85 resultados para gado holandês


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O melhoramento genético do cafeeiro tem dado efetiva contribuição à cafeicultura brasileira em todas as regiões produtoras de café, por meio do desenvolvimento de cultivares com alta capacidade produtiva, aliada a outras caraterísticas de interesse agronômico e tecnológico para os cafeicultores e consumidores de café. Reunir a expressão favorável para os caracteres de interesse em uma cultivar é o objetivo dos programas de melhoramento. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar progênies de cafeeiros do grupo Catucaí, portadoras de caracteres de interesse para o agronegócio café. Dessa forma, foram selecionados genótipos de cafeeiros com características favoráveis de produtividade, tamanho de grãos, vigor vegetativo e resistência à ferrugem. O experimento foi instalado no Campo Experimental de Três Pontas, na EPAMIG SUL,utilizando-se 36 tratamentos, sendo 33 progênies derivadas do cruzamento entre cafeeiros do grupo Icatu e cafeeiros do grupo Catuaí e 3 cultivares testemunhas (Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62, Catucaí Amarelo 2 SL e Icatu Precoce IAC 3282). O delineamento experimental foi o látice quadrado 6 x 6, com 3 repetições e as avaliações foram realizadas durante quatro colheitas (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 e 2012/2013). As características avaliadas foram: produtividade média (sacas ha-1), porcentagem de frutos retidos em peneira 17 e acima, vigor vegetativo, incidência e severidade da ferrugem. Os resultados permitem concluir que os tratamentos apresentaram variabilidade para as características produtividade, tamanho de grãos, incidência e severidade de ferrugem. As progênies H 6-47-10 Cova 3 e H 4-35-11 Cv 10 apresentam produtividade superior às demais progênies e cultivares, com características favoráveis de tamanho de grãos e vigor vegetativo, embora tenham exibido maior infecção de ferrugem. As progênies H MS Cv 13 e H MS Cv 11 merecem destaque, pois além de apresentarem alta produtividade média e elevado vigor vegetativo, pertencem ao grupo de progênies com menor infecção de ferrugem; apesar de estarem posicionadas no segundo agrupamento, em relação ao tamanho de grãos, juntamente com as cultivares comerciais Catuai Amarelo IAC 62 e Catucai Amarelo 2SL.


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A pecuária é responsável por mais de 6% do Produto Interno Bruto. Manejos pecuários têm sido estudados para buscar meios mais eficientes de produção. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de sistemas pecuários sobre o índice de vegetação Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), para indicar os sistemas mais produtivos em temos de forragem. Duas áreas de produção de gado de corte e uma de gado de leite, localizadas na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste (São Carlos, SP), foram avaliadas no período de abril de 2013 a agosto de 2015. Na área 1, os maiores valores de NDVI ocorreram no sistema integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta em todos os períodos. Os sistemas integrado pecuária-floresta e intensivo apresentaram valores similares, principalmente nos períodos de seca. Nas situações em que a cobertura principal eram as pastagens foi possível, na maior parte do tempo, separar os sistemas mais produtivos (intensivos) do sistema menos vigoroso (extensivo). Na área 2, o sistema intensivo e de alta lotação animal apresentou os maiores valores de índices de vegetação ao longo de todos os períodos avaliados e foi o mais produtivo. Na área 3, os sistemas de produção intensivo em recuperação e intensivo irrigado apresentaram os maior valores de NDVI na maior parte dos período avaliados, o que indica maior produtividade desses sistemas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, séries temporais de NDVI têm o potencial de discriminar, entre os sistemas pecuários de produção não integrados, os sistemas mais produtivos (intensivos) dos sistemas menos produtivos (extensivos), principalmente nos períodos de seca.


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Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seasons under a tropical climate on forage quality, aswell the effect of an Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu grazing system on enteric methane (CH4) emissions fromNellore cattle in the Southeast region of Brazil. Sixteen Nellore steers (18 months old and initial weight 318.0 ± 116.59 kg of LW; final weight 469 ± 98.50 kg of LW) were used for a trial period of 10 months, with four collection periods in winter (August), spring (December), summer (February) and autumn (May). Each collection period consisted of 28 days, corresponding to the representative month of each season where the last six days were designed for methane data collection. Animals were randomly distributed within 16 experimental plots, distributed in four random blocks over four trial periods. CH4 emissions were determined using the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer gas technique measured by gas chromatography and fluxes of CH4 calculated. The forage quality was characterized by higher CP and IVDMD and lower lignin contents in spring, differing specially from winter forage. Average CH4 emissions were between 102.49 and 220.91 g d-1 (37.4 to 80.6 kg ani-1 yr-1); 16.89 and 30.20 g kg-1 DMI; 1.35 and 2.90 Mcal ani-1 d-1; 0.18 and 0.57 g kg-1 ADG-1 and 5.05 and 8.76% of GE. Emissions in terms of CO2 equivalents were between 4.68 and 14.22 g CO2-eq-1 g-1 ADG. Variations in CH4 emissions were related to seasonal effect on the forage quality and variations in dry matter intake.


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Aspectos básicos do Pampalus; Como participar do Pampaplus; Sistema Pampaplusnet. Autores: Antônio do Nascimento Rosa, Fernando Flores Cardoso, Joal Brazzale Leal, Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva, Marcos Jun-Iti Yokoo, Maurício Morgado de Oliveira, Paulo Roberto Costa Nobre, Roberto Augusto de Almeida Torres Júnior, Thaís Maria Bento Pires Lopa.


