238 resultados para Semiárido Nordestino


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This paper presents a simple regression model to estimate potential evapotranspiration and/or open pan evaporation data for a wide network of stations in Brazil. The model uses the readily available data sets like geocoordinates (latitude) and precipitation as inputs. Potential evapotranspiration presents a high correlation with the precipitation during summer months and with latitude during winter months. It also shows association with longitude and elevation; the magnitude of variation appears to be very small. This model gave a R2 varying from 0.460 to 0.902 for different months. The model is also extended to weekly periods of individual years ant tested with the open pan evaporation data of Bebedouro and Mandacaru. The agreement between observed and predicted values appears to be good.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a reação de um acesso de Psidium sp. a M. enterolobii.


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A batata yacon vem despertando interesse, principalmente, por suas propriedades medicinais, sendo utilizada como auxiliar no tratamento contra diabetes e colesterol. Por isso, no decorrer nos anos, vem aumentando cada vez mais sua área de cultivo.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar a prospecção de fitonematoides em hortas comunitárias localizadas no Município de Petrolina, PE.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of progenies from Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus (cultivated watermelons) when crossed with progenies from C. lanatus var. citroides (fodder watermelon with a historic of resistance to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii). The parents and their F1s were evaluated for resistance to this nematode. In the initial stages of eleven treatments, watermelon seedlings plantlets were transplanted to plastic bags of six kilograms once the first leaves developed. Ten inoculated plants with 5,200 eggs in the soil near the stem of the plant and four non-inoculated ones were used in each treatment, in a complete block design. Sixty-two days after sowing, the following characteristics were evaluated: the length of the aerial part of the plant (LAP, in m), fresh mass of the aerial part (FMAP, in g), root fresh mass (RFM, in g), egg number (EN) and reproduction factor (RF). A comparison between the averages of inoculated and non-inoculated plants was performed using Scott-Knott test at 5% and the diallelic analysis was performed using the GENES program. The morphological characteristics did not allow for the identification of the parent plants or the F1s with respect to nematode resistance, but the variables EN and RF were useful for such identification. The analyses of the general and specific combining abilities indicate highly significant effects with respect to this resistance, showing additive gene effects as well as dominance and epistatic gene effects, allowing for identification of parents and F1s that can be used in watermelon breeding programs to improve resistance to the M. enterolobii.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as reações oxidativas que ocorrem em cultivares de goiaba (Psidium spp.) e araçá (Psidium cattleyanum), visando descobrir o que as tornam uma espécie susceptível e outra resistente, respectivamente.


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Origem, Dispersão; Aspectos botânicos: florescimento e frutificação; Situação da aceroleira no Brasil: ações de melhoramento genético.


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O estudo objetivou avaliar uma mistura multipla composta de feno de folhas de leucena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.), raspa de mandioca e uma mistura mineral, como suplemento para novilhos azebuados, no periodo seco. A mistura foi comparada com duas outras alternativas de suplementacao: a mistura sal-ureia e a silagem de leucena. Os animais dos tres grupos pastejaram, conjuntamente, em capim buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris, L.). Ao final dos 84 dias do periodo experimental, o incremento em peso vivo nos animais submetidos a mistura multipla (22,1 kg/cab) nao diferiu (P>0,05) do observado nos animais suplementados com silagem de leucena (17,7 kg/cab), mas correspondeu (P<0,05) a quase cinco vezes o observado nos animais submetidos a mistura sal-ureia (4,6 kg/cab).


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Twenty years ago, in the Northeast Brazil, a tropical semi-arid area, the production of tropical wines from some Vitis vinifera L. cultivars started. In this region, it is possible to harvest two times a year, between April and December, and nowadays Syrah is the most cultivated wine grape. Research works about irrigation rnanagement in Syrah started in 2000 at Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The aim of this paper is to introduce some characteristics about the region where Syrah grapevines is being cultivated under irrigation in Northeast Brazil, and to present some results obtained from field experiments as well as some grape and wine charcteristics already determined.


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Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, estimar a correlação genética entre idades de seleção (juvenil-adulta) e eficiência da seleção precoce para as características altura, diâmetro e volume de indivíduos de famílias de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática. O estudo foi realizado por meio de análise genético-estatística pelo procedimento de estimação de componentes de variância (Reml) e de predição de valores genéticos (Blup), usando-se o software Selegen-Reml/Blup. As correlações genéticas entre idades juvenis e idade de rotação foram realizadas aplicando o modelo linear desenvolvido por Lambeth (1980). Segundo os resultados do modelo estabelecido, a seleção precoce pode ser realizada em clones de Pinus taeda com alta eficiência de seleção. As idades de 4 a 6 anos são suficientes para selecionar clones de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática para colheita aos 8 e 12 anos e, as idades de 6 a 10 anos são suficientes para selecionar para colheita aos 20 anos. De acordo com as estimativas de correlação genotípicaa partir dos ambientes, a seleção de clones de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática deve ser praticada de forma específica para cada ambiente. Pode-se realizar a seleção de clones considerando o diâmetro, visto a alta correlação observada entre volume e diâmetro.


