The nutrient calcium had higher accumulation for the species mofumbo, sabiá, catingueira, pereiro and marmeleiro and nitrogen was higher for species jurema-preta, jucá and pau-branco. All species evaluated in degradation test had a significant reduction in biomass over time zero. They presented the following order of decomposition rate: jurema-preta > catingueira > pau-branco > jucá > marmeleiro > mofumbo > pereiro > sabiá. For fertility test it was found that marmeleiro promoted negative effects on soil, such as acidification. However, pau-branco was the specie that promoted further improvements in the K values, SB and CEC to the soil and for the production of sorghum, the waste jurema-preta and pau-branco promoted increase in dry matter plants. While the mineral fertilization provided an increase in dry matter production of sorghum, demonstrating that the combination of mineral fertilizer and the use of litter of Caatinga species may be a viable option to speed up the recovery of degraded soils.


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The use of green manures (GMs) in combination with nitrogen (N) fertilizer application is a promising practice to improve N fertilizer management in agricultural production systems. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the N use efficiency (NUE) of rice plant, derived from GMs including sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and urea in the greenhouse. The experimental treatments included two GMs (sunn hemp-15N and millet-15N), absence of N organic source (without GM residues in soil) and four N rates, as urea-15N (0, 28.6, 57.2 and 85.8 mg N kg-1). The results showed that both rice grain and straw biomass yields under sunn hemp were greater than that of millet or without the application of GM. The NUE of rice under sunn hemp was greater than that under millet (18.9 and 7.8% under sunn hemp and millet, respectively). The urea N application rates did not affect the fertilizer NUE by rice (53.7%) with or without GMs. The NUE of GMs by rice plants ranged from 14.1% and 16.8% for root and shoot, respectively. The study showed that green manures can play an important role in enhancing soil fertility and N supply to subsequent crops.


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Composting is a useful way of transforming livestock waste into organic fertilizer, which is proven to increase soil nutrient levels, and thus crop yield. Remains from production and slaughter of small ruminants can become a source of important elements for plant growth, such as N, after microorganism-driven decomposition.The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of this compost on soil fertility and on the nutritional status and yield of the corn crop. The experiment was conducted in a Haplic Luvisol in a randomized block design with six treatments and five application rates of the organic compound in Mg ha-1: 3 (half the standard rate), 6 (standard rate), 9 (one and a half times the standard rate), 12 (twice the standard rate), and 24 (four times the standard rate) and an additional treatment with mineral fertilizers (110, 50 e 30 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively), with four blocks. Evaluations were performed for two harvests of rainfed crops, measuring soil fertility, nutritional status, and grain yield. The compost increased P, K, Na and Zn values in the 0.00-0.20 m layer in relation of mineral fertilization in 616, 21, 114 and 90 % with rate 24 Mg ha-1 in second crop. Leaf N, Mg, and S contents, relative chlorophyll content, and the productivity of corn kernels increased in 27, 32, 36, 20 e 85 %, respectively, of low rate (3 Mg ha-1) to high rate (24 Mg ha-1) with of application of the compost. Corn yield was higher with application of organic compost in rate of 24 Mg ha-1 than mineral fertilizer combination in second crop.


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Embora a prática do uso do carvão vegetal no solo visando a melhoria do desenvolvimento das plantas seja milenar, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos técnicos de sua aplicação, sobretudo em longo prazo. Assim, tendo as terras pretas de índio (TPIs) como modelo de sustentabilidade do solo em função da presença de carbono pirogênico (C-pyr), na última década os estudos acerca do uso de materiais ricos nessa forma de carbono (biocarvão) se intensificaram. Diversos estudos têm abordado os efeitos da aplicação de biocarvão no solo e seus efeitos sobre os atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo, sobre a matéria orgânica, ciclos biogeoquímicos do carbono, desempenho agronômico de culturas anuais, espécies florestais, olerículas, emissão de gases de efeito estufa (N2O, CO2 e CH4) e mais recentemente os efeitos sobre a dinâmica de pesticidas no solo. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho aborda algumas características do uso do biocarvão no solo, com enfoque na sua produção, matéria prima, características físicas e químicas, aspectos agronômicos e ambientais do uso em solos e como substratos agrícolas.


