3 resultados para Classificacao

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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The paper catalogues the procedures and steps involved in agroclimatic classification. These vary from conventional descriptive methods to modern computer-based numerical techniques. There are three mutually independent numerical classification techniques, namely Ordination, Cluster analysis, and Minimum spanning tree; and under each technique there are several forms of grouping techniques existing. The vhoice of numerical classification procedure differs with the type of data set. In the case of numerical continuous data sets with booth positive and negative values, the simple and least controversial procedures are unweighted pair group method (UPGMA) and weighted pair group method (WPGMA) under clustering techniques with similarity measure obtained either from Gower metric or standardized Euclidean metric. Where the number of attributes are large, these could be reduced to fewer new attributes defined by the principal components or coordinates by ordination technique. The first few components or coodinates explain the maximum variance in the data matrix. These revided attributes are less affected by noise in the data set. It is possible to check misclassifications using minimum spanning tree.


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This paper analyses the advantages and limitations in using the Troll, Hargreaves and modified Thornthwaite approaches for the demarcation of the semi-arid tropics. Data from India, Africa, Brazil, Australia and Thailand, were used for the comparison of these three methods. The modified Thornthwaite approach provided the most relevant agriculturally oriented demarcation of the semi-arid tropics. This method in not only simple, tut uses input data that are avaliable for a global network of stations. Using this method the semi-arid tropics include major dryland or rainfed agricultural zones with annual rainfall varying from about 400 to 1,250 mm. Major dryland crops are pearl millet, sorghum, pigeonpea and groundnut. This paper also presents the brief description of climate, soils and farming systems of the semi-arid tropics.


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Estudou-se a influencia de dois metodos de irrigacao, dois metodos e duas formulas de adubacao, na cultura do tomate industrial (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), cultivar Rossol (VFN) usando-se "faixas sub-sub-divididas" em oito repeticoes. Por ocasiao da colheita, foi feita a classificacao, contagem e pesagem dos frutos comerciaveis, verificaram-se diferencas significativas para metodos de adubacao e sua interacao com metodos de irrigacao, ao nivel de probabilidade de 5 e 1%, respectivamente. O metodo de adubacao em sulco apresentou maior rendimento que em cova, quanto irrigado por aspersao, ocorrendo o contrario quando a irrigacao foi por sulco. A producao de frutos com podridao apical foi afetada pelos metodos de irrigacao, metodos e formulas de adubacao, e interacoes, tendo sido encontradas diferencas significativas a niveis de 0,05% de probabilidade. No metodo de irrigacao por aspersao, ocorreu a menor percentagem de frutos com este disturbio fisiologico.