4 resultados para Diospyrus kaki

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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One of the major causes of ?Fuyu? persimmon loss after cold storage (CS) is the breakdown of its flesh, which results in the production of a translucent fruit (a water-soaked fruit). It is believed that the cause of this disturbance is linked to disorganization of the cytoskelet and endomembrane system, which changes the synthesis and transport of proteins and metabolites, resulting in incomplete ripening. To test this hypothesis, ?Fuyu? persimmon was subjected to three different postharvest treatments (T): Control ? harvested and kept at 23±3 ◦C and relative humidity (RH) of 85±5% (room temperature, RT) for 12 days, T1 ? harvested and kept under cold storage (CS) (1±1 ◦C and RH of 85±5%) for 30 days followed by RT storage for 2 days, T2 ? kept under RT for 2 days (acclimatization) followed by CS for 30 days. Control and T2 resulted in fruit with decreased flesh firmness (FF), and increased soluble solids (SS) and ascorbic acid (AA) contents. In these fruit the activity of endo-1,4-ß-glucanase (endo-1,4-ß-gluc), pectin methylesterase (PME), polygalacturonase (PG) and ß-galactosidase (ß-gal) increased. T1 resulted in translucent fruit with decreased FF, without any enzymatic activity changes, probably due to the physical disruption of the cytoskeleton. Further, there was an increased content of proteins corresponding to expansins in fruit kept under Control and T2 conditions, which suggests that these conditions do contribute to the synthesis and/or transport of proteins involved in the process of solubilization of the cell wall. In these fruit, there was also a major accumulation of gene transcripts corresponding to heat shock proteins (HSPs) of organelles related to endomembrane, which suggests participation of these genes in the prevention of damage caused by cold conditions. These data proved the hypotheses that acclimatization contributes to the expression of HSPs, and synthesis and transportat of proteins involved in the solubilization of the cell wall. The expression of these genes results in the normal ripening of the persimmon, as confirmed by the evolution of ethylene production.


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Temperate fruit production is an important economic activity in Southern Brazil. In this region, persimmon Diospyros kaki L. (Ebenaceae) is grown in small farms for domestic consumption and internal market. Mealybugs are o*en found in at least 50% of the orchards causing damages on fruits due to the honeydew secretion. However, there is a lack of informatin about species composition damaging orchards in Southern Brazil. In this work, we present a survey of mealybugs associated with persimmon trees in the Serra Gaúcha Region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar os estádios fenológicos e avaliar a brotação de caquizeiros ?Rama Forte Tardio? tratados com cianamida hidrogenada, no Vale do São Francisco, em Petrolina, Pernambuco.


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A produção mundial de caqui foi de 4.637.357 toneladas em 2013, tendo o Brasil contribuído com 173.169 toneladas da fruta, produção que o posiciona como quarto maior produtor mundial, superado pela China, Coréia do Sul e Japão (FAO, 2015). Para Fachinello et al. (2011) a cultura do caquizeiro apresenta viabilidade econômica para o setor de frutícola no Brasil por evidenciar destaque no mercado nacional, devido a possibilidade de obtenção de boa produtividade, com reduzido emprego de insumos, pela boa adaptabilidade a diferentes condições climáticas e possibilidade de exportação. Nesse contexto, estudos fenológicos e fisiológicos com cultivares de macieiras e pereiras, também originadas de clima temperado têm demonstrado bom desempenho agronômico no Vale do São Francisco. Dessa forma, há subsídios para que o caquizeiro represente uma possibilidade de produção em condição semiárida tropical de elevada temperatura e taxa evapotranspirativa e baixa umidade relativa do ar. Para desencadear essa sequência de estádios fonológicos do caquizeiro, há necessidade de se quebrar a dormência das gemas, técnica que pode ser um fator limitante, pois para o crescimento adequado da cultura são necessárias 504 h de frio, com temperatura abaixo de 7,2°C para a quebra da dormência (AYUB et al., 2009; FAQUIM et al., 2007). Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a produtividade e a qualidade de frutos de caquizeiros ?Rama Forte Tardio? tratados com cianamida hidrogenada, no Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, Pernambuco