43 resultados para Damon, Alice
Fresh pasta enrichment with protein concentrate of tilapia: nutritional and sensory characteristics.
With the goal of developing and characterizing the nutritional and sensory aspects of fresh pasta supplemented with tilapia protein concentrate, four types of pasta were prepared, with inclusion of 0, 10, 20, or 30% of tilapia protein concentrate. Linear effects were observed (P < 0.01) in crude protein, total lipids, ash, carbohydrate, and caloric values; these parameters increased with increasing amounts of tilapia protein concentrate in the pasta. The concentration of Na, P, Ca, Mg, and Zn increased linearly (P < 0.01) in correlation with the increase in protein concentrate content, while Fe content decreased linearly (P < 0.01). In the sensory analysis, texture, overall impression, and the acceptance index demonstrated a cubic regression (P < 0.05), with the inclusion of 20% protein concentrate yielding the best scores. Including up to 30% of tilapia protein concentrate in pasta yields an increased nutritional value, but based on the sensory results, 20% of tilapia protein concentrate in pasta is the recommended maximum level.
Com o objetivo de identificar genótipos de cebola mais adaptados e produtivos, e que atendam ao mercado consumidor nacional nas condições do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco.
O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de doses do composto orgânico no diâmetro, comprimento e na produtividade de raízes de cenoura.
Abstract: Selection among broilers for performance traits is resulting in locomotion problems and bone disorders, once skeletal structure is not strong enough to support body weight in broilers with high growth rates. In this study, genetic parameters were estimated for body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), and tibia traits (length, width, and weight) in a population of broiler chickens. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified for tibia traits to expand our knowledge of the genetic architecture of the broiler population. Genetic correlations ranged from 0.56 +/- 0.18 (between tibia length and BW42) to 0.89 +/- 0.06 (between tibia width and weight), suggesting that these traits are either controlled by pleiotropic genes or by genes that are in linkage disequilibrium. For QTL mapping, the genome was scanned with 127 microsatellites, representing a coverage of 2630 cM. Eight QTL were mapped on Gallus gallus chromosomes (GGA): GGA1, GGA4, GGA6, GGA13, and GGA24. The QTL regions for tibia length and weight were mapped on GGA1, between LEI0079 and MCW145 markers. The gene DACH1 is located in this region; this gene acts to form the apical ectodermal ridge, responsible for limb development. Body weight at 42 days of age was included in the model as a covariate for selection effect of bone traits. Two QTL were found for tibia weight on GGA2 and GGA4, and one for tibia width on GGA3. Information originating from these QTL will assist in the search for candidate genes for these bone traits in future studies.
The GxE interaction only became widely discussed from evolutionary studies and evaluations of the causes of behavioral changes of species cultivated in environments. In the last 60 years, several methodologies for the study of adaptability and stability of genotypes in multiple environments trials were developed in order to assist the breeder's choice regarding which genotypes are more stable and which are the most suitable for the crops in the most diverse environments. The methods that use linear regression analysis were the first to be used in a general way by breeders, followed by multivariate analysis methods and mixed models. The need to identify the genetic and environmental causes that are behind the GxE interaction led to the development of new models that include the use of covariates and which can also include both multivariate methods and mixed modeling. However, further studies are needed to identify the causes of GxE interaction as well as for the more accurate measurement of its effects on phenotypic expression of varieties in competition trials carried out in genetic breeding programs.
This work describes an electrochemical and quantum chemical investigation of the fipronil insecticide. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) experiments were performed over a graphite-polyurethane (GPU) composite electrode. The fipronil molecule presents an one?electron irreversible oxidation reaction. Profiting the SWV signal a square wave stripping voltammetry (SWSV) procedure to determine the fipronil molecule in a 0.10 mol L-1 Britton-Robinson buffer solution, pH 8.0 was developed with accumulation potential and time of 0.50 V and 120 s, respectively. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.80 and 2.67 ?g L-1, respectively. Recovery tests were performed in three natural waters samples with values ranging from 99.67 to 101.37%. Quantum chemical studies showed that the nitrogen atom of the pyrazole group is the most probable oxidation site of the fipronil molecule.
The purpose of this study was to identify parents and obtain segregating populations of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) with the potential for tolerance to water deficit. A full diallel was performed with six cowpea genotypes, and two experiments were conducted in Teresina, PI, Brazil in 2011 to evaluate 30 F2 populations and their parents, one under water deficit and the other under full irrigation.