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There has been some concern about the environmental impact of microbial agents. Pseudomonas may be used as bioremediator and as biopesticide. In this study, we report the use of soil enzyme assays as biological indicator of possible negative effects in soil functioning after the P. putida AF7 inoculation. For that, P. putida AF7 was originally isolated from the rizosphere of rice and was inoculated on three soil types: Rhodic Hapludox (RH), Typic Hapludox (TH); and Arenic Hapludult (AH). The acid phosphatase, b-glucosidase and protease enzymes activities were measured for three period of evaluation (7, 14 and 21 days). In general, the enzymatic activities pre- sented variation among the tested soils. The highest activities of b-glucosidase and acid phosphatase were observed in the RH and AH soils, while the protease activity was higher in the TH soil. Also, the soil charac- teristics were measured for each plot. The activity of enzymes from the carbon cycle was positively correlated with the N and the P and the enzyme from the nitrogen cycle was negatively correlated with N and C.org. The presented data indicate that soil biochemical properties can be an useful tool for use as an indicator of soil perturba- tions by microbial inoculation in a risk assessment.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of progenies from Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus (cultivated watermelons) when crossed with progenies from C. lanatus var. citroides (fodder watermelon with a historic of resistance to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii). The parents and their F1s were evaluated for resistance to this nematode. In the initial stages of eleven treatments, watermelon seedlings plantlets were transplanted to plastic bags of six kilograms once the first leaves developed. Ten inoculated plants with 5,200 eggs in the soil near the stem of the plant and four non-inoculated ones were used in each treatment, in a complete block design. Sixty-two days after sowing, the following characteristics were evaluated: the length of the aerial part of the plant (LAP, in m), fresh mass of the aerial part (FMAP, in g), root fresh mass (RFM, in g), egg number (EN) and reproduction factor (RF). A comparison between the averages of inoculated and non-inoculated plants was performed using Scott-Knott test at 5% and the diallelic analysis was performed using the GENES program. The morphological characteristics did not allow for the identification of the parent plants or the F1s with respect to nematode resistance, but the variables EN and RF were useful for such identification. The analyses of the general and specific combining abilities indicate highly significant effects with respect to this resistance, showing additive gene effects as well as dominance and epistatic gene effects, allowing for identification of parents and F1s that can be used in watermelon breeding programs to improve resistance to the M. enterolobii.


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Viticulture is an activity of great social and economic importance in the lower-middle region of the São Francisco River valley in northeastern Brazil. In this region, the fertility of soils under vineyards is generally poor. To assess the effects of organic and nitrogen fertilization on chemical properties and nitrate concentrations in an Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Plinthustalf), a field experiment was carried out in Petrolina, Pernambuco, on Syrah grapevines. Treatments consisted of two rates of organic fertilizer (0 and 30 m3 ha-1) and five N rates (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha-1), in a randomized block design arranged in split plots, with five replications. The organic fertilizer levels represented the main plots and the N levels, the subplots. The source of N was urea and the source of organic fertilizer was goat manure. Irrigation was applied through a drip system and N by fertigation. At the end of the third growing season, soil chemical properties were determined and nitrate concentration in the soil solution (extracted by porous cups) was determined. Organic fertilization increased organic matter, pH, EC, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, sum of bases, base saturation, and CEC, but decreased exchangeable Cu concentration in the soil by complexation of Cu in the organic matter. Organic fertilization raised the nitrate concentration in the 0.20-0.40 m soil layer, making it leachable. Nitrate concentration in the soil increased as N rates increased, up to more than 300 mg kg-1 in soil and nearly 800 mg L-1 in the soil solution, becoming prone to leaching losses.