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Rupestris stem pitting associated virus (RSPaV) is a species in the genus Foveavirus (Martelli and Jelkman, 1998) and the family Flexiviridae. The virion has a positive sense, single stranded, polyadenylated RNA genome of 8.7kb in size and a coat protein of 28kD (Martelli and Jelkman, 1998). The virus has been reported to be present in pollen (Rowhani et aI., 2000) and seeds (Stewart and Nassuth, 2001), however, it has not been proved to be seed-transmitted. In our investigation reported here we have proven that RSPaV transmits by seed from RSPaV-infected mother plants to their siblings.


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The honeydew moth Cryptoblabes gnidiella is the main problem for the wineries in the Northeast of the Brazil, because it attacks the bunch and reduces the quality of the grapes and the wines. In order to stretch out the bunch to facilitate the penetration of the insecticides, it was used gibberellic acid. Six treatments with different concentrations and different dates of application, and the control were compared. The bunches are compact, characteristic of the "Syrah" grapes in the region. The grape berries were analysed at harvest and wines were made by microvinifications. The grape berries showed different qualitative characteristics, as berry weight, number of berries. °Brix, total acidity and heterogeneity of the maturation. The microvinifications were carried out with 50 kg of grapeberries into glass bottles of 20 L at 22°C, for the alcoholic and malolactic fermentations, then stabilized and bottled. The wines were tasted by a panel of ten people and compared on smell and taste plans. The tasting results showed that the control treatment was the best graded wine. The application of gibberellic acid allowed to control the honeydew moth attack, but it caused a heterogeneity on grape maturation, with a lower quality of the grapes and wines compared to the control.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade microbiana e estabelecer estimativas do carbono proveniente da biomassa microbiana, em solo manejado com diferentes composições de coquetel vegetal e sob cultivo de manga, no Distrito de Irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho, Petrolina, PE, visando avaliar a dinâmica da matéria orgânica deste solo.


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Enterotoxemia in sheep and in goats is caused by the effects of the epsilon toxin of C/ostridium perfringens type D, being considered the main infectious cause of mortality in those animal species. The main prophylactic measures include adequate nutritional management and vaccination of ali animais using vaccines of high immunogenic power. Six commercial vaccines containing in its formulation the epsilon toxoid of C. perfringens type D were sorogically evaluated. Eighty four female goat kids, whose mothers had no previous vaccination history against clostridioses were used. They were divided into six groups of 14 animais each. The animais of the control group didn't receive any vaccine dose and the animais from the groups 1 to 5 received two vaccine doses, The first vaccine dose was applied at 45 days of life (day zero) and the second dose at 75 days (30 days after the first dose). Blood samples were collected from the goat kids at the days zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 after the beginning of the experiment, in order to evaluate the immunologic response. The Indirect ELlSA technique was used for the quantification of the antibodies against epsilon toxin in the samples of blood serum of the animais. In day zero, no animal presented titre considered protector. The largest number of animais considered protected was found at day 60, in response to the two initial doses of the vaccine (days O and 30, first and second doses, respectively). Only tive animaIs which received the vaccine 1 and one animal which received the vaccine 3 stayed wilh titres of antibodies considered up to 150 days after the first vaccine dose. Based on the results, it was concluded lhat the evaluated vaccines showed small amount of epsilon toxoid in the commercial formulations, a crucial fact for lhe low efficiency of. the vaccines. For commercial reasons, the vaccines against the clostridioses present versatile formulations, with several toxoid types, used for various animal species, which certainly contributed to reduce their effectiveness in preventing the iIInesses caused by the clostridia or their toxins.


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Este trabalho propõe um modelo de prospecção de cenários e avaliação de projetos de atividades econômicas de produção agrícola de mamona caracterizada como agricultura familiar, extração de óleo vegetal in natura de sementes de mamona e produção de biodiesel (transesterificação), na forma de cadeia produtiva integrada. O modelo utiliza indicadores de avaliação econômico-flnanceiro, ambiental e social, como por exemplo, VPL, TIR, PBS, PBD, custo de produção, renda familiar, número de famílias assentadas e funcionários empregados, e outros, para identificar o desempenho de cada proposta de projeto. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um ambiente computacional "AGRIFIS" para abrigar o modelo proposto nesse trabalho, que é uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão para investimentos em cadeia produtiva de mamona, pois se pode estimar o fluxo de caixa futuro de uma determinada proposta de projeto, incluindo as lucratividades, as despesas, a rentabilidade das famílias assentadas para determinadas condições pré-estabelecidas.