320 resultados para Amazônia Oriental
Canopy and aerodynamic conductances (gC and gA) are two of the key land surface biophysical variables that control the land surface response of land surface schemes in climate models. Their representation is crucial for predicting transpiration (λET) and evaporation (λEE) flux components of the terrestrial latent heat flux (λE), which has important implications for global climate change and water resource management. By physical integration of radiometric surface temperature (TR) into an integrated framework of the Penman?Monteith and Shuttleworth?Wallace models, we present a novel approach to directly quantify the canopy-scale biophysical controls on λET and λEE over multiple plant functional types (PFTs) in the Amazon Basin. Combining data from six LBA (Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) eddy covariance tower sites and a TR-driven physically based modeling approach, we identified the canopy-scale feedback-response mechanism between gC, λET, and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (DA), without using any leaf-scale empirical parameterizations for the modeling. The TR-based model shows minor biophysical control on λET during the wet (rainy) seasons where λET becomes predominantly radiation driven and net radiation (RN) determines 75 to 80 % of the variances of λET. However, biophysical control on λET is dramatically increased during the dry seasons, and particularly the 2005 drought year, explaining 50 to 65 % of the variances of λET, and indicates λET to be substantially soil moisture driven during the rainfall deficit phase. Despite substantial differences in gA between forests and pastures, very similar canopy?atmosphere "coupling" was found in these two biomes due to soil moisture-induced decrease in gC in the pasture. This revealed the pragmatic aspect of the TR-driven model behavior that exhibits a high sensitivity of gC to per unit change in wetness as opposed to gA that is marginally sensitive to surface wetness variability. Our results reveal the occurrence of a significant hysteresis between λET and gC during the dry season for the pasture sites, which is attributed to relatively low soil water availability as compared to the rainforests, likely due to differences in rooting depth between the two systems. Evaporation was significantly influenced by gA for all the PFTs and across all wetness conditions. Our analytical framework logically captures the responses of gC and gA to changes in atmospheric radiation, DA, and surface radiometric temperature, and thus appears to be promising for the improvement of existing land?surface?atmosphere exchange parameterizations across a range of spatial scales.
Canopy and aerodynamic conductances (gC and gA) are two of the key land surface biophysical variables that control the land surface response of land surface schemes in climate models. Their representation is crucial for predicting transpiration (?ET) and evaporation (?EE) flux components of the terrestrial latent heat flux (?E), which has important implications for global climate change and water resource management. By physical integration of radiometric surface temperature (TR) into an integrated framework of the Penman?Monteith and Shuttleworth?Wallace models, we present a novel approach to directly quantify the canopy-scale biophysical controls on ?ET and ?EE over multiple plant functional types (PFTs) in the Amazon Basin. Combining data from six LBA (Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) eddy covariance tower sites and a TR-driven physically based modeling approach, we identified the canopy-scale feedback-response mechanism between gC, ?ET, and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (DA), without using any leaf-scale empirical parameterizations for the modeling. The TR-based model shows minor biophysical control on ?ET during the wet (rainy) seasons where ?ET becomes predominantly radiation driven and net radiation (RN) determines 75 to 80?% of the variances of ?ET. However, biophysical control on ?ET is dramatically increased during the dry seasons, and particularly the 2005 drought year, explaining 50 to 65?% of the variances of ?ET, and indicates ?ET to be substantially soil moisture driven during the rainfall deficit phase. Despite substantial differences in gA between forests and pastures, very similar canopy?atmosphere "coupling" was found in these two biomes due to soil moisture-induced decrease in gC in the pasture. This revealed the pragmatic aspect of the TR-driven model behavior that exhibits a high sensitivity of gC to per unit change in wetness as opposed to gA that is marginally sensitive to surface wetness variability. Our results reveal the occurrence of a significant hysteresis between ?ET and gC during the dry season for the pasture sites, which is attributed to relatively low soil water availability as compared to the rainforests, likely due to differences in rooting depth between the two systems. Evaporation was significantly influenced by gA for all the PFTs and across all wetness conditions. Our analytical framework logically captures the responses of gC and gA to changes in atmospheric radiation, DA, and surface radiometric temperature, and thus appears to be promising for the improvement of existing land?surface?atmosphere exchange parameterizations across a range of spatial scales.