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To identify DNA of the main tick-borne pathogens in dogs from Recife (Brazil), polymerase chain reactions were carried out on blood samples of dogs treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco from March 2007 to June 2008. The detection of DNA was performed using specific primers. Amplicons were analyzed through electrophoresis and sequencing. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the UPGMA method, revealing that the sequences were closely related to those of strains from other geographic regions. Among the 205 blood samples analyzed, 48.78% was positive for Anaplasma platys; 38.04% was positive for Ehrlichia canis; 7.31% was positive for Babesia canis vogeli; and 0.49% was positive for Hepatozoon canis and Mycoplasma haemocanis. Coinfection of two or three pathogens was found in 23.9% (49/205) of the dogs. The subspecies B. canis vogeli was identified. Infection by H. canis and M. haemocanis is reported for the first time in dogs in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil). The data indicate that the main tick-borne pathogens in dogs in this region are E. canis and/or A. platys, followed by B. canis vogeli.


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Changes in beef demand has been driven by the growth of human population, income and urbanization.


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Land use change from native forests to pastures in the tropics have impact on global carbon (C) cycle through increased rates of C emissions to the atmosphere and the loss of above- and belowground C accumulation and storage capacity (SILVER et al., 2000). This study was conducted to determine the carbon stock in a Ultisol under a pure Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Scheick pasture and a mixed pasture of B. humidicola and Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W. C. Greg cv. BRS Mandobi, both without fertilization.


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Mineral nitrogen (N) dynamics in soil and the exchange of N gaseous in the interface soil-atmosphere are intimately associated with animal manure in pastures. According to soil inorganic-N pools and the site studied, forest or pasture, and pastures age the soil inorganic-N pools of ammonium and nitrate can be similar in the forest or ammonium dominated in the pasture. Also annual average net nitrification rates at soil surface in forest can be higher than in pasture suggesting a higher potential for nitrate-N losses either through leaching or gaseous emissions from intact forests compared with established pastures (NEILL et al., 1995).


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Brazil is one of the largest beef producers and exporters in the world with the Nelore breed representing the vast majority of Brazilian cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Despite the great adaptability of the Nelore breed to tropical climate, meat tenderness (MT) remains to be improved. Several factors including genetic composition can influence MT. In this article, we report a genome-wide analysis of copy number variation (CNV) inferred from Illumina1 High Density SNP-chip data for a Nelore population of 723 males. We detected >2,600 CNV regions (CNVRs) representing 6.5% of the genome. Comparing our results with previous studies revealed an overlap in 1400 CNVRs (>50%). A total of 1,155 CNVRs (43.6%) overlapped 2,750 genes. They were enriched for processes involving guanosine triphosphate (GTP), previously reported to influence skeletal muscle physiology and morphology. Nelore CNVRs also overlapped QTLs for MT reported in other breeds (8.9%, 236 CNVRs) and from a previous study with this population (4.1%, 109 CNVRs). Two CNVRs were also proximal to glutathione metabolism genes that were previously associated with MT. Genome-wide association study of CN state with estimated breeding values derived from meat shear force identified 6 regions, including a region on BTA3 that contains genes of the cAMP and cGMP pathway. Ten CNVRs that overlapped regions associated with MT were successfully validated by qPCR. Our results represent the first comprehensive CNV study in Bos taurus indicus cattle and identify regions in which copy number changes are potentially of importance for the MT phenotype.


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The myogenic differentiation 1 gene (MYOD1) has a key role in skeletal muscle differentiation and composition through its regulation of the expression of several muscle-specific genes. We first used a general linear mixed model approach to evaluate the association of MYOD1 expression levels on individual beef tenderness phenotypes. MYOD1 mRNA levels measured by quantitative polymerase chain reactions in 136 Nelore steers were significantly associated (P ? 0.01) with Warner?Bratzler shear force, measured on the longissimus dorsi muscle after 7 and 14 days of beef aging. Transcript abundance for the muscle regulatory gene MYOD1 was lower in animals with more tender beef. We also performed a coexpression network analysis using whole transcriptome sequence data generated from 30 samples of longissimus muscle tissue to identify genes that are potentially regulated by MYOD1. The effect of MYOD1 gene expression on beef tenderness may emerge from its function as an activator of muscle-specific gene transcription such as for the serum response factor (C-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor) gene (SRF), which determines muscle tissue development, composition, growth and maturation.


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Correlation between genetic parameters and factors such as backfat thickness (BFT), rib eye area (REA), and body weight (BW) were estimated for Canchim beef cattle raised in natural pastures of Brazil. Data from 1648 animals were analyzed using multi-trait (BFT, REA, and BW) animal models by the Bayesian approach. This model included the effects of contemporary group, age, and individual heterozygosity as covariates. In addition, direct additive genetic and random residual effects were also analyzed. Heritability estimated for BFT (0.16), REA (0.50), and BW (0.44) indicated their potential for genetic improvements and response to selection processes. Furthermore, genetic correlations between BW and the remaining traits were high (P > 0.50), suggesting that selection for BW could improve REA and BFT. On the other hand, genetic correlation between BFT and REA was low (P = 0.39 ± 0.17), and included considerable variations, suggesting that these traits can be jointly included as selection criteria without influencing each other. We found that REA and BFT responded to the selection processes, as measured by ultrasound. Therefore, selection for yearling weight results in changes in REA and BFT.