3 resultados para 720104 Balance of payments

em Repositório Alice (Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa / Repository Open Access to Scientific Information from Embrapa)


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A pesquisa objetivou estudar o potencial de utilização da torta de murumuru (Astrocaryum murumuru var. murumuru, M art.) (TM) em dietas de ovinos, em substituição à gramínea Mombaça (Panicum maximum Jacq) com teores crescentes. Realizou-se ensaio metabólico, com 20 ovinos machos, castrados, na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Pará, durante 26 dias. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em cinco dietas e quatros repetições. TM0: 100% de gramínea; TM10: 10% de TM e 90% de gramínea; TM20: 20% de TM e 80% de gramínea; TM40: 40% de TM e 60% de gramínea e TM60: 60% de TM e 40% de gramínea. Foram avaliados o consumo e o coeciente de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (CMS e CDMS), matéria orgânica (CMO e CDMO), proteína bruta (CPB e CDPB), bra em detergente neutro (CFDN e CDFDN), bra em detergente ácido (CFDA e CDFDA), extrato etéreo (CEE e CDEE), celulose (CCEL e CDCEL), hemicelulose (CHEM e CDHEM) e balanço de nitrogênio (BN) das dietas experimentais. O CMS, CMO, CMM, CPB, CFDN e CFDA apresentaram efeito linear decrescente em função dos teores de substituição da gramínea Mombaça por TM na dieta. O CEE e o CLIG apresentaram efeitos quadráticos em função dos teores de substituição da TM na dieta. O CDMS, CDMO e CDHEM tiveram efeitos lineares crescentes, entre TM0 e TM60. O CDEE, CDFDN, CDFDA e CDCEL apresentaram efeito quadrático, com teores de substituição ótimos de 56,65%, 41%, 31,33% e 27,46%, respectivamente. O balanço de nitrogênio apresentou efeito linear negativo no intervalo de inclusão de 0% a 60% de torta. Conclui-se que a torta de murumuru constitui alternativa para a suplementação alimentar de ruminantes, em substituição à gramínea Mombaça, pois proporciona aumento na digestibilidade dos nutrientes por ovinos. Entretanto, deve-se respeitar um limite de inclusão, considerando-se que a partir de 27,46%, 31,33%, 41% e 56,65% de substituição ocorrem decréscimos, respectivamente da CDCEL, CDFDA, CDFDN e CDEE, embora não ocorra valor negativo para o balanço de nitrogênio.


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Background: Managed forests are a major component of tropical landscapes. Production forests as designated by national forest services cover up to 400 million ha, i.e. half of the forested area in the humid tropics. Forest management thus plays a major role in the global carbon budget, but with a lack of unified method to estimate carbon fluxes from tropical managed forests. In this study we propose a new time- and spatially-explicit methodology to estimate the above-ground carbon budget of selective logging at regional scale. Results: The yearly balance of a logging unit, i.e. the elementary management unit of a forest estate, is modelled by aggregating three sub-models encompassing (i) emissions from extracted wood, (ii) emissions from logging damage and deforested areas and (iii) carbon storage from post-logging recovery. Models are parametrised and uncertainties are propagated through a MCMC algorithm. As a case study, we used 38 years of National Forest Inventories in French Guiana, northeastern Amazonia, to estimate the above-ground carbon balance (i.e. the net carbon exchange with the atmosphere) of selectively logged forests. Over this period, the net carbon balance of selective logging in the French Guianan Permanent Forest Estate is estimated to be comprised between 0.12 and 1.33 Tg C, with a median value of 0.64 Tg C. Uncertainties over the model could be diminished by improving the accuracy of both logging damage and large woody necromass decay submodels. Conclusions: We propose an innovating carbon accounting framework relying upon basic logging statistics. This flexible tool allows carbon budget of tropical managed forests to be estimated in a wide range of tropical regions


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Introduction: Brazil, is one of the main agricultural producers in the world ranking 1st in the production of sugarcane, coffee and oranges. It is also 2nd as world producer of soybeans and a leader in the harvested yields of many other crops. The annual consumption of mineral fertilizers exceeds 20 million mt, 30% of which corresponds to potash fertilizers (ANDA, 2006). From this statistic it may be supposed that fertilizer application in Brazil is rather high, compared with many other countries. However, even if it is assumed that only one fourth of this enormous 8.5 million km2 territory is used for agriculture, average levels of fertilizer application per hectare of arable land are not high enough for sustainable production. One of the major constraints is the relatively low natural fertility status of the soils which contain excessive Fe and Al oxides. Agriculture is also often practised on sandy soils so that the heavy rainfall causes large losses of nutrients through leaching. In general, nutrient removal by crops such as sugarcane and tropical fruits is much more than the average nutrient application via fertilization, especially in regions with a long history of agricultural production. In the recently developed areas, especially in the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) where agriculture has expanded since 1980, soils are even poorer than in the "old" agricultural regions, and high costs of mineral fertilizers have become a significant input factor in determining soybean, maize and cotton planting. The consumption of mineral fertilizers throughout Brazil is very uneven. According to the 1995/96 Agricultural Census, only in eight of the total of 26 Brazilian states, were 50 per cent or more of the farms treated "systematically" with mineral fertilizers; in many states it was less than 25 per cent, and in five states even less than 12 per cent (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics; Censo Agropecuario1995/96, Instituto Brazileiro de Geografia e Estadistica; IBGE, www.ibge.gov.br). The geographical application distribution pattern of mineral fertilizers may be considered as an important field of research. Understanding geographical disparities in fertilization level requires a complex approach. This includes evaluation of the availability of nutrients in the soil (and related soil properties e.g. CEC and texture), the input of nutrients with fertilizer application, and the removal of nutrients by harvested yields. When all these data are compiled, it is possible to evaluate the balance of particular nutrients for certain areas, and make conclusions as to where agricultural practices should be optimized. This kind of research is somewhat complicated, because it relies on completely different sources of data, usually from incomparable data sources, e.g. soil characteristics attributed to soil type areas, in contrast to yields by administrative regions, or farms. A priority tool in this case is the Geographical Information System (GIS), which enables attribution of data from different fields to the same territorial units, and makes possible integration of these data in an "inputoutput" model, where "input" is the natural availability of a nutrient in the soil plus fertilization, and "output" export of the same nutrient with the removed harvested yield.