An important current problem in micrometeorology is the characterization of turbulence in the roughness sublayer (RSL), where most of the measurements above tall forests are made. There, scalar turbulent fluctuations display significant departures from the predictions of Monin?Obukhov similarity theory (MOST). In this work, we analyze turbulence data of virtual temperature, carbon dioxide, and water vapor in the RSL above an Amazonian forest (with a canopy height of 40?m), measured at 39.4 and 81.6?m above the ground under unstable conditions. We found that dimensionless statistics related to the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and the scalar variance display significant departures from MOST as expected, whereas the vertical velocity variance follows MOST much more closely. Much better agreement between the dimensionless statistics with the Obukhov similarity variable, however, was found for the subset of measurements made at a low zenith angle Z, in the range 0°???|Z|???20°. We conjecture that this improvement is due to the relationship between sunlight incidence and the ?activation?deactivation? of scalar sinks and sources vertically distributed in the forest. Finally, we evaluated the relaxation coefficient of relaxed eddy accumulation: it is also affected by zenith angle, with considerable improvement in the range 0°???|Z|???20°, and its values fall within the range reported in the literature for the unstable surface layer. In general, our results indicate the possibility of better stability-derived flux estimates for low zenith angle ranges.
Com cerca de 187 mil ha de área plantada com dendezeiro, o estado do Pará responde por mais de 83% da produção nacional de óleo de dendê. A partir de 2002, visando inserir os pequenos produtores nesta atividade, iniciou-se uma experiência pioneira de integração desse segmento com empresa privada de reconhecida expertise na produção e beneficiamento industrial do dendê. Neste estudo, a partir de dados primários levantados junto a pequenos produtores da Comunidade do Arauaí, no município de Moju (PA), apresentam-se os efeitos socioeconômicos e ambientais do programa de investimentos realizado nos plantios integrados com a Agropalma, especificamente, em relação à renda e a qualidade de vida dos produtores envolvidos. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam um forte grau de satisfação dos produtores com a experiência adotada a partir desse sistema de produção integrado. Constatou-se, ainda, melhoria no padrão de posse de bens duráveis dos pequenos produtores que cultivam o dendezeiro em relação ao passado e os que não cultivam ao redor. O cultivo do dendezeiro pelos pequenos produtores da amostra estudada indica sustentabilidade econômica proporcionando renda satisfatória para garantir o bem-estar de suas famílias.
Avaliou-se o comportamento produtivo em populações de Kinosternon scorpioides spp mantidas em dois sistemas de criação em cativeiro (intensivo e extensivo), considerando duas épocas do ano (chuvosa e menos chuvosa). Dentre as categorias animais mantidas em conservação pela Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, escolheu-se apenas animais adultos (acima de 02 anos de idade ou peso superior a 200g) para serem subdivididos nos sistemas de criação, em que se diferenciam quanto ao manejo alimentar. O número total de observações colhidas no período de fevereiro de 2012 a março de 2013 foi de 4.485, distribuídos entre machos e fêmeas. Os resultados demonstraram que os animais possuem média de peso na época menos chuvosa, para machos e fêmeas nos dois sistemas de criação, superior às médias da época mais chuvosa. Este comportamento se deve ao fato do animal apresentar um ganho compensatório na época que seria adversa, ou seja, no período seco, em função de uma memória silvestre da hibernação. Os sistemas de criação, assim como as épocas do ano, associados ao manejo geral influenciaram significativamente o peso dos animais. Muçuãs criados em sistema de cativeiro intensivo apresentaram ganhos competitivos superiores quando comparado aos do sistema de cativeiro extensivo. O manejo alimentar empregado no sistema de criação intensivo melhorou o desempenho produtivo dos animais.
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a dinâmica de sistemas integrados de manejo de um Latossolo Amarelo no desenvolvimento da cultura do milho. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos por três cultivos de milho, em sistema de integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF) (consorciado com Brachiaria ruziziensis e intercalado com eucalipto), sistema Santa Fé (cultivo integrado com Brachiaria ruziziensis) e em sistema Convencional. Foi realizada a determinação da altura (m) de planta e espiga do milho, teor de umidade dos grãos (%), produtividade de grãos (kg.ha-1, saca.ha-1 e kg.planta-1) e número de plantas.ha-1. A altura de planta e a altura de espiga não apresentaram diferença em função dos sistemas utilizados. Os sistemas iLPF e Santa Fé obtiveram os maiores valores de produção (kg.ha-1; saca.ha-1), não diferindo entre si. Proporcionaram também maior produção por indivíduo, sendo cerca de 36% superior à obtida no sistema Convencional. A Brachiaria ruziziensis consorciada com milho favoreceu o aumento na produção de grãos por área e por indivíduo em comparação ao sistema Convencional.