79 resultados para caprinos.


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Este comunicado descreve os procedimentos de coleta, processamento do líquido céfalo-raquidiano, para a extração de RNA genômico viral, e de detecção do vírus através da técnica de RT-nested PCR, potencial método de diagnóstico molecular da CAE.


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Este comunicado descreve os procedimentos de coleta e processamento de líquido sinovial e sangue seguido pela extração de RNA genômico e, finalmente, o diagnóstico molecular do vírus pela técnica de RT-nested PCR.


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O presente comunicado descreve os procedimentos necessários para a coleta e processamento de amostras de sêmen de caprinos infectados pelo CAEV para posterior extração do RNA viral por meio de um método baseado em centrifugação em coluna de sílica. A avaliação da presença de RNA no sêmen será feita, diretamente, por meio da reação de RT-nested PCR, portencial método de diagnóstico molecular da CAE.


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A caprinocultura leiteira no Brasil vem se consolidando nos últimos anos, seja pelo aumento na produção no Nordeste alavancada por políticas públicas, seja pelo aumento na oferta de derivados lácteos, com alto valor agregado, observado com maior intensidade nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do País. Esse crescimento, ao exemplo do que ocorreu em outros países tropicais e subtropicais, tem sido sustentado pelo uso de material genético importado, notadamente de países da Europa, de raças como a Saanen, as Alpinas e a Toggenburg, e ainda a Anglo Nubiana. No entanto, a base de dados sobre o potencial de produção e a composição em constituintes lácteos dessas raças puras e de suas cruzas, ainda não está bem caracterizada nos países de clima tropical e subtropical, devido a tais informações não estarem disponíveis em número suficiente, ou de serem avaliadas superficialmente ou ainda não estarem devidamente sistematizadas e disponibilizadas. Baseado nisso, reuniram-se nesta Série Embrapa Documentos informações publicadas na literatura sobre o desempenho produtivo (produção de leite e de seus constituintes) das raças europeias mais difundidas mundialmente, em estado puro ou utilizadas em cruzamentos em ambientes tropical e subtropical. Espera-se que este documento subsidie a tomada de decisão quanto ao uso dos recursos genéticos disponíveis no País, bem como, seja base para disciplinas acadêmicas para técnicos e produtores de caprinos leiteiros.


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This study aimed to evaluate the Color Doppler ultrasound as a substitute for laparoscopy for couting of corpora lutea (CL) in superovulated sheep. In conclusion, the Color Doppler ultrasonography is highly efficient to estimate the number of CLs in superovulated ewes. This represents an important advance because it replaces invasive laparoscopic procedure, avoids fasting, drugs use and unnecessary handling in animals that did not respond to the treatment. Therefore, the Color Doppler ultrasound can replace the laparoscopy for the assessment of superovulated sheep.


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The aim of this study was to correlate the testicular surface temperature with rectal temperature and semen quality in rams of different genotypic groups.


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The objective of this study, was to evaluate the exogenous FSH dose effect on gonadotrophic treatment over ewes ovulatory follicle dynamics.


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The aim was to verify the correlation between follicular population count, superovulatory response and the recovery of viable structures in the in vivo production of sheep embryos. In conclusion, there is a median correlation between follicular population observed by ultrasonography and viable recovered structures after superovulation protocol. Therefore, this tool is not indicated as a screening tool, alone, in the selection of Santa Inês sheep embryo donors.


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This study aimed to evaluate two hormonal protocols for synchronization of follicular wave emergence on in vivo embryo production in Santa Ines sheep under tropical conditions. The greater PRCL rate in GT probably contributed to the smaller number of viable embryos. Thus, it is suggested the appliance indicated the GEm protocol for in vivo embryo production in Santa Ines sheep under tropical conditions.


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The aim of this study was to characterize the reproductive seasonality during the period of one year in Saanen goats managed in southeastern Brazil These results endorse hormonal methods (estrus synchronization and induction of synchronized estrus) or natural (male effect, flushing or light treatment) more appropriate according to the time of year in the region. Saanen goats, managed under tropical climate in southeastern Brazil, have a breeding season set from March until mid-August with the transitional phase to the anestrus in September. It is extends to mid-December at the new one transition phase for the reproductive season in March.


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The reproductive efficiency is directly related to the nutritional management. The diet lipid inclusion, especially with enhanced sources of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids, is positively associated to the ovarian follicular development of ruminants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of toasted soybean grain addition on restricted or ad libitum feeding on ovarian follicular development of Santa Inês ewe lambs In conclusion, the diameter of the largest follicle and the number of >5 mm follicles were not influenced by the restricted intake diet nor the lipid inclusion; however, they increased in a direct relationship with the age of the animals.


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The age at first ovulation is influenced by several factors, and nutrition has an essential role on it. Lipids provide essential fatty acids that are positively associated to reproductive aspects. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of lipid inclusion and restricted intake on age and weight at the first ovulation and the serum progesterone (P4) concentration at the sixth day after first ovulation. The restricted intake imposed in this study did not delay the age at fist ovulation. The greater lipid intake did not favor reproductive parameters. Serum P4 did not increase with the soybean inclusion in the die.