17 resultados para González Treviño, Lorenzo
em Repositorio Academico Digital UANL
External ophthalmomyiasis is an infestation of conjunctiva with larvae or maggots of certain lies. Oestrus ovis is the most common cause of human ophthalmomyiasis. The case of a 16-yearold female is described, who presented with foreign body sensation, pain, and redness in the left eye. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy revealed 32 tiny larvae crawling around the conjunctival sac. The larvae were mechanically removed under topical anesthesia, and identiied under a light microscope as irst-stage larvae of O. ovis causing external ophthalmomyiasis. She was successfully treated with topical tobacco juice. Follow-up examination of these cases is recommended to avoid possible complications.
Antecedentes: la enterocolitis necrosante es la enfermedad gastrointestinal médica y quirúrgica más frecuente de la etapa neonatal. Objetivo: conocer su prevalencia y sus factores de riesgo en recién nacidos de 1,000 a 1,500 g en la unidad de cuidados intensivos eonatales del