2 resultados para Rain gauges

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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The objective of this paper was to determine changes in the spatial distribution of tree species in a logged compared to an unlogged forest of the Tapajos National Forest in the municipality of Belterra, State of Para, Brazil, over an eight-year period. The distribution pattern was determined for trees> 5 cm dbh and, also, for trees > 30 cm dbh. The relationship (a quadrate method) discussed by McGinnis was selected to be used in this study. Forty-seven percent of species with trees > 5 cm dbh showed clumped distribution in the studied forests. Geissospermwn sericeunz Benth & Hook., Minquartia guianensis Aubl., Poureria bilocularis (H. Winkler) Bachni, Protium guacayantan Cuatrec, Sclerolobium chrysophyllunz Poepp. et Endl. and the Sapotaceae family (9 species) occurred in clumps of small trees (5 cm 5 dbh < 30 cm) and big trees (dbh > 30 cm) in both the logged and undisturbed forest. Trees in all sizes of these species certainly have aggregation characteristics in different light condition's during the whole growth-cycle. Only Sclerolobium cizzysophylltan out of fourteen species that occurred aggregated in all forest conditions was light demanding. The shade-tolerant Lecythis lurida (Miers) Mori and Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Stand!. showed also aggregated distribution for small and big trees in the unlogged forest. An aggregated distribution is not always directly correlated to abundance, considering that most of the clumped species had less than seven trees per hectare.


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Mastitis negatively influences the survival and weight gain of ovines for meat production. The purpose of this study was to investigate, in sheep for meat production, the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in ewes at the end of lactation and beginning of the consecutive lactation and to assess the composition and cellular characteristics of milk as a function of different rainfall indices. Mammary halves (821) of Santa Ines (479) and Morada Nova (342) ewes were examined. Milk samples were collected in two different moments of lactation: at weaning and postpartum of the consecutive lactation. Sample collection periods were called ?dry? or ?rainy? according to the rainfall index in the month immediately before the month of collection. The occurrence of subclinical mastitis at weaning in the Santa Ines and Morada Nova ewes were 16.4 and 12.6% in the dry period, and 17.7 and 23.5% in the rainy period, respectively. In the consecutive lactation period, the occurrences were 26.7 and 27.7% in the dry period and 41.8 and 39.1% in the rainy period, for the Santa Ines and Morada Nova ewes, respectively. Postpartum stage was critical for the occurrence of subclinical mastitis, as compared to that at the end of the previous lactation. Occurrence of the disease negatively influenced the SCC in the milk at the beginning of lactation and changed its composition, mainly in the rainiest periods, probably due to a difficulty in maintaining hygiene in the environment where the animals remained.