2 resultados para Local productive arrangements

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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Sustainability assessments were carried out in small-holders? farms in four territories where productive arrangements have been organized for production of minor oleagi- nous crops under the Brazilian biodiesel program. The study aimed at checking local impacts of the biodiesel productive chains at the rural establishment scale, and pro- moting the environmental performance of the selected farms, henceforth proposed as sustainable management demonstration units. Assessments were carried out with the APOIA-NovoRural system, which integrates 62 objective and quantitative indicators re- lated to five sustainability dimensions: i) Landscape Ecology, ii) Environmental Quality (Atmosphere, Water and Soil), iii) Socio-cultural Values, iv) Economic Values and v) Management and Administration. The main results point out that, in general, the eco- logical dimensions of sustainability, that is, the Landscape Ecology and Atmosphere, Water, and Soil quality indicators, show adequate field conditions, seemingly not yet negatively affected by increases in chemical inputs and natural resources use predicted as important potential impacts of the agro-energy sector. The Economic Values indica- tors have been favorably influenced in the studied farms, due to a steadier demand and improved prices for the oleaginous crops. On the other hand, valuable positive conse- quences expected for favoring farmers? market insertion, such as improved Socio-cultural Values and Management & Administration indicators, are still opportunities to be ma-terialized. The Environmental Management Reports issued to the farmers, based on the presented sustainability assessment procedures, offer valuable documentation and com-munication means for consolidating the organizational influence of the local productive arrangements studied. These productive arrangements were shown to be determinant for the selection of crop associations and diversification, as well as for the provision of technical assistance and the stabilization of demand - conditions that promote value aggregation and income improvements, favoring small-holders? insertion in the market. More importantly, these locally organized productive arrangements have been shown to strongly influence the valorization of natural resources and environmental assets, which are fundamental if sustainable rural development is to take place under the emerging agro-energy scenario.


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Este relato descreve a experiência realizada por meio de uma parceria entre o Projeto Rio Pardo, da Embrapa Cerrados e a Escola Politécnica/USP, visando inserir a questão do trabalho agrícola familiar nas ações desenvolvidas junto aos agricultores de três comunidades de Rio Pardo de Minas/MG, produtoras de frutos do cerrado, goma/farinha de mandioca e café sombreado. O objetivo foi levantar possíveis demandas ergonômicas existentes nestas unidades de produção, que estão implantando agroindústrias familiares para realizar o beneficiamento da produção. As demandas relacionam-se a problemas com a produção, a organização do trabalho e a saúde dos trabalhadores. Percebe-se a coexistência do saber tradicional, transmitido entre gerações, com a inovação em termos de maquinário e instalações. Há diversos arranjos produtivos presentes, fruto da criatividade e sabedoria aplicada dos agricultores. Estas inovações podem ser o embrião de projetos futuros de novos maquinários e arranjos produtivos. Trata-se de fazer comunicar dois saberes, dos projetistas e dos usuários, contribuindo para que estes últimos possam ser empoderados no papel de criadores de inovações, contribuindo para a incorporação de aspectos ergonômicos na evolução dos equipamentos e instalações. Abstract: This report describes the experience carried out through a partnership between Project ? Rio Pardo ?, Embrapa Cerrados/DF and the Polytechnic School of USP, in order to put the issue of family farm labor in the actions developed by farmers in three communities of Rio Pardo de Minas, north of Minas Gerais. The main products are fruits of the cerrado, cassava starch and manioc flour and shaded coffee. The initial goal was to raise possible these existing ergonomic demands of family farming units, which are in the process of implementation of family agri-industries to undertake the processing and beneficiation production. The ergonomic demands are related to production problems with the organization of work and the health of farm workers. In preliminary analyzes, it was possible to perceive the coexistence of traditional knowledge transmitted between generations, with innovation in terms of machinery and facilities. There are several productive arrangements, result of creativity and knowledge of farmers. These innovations, developed by who performs the work, may be the starting point for future designs of new machinery and productive arrangements. It could demonstrated the importance of communication between two knowledge, from the designers and from the users (farmers), contributing to the latter to be empowered in their role as creators of innovation and contributing to the incorporation of ergonomic aspects in the context of setting up their equipment.