3 resultados para C3 and C4 plants

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of progenies from Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus (cultivated watermelons) when crossed with progenies from C. lanatus var. citroides (fodder watermelon with a historic of resistance to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii). The parents and their F1s were evaluated for resistance to this nematode. In the initial stages of eleven treatments, watermelon seedlings plantlets were transplanted to plastic bags of six kilograms once the first leaves developed. Ten inoculated plants with 5,200 eggs in the soil near the stem of the plant and four non-inoculated ones were used in each treatment, in a complete block design. Sixty-two days after sowing, the following characteristics were evaluated: the length of the aerial part of the plant (LAP, in m), fresh mass of the aerial part (FMAP, in g), root fresh mass (RFM, in g), egg number (EN) and reproduction factor (RF). A comparison between the averages of inoculated and non-inoculated plants was performed using Scott-Knott test at 5% and the diallelic analysis was performed using the GENES program. The morphological characteristics did not allow for the identification of the parent plants or the F1s with respect to nematode resistance, but the variables EN and RF were useful for such identification. The analyses of the general and specific combining abilities indicate highly significant effects with respect to this resistance, showing additive gene effects as well as dominance and epistatic gene effects, allowing for identification of parents and F1s that can be used in watermelon breeding programs to improve resistance to the M. enterolobii.


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Resultados anteriores sobre a especificidade hospedeira na infecção de gramíneas com Azospirillum spp foram confirmados no presente trabalho, com maior número de espécies. No solo ocorreram as duas espécies de Azospirillum - A. brasilense e A. lipoferum - e, ainda estirpes denitrificantes (nir+) e não denitrificantes (nir-). Os isolamentos de raízes esterilizadas de cereais de clima temperado com via fotossintética C3 (trigo, cevada, aveia, e centeio), foram predominantemente da espécie. A. brasilense; e os de raízes esterilizadas de gramíneas tropicais com via C4 foram predominantemente da espécie A. lipoferum. Em ambos os casos parece que as plantas, especialmente as C3, apresentam seletividade para estirpes não denitrificantes. A única exceção nestas observações foi a cana-de-açúcar, que se comportou como os cereais temperados. Por outro lado, a tiririca, uma Cyperacea com via C4, foi infectada por A. lipoferum, como as gramíneas com via C4.