3 resultados para Inducción floral

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o tempo de visita e o recurso forrageado por Apis mellifera nas flores do meloeiro.


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Floral morphology and biology are important characteristics for plant-pollinator interactions and may influence the behavior of these agents. This study aimed to determine which floral attributes of different melon hybrids influence this interaction and, consequently, their attractiveness in simultaneous crops. The study was conducted in the region of Petrolina, State of Pernambuco (PE)/Juazeiro, State of Bahia (BA) and Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in areas with the following melon hybrids: Yellow type, Piel de Sapo, Cantaloupe and Galia. For studies on floral morphology and biology, hermaphrodites and male flowers of each hybrid were analyzed for their size and nectar chamber size, pollen and nectar production, anthesis time and flower lifespan. Floral visitors were observed simultaneously in hybrids of three types of melon, from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the two study sites. Evaluations of the corolla diameter and flower height indicated that the hermaphrodite flowers were larger in size than male flowers in all types of melon investigated, in both study sites. As for nectar chamber, male flowers are larger in width, but smaller in height, compared to hermaphrodite flowers. Regarding the volume of nectar, differences were found between floral types for the hybrids evaluated, in the two study sites; the hermaphrodite flowers produced 2-7 times more nectar than male flowers in all studied hybrids. Observations of visits of Apis mellifera to areas with simultaneous flowering of the three types of melon demonstrated differences in the frequency of visits between hybrids, floral type and foraged resource. Flowers of the hybrids Piel de Sapo and Cantaloupe exhibited larger corolla diameter, larger dimensions of the nectar chamber and greater supply of resources for foraging, which could explain the higher number of visits of bees to their flowers in the sites studied.


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O cupuaçuzeiro, dentre todas as espécies do seu gênero, é o que apresenta as maiores flores. Observando as flores de diferentes plantas têm sido possível notar variações para esse componente estrutural, o qual poderá ser utilizado futuramente na discriminação de genótipos. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar morfologicamente os componentes florais de 16 acessos coletados no município de Tomé-Açu, PA. Tal experimento é encontrado na forma de teste clonal. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos inteiramente casualizados com 5 repetições e 3 plantas por parcela, totalizando 15 botões/flores por clone. Para transformar as informações quantitativas em qualitativas foi calculada a média e o desvio-padrão de cada uma das variáveis florais. A partir dessas informações foram estimados os limites superior e inferior de advertência, definindo-se as categorias de cada descritor. Após empregar as definições obtidas a cada acesso, formou-se o perfil destes com base nos descritores florais estudados. Tais resultados demonstraram variabilidade mediana dentro dessa coleção.