A agricultura fora dos ciclos no Brasil: uma introdução ao livro; Um início da agricultura: sítios arqueológicos no Brasil e as pinturas rupestres no Planalto Central; Tecnologia na Amazônia pré-histórica: a Terra Preta do Índio; Indígenas e plantas pré-cabralinas; Um grande brasilianista: Gabriel Soares de Sousa; Jardins botânicos e hortos (novas plantas, novos hábitos): o Horto d'El Rey de Olinda; Um grande empreendedor e um mau administrador: Maurício de Nassau; O mosaico dos alimentos e dos remédios caseiros: escravos, índios e brancos; Culturas do Brasil Império: diversidade na agricultura; O Livro do Lavrador do Brasil República; A influência da madrinha: eucaliptos no Brasil; A explosão da agricultura tropical; Pesquisa e ensino: as dores do crescimento; Melhorando a organização rural: extensão rural e as cooperativas; Soja: o ouro-verde brasileiro; Polo Juazeiro-Petrolina - frutas para o Brasil e para o mundo; Desenvolvimento só com devastação? - Amazônia e Cerrados; A "marvada' pinga - álcool, Proálcool e Canavialis; Precisão na agricultura: alta tecnologia para produzir e preservar o meio ambiente; Da lei do mínimo à sustentabilidade; O novo retrato do Brasil - da roça à cidade?
One of the objectives of this book has been to highlight the importance of the history of agriculture in today's food production and consumption patterns, recovering parts of this history which are not easily found or which have been forgotten or neglected, but which have had a large impact on what we are today.
O contexto vivenciado com a criação de assentamentos traz novas reflexões sobre a realidade econômica, social e política da agricultura familiar no Brasil, que pode representar bases para impulsionar a construção de uma nova realidade rural no país. O referido trabalho, através da caracterização da produção da agricultura familiar no Assentamento Panelão, no município de Careiro Castanho, no Estado do Amazonas, procura contribuir na construção de parâmetros que sirvam de base para a introdução de tecnologias adequadas em comunidades rurais amazônicas de acordo com seus perfis. O levantamento exploratório realizado com agricultores familiares no assentamento permitiu algumas reflexões: a necessidade de reformular o olhar sobre as comunidades, assim como a geração de tecnologias adequadas para o ambiente em estudo, fortalecendo a importância da produção de alimentos voltados à comercialização, ao autoconsumo, contribuindo assim, para a manutenção das famílias no campo.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de níveis crescentes de folhas de pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora) na dieta sobre a digestibilidade de ovinos adultos.
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho de novilhos de corte em pastagem natural com diferentes níveis de intensificação.
Objetivou-se avaliar as características da carcaça e da carne de novilhos submetidos a diferentes sistemas alimentares.
As limitações legais para o avanço da cultura da soja em novas áreas, pelo valor pouco atrativo do milho segunda safra e pelo baixo vigor das sementes recebidas, o interesse do produtor em cultivar soja na segunda safra tem sido crescente no Estado de Mato Grosso. Entretanto, o cultivo de soja na segunda safra possui entraves que limitam a produtividade, como o menor fotoperíodo e o maior risco de ocorrência de seca no período reprodutivo da cultura. Outra preocupação é a multiplicação e a manutenção dos nematoides das lesões radiculares (P. brachyurus ) em altas populações no solo, quando se cultivam plantas hospedeiras durante longo período do ano. Há relatos de perdas de até 50% na produtividade de grãos de soja, em lavouras comerciais da região Centro - Oeste infestadas com P. brachyurus (FRANCHINI et al., 2014). Além da ação espoliadora e mecânica, esse nematóide causa ferimentos nas raízes o s quais favorecem a entrada de fungos e bactérias, potencializando os danos e levando à diminuição da produtividade (FONSECA, 2012). A rotação com culturas não hospedeiras é a principal forma de controle desses parasitas, visto que não existem fontes de resistência varietal. O objetivo do trabalho foi o de avaliar a influência de sucessões de cultura, principalmente de soja sobre soja 2ª safra, na população do nematoide das lesões radiculares e na produtividade de grãos na cultura da soja cultivada na safra.
Hydrogen sulphide is one of the most toxic and corrosive compound present in swine-derived biogas streams.In this study, afield scale biotrickling filter for the removal of hydrogen sulfide was investigated.A Biofilter packed with supporting biofilm materials was fed continuously with a proprietary nutrient solution and operatedfor over 73days. The system has been operating with a H2S inlet concentrations ranging from 1,000to 3,000 ppm.Significant removal efficiencies >95% was demonstrated. pH of the stock feeding solution decreased from 6.2 to as low as 3.5within couple days.The resulting drop in pH provided circumstantial evidence to support biological H2 Soxidation to sulphuric acid by sulfide-oxidizers. Sulfur precipitation was also observed to occur. The results suggested that H2S removal from biogas stream can be efficiently achieved using portable, low cost and maintenance free biotrickling filters.