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Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main limiting factors for grain production in tropical regionssuch as the Brazilian Cerrado. The application of lime to the surface of no-till soil can improve plant nutrition, dry matter production, crop yields and revenue. The present study, conducted at the Lageado Experimental Farm in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, is part of an ongoing research project initi-ated in 2002 to evaluate the long-term effects of the surface application of lime on the soil?s chemical attributes, nutrition and kernel/grain yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea), white oat (Avena sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) inter cropped with palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu), as well as the forage dry matter yield of palisade grass in winter/spring, its crude protein concentration, estimated meat production, and revenue in a tropical region with a dry winter during four growing seasons. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of four rates of lime application (0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 kg ha−1), performed in November 2004. The surface application of limestone to the studied tropical no-till soil was efficient in reducing soil acidity from the surface down to a depth of 0.60 m and resulted in greater availability of P and K at the soil surface. Ca and Mg availability in the soil also increased with the lime application rate, up to a depth of 0.60 m. Nutrient absorption was enhanced with liming, especially regarding the nutrient uptake of K, Ca and Mg by plants.Significant increases in the yield components and kernel/grain yields of peanut, white oat and maize were obtained through the surface application of limestone. The lime rates estimated to achieve the maximum grain yield, especially in white oat and maize, were very close to the rates necessary to increase the base saturation of a soil sample collected at a depth of 0?0.20 m to 70%, indicating that the surface liming of 2000 kg ha−1is effective for the studied tropical no-till soil. This lime rate also increases the forage dry matter yield, crude protein concentration and estimated meat production during winter/spring in the maize-palisade grass inter cropping, provides the highest total and mean net profit during the four growing seasons, and can improve the long-term sustainability of tropical agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrado.


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Soil organic matter (SOM) is important to fertility, since it performs several functions such as cycling, water and nutrient retention and soil aggregation, in addition to being an energy requirement for biological activity. This study proposes new trends to the Embrapa, Walkley-Black, and Mebius methods that allowed the determination of SOM by spectrophotometry, increasing functionality. The mass of 500 mg was reduced to 200 mg, generating a mean of 60 % saving of reagents and a decrease of 91 % in the volume of residue generated for the three methods without compromising accuracy and precision. We were able to optimize conditions for the Mebius method and establish the digestion time of maximum recovery of SOM by factorial design and response surface. The methods were validated by the estimate of figures of merits. Between the methods investigated, the optimized Mebius method was best suited for determining SOM, showing near 100 % recovery.


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Introduction: Brazil, is one of the main agricultural producers in the world ranking 1st in the production of sugarcane, coffee and oranges. It is also 2nd as world producer of soybeans and a leader in the harvested yields of many other crops. The annual consumption of mineral fertilizers exceeds 20 million mt, 30% of which corresponds to potash fertilizers (ANDA, 2006). From this statistic it may be supposed that fertilizer application in Brazil is rather high, compared with many other countries. However, even if it is assumed that only one fourth of this enormous 8.5 million km2 territory is used for agriculture, average levels of fertilizer application per hectare of arable land are not high enough for sustainable production. One of the major constraints is the relatively low natural fertility status of the soils which contain excessive Fe and Al oxides. Agriculture is also often practised on sandy soils so that the heavy rainfall causes large losses of nutrients through leaching. In general, nutrient removal by crops such as sugarcane and tropical fruits is much more than the average nutrient application via fertilization, especially in regions with a long history of agricultural production. In the recently developed areas, especially in the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) where agriculture has expanded since 1980, soils are even poorer than in the "old" agricultural regions, and high costs of mineral fertilizers have become a significant input factor in determining soybean, maize and cotton planting. The consumption of mineral fertilizers throughout Brazil is very uneven. According to the 1995/96 Agricultural Census, only in eight of the total of 26 Brazilian states, were 50 per cent or more of the farms treated "systematically" with mineral fertilizers; in many states it was less than 25 per cent, and in five states even less than 12 per cent (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics; Censo Agropecuario1995/96, Instituto Brazileiro de Geografia e Estadistica; IBGE, www.ibge.gov.br). The geographical application distribution pattern of mineral fertilizers may be considered as an important field of research. Understanding geographical disparities in fertilization level requires a complex approach. This includes evaluation of the availability of nutrients in the soil (and related soil properties e.g. CEC and texture), the input of nutrients with fertilizer application, and the removal of nutrients by harvested yields. When all these data are compiled, it is possible to evaluate the balance of particular nutrients for certain areas, and make conclusions as to where agricultural practices should be optimized. This kind of research is somewhat complicated, because it relies on completely different sources of data, usually from incomparable data sources, e.g. soil characteristics attributed to soil type areas, in contrast to yields by administrative regions, or farms. A priority tool in this case is the Geographical Information System (GIS), which enables attribution of data from different fields to the same territorial units, and makes possible integration of these data in an "inputoutput" model, where "input" is the natural availability of a nutrient in the soil plus fertilization, and "output" export of the same nutrient with the removed harvested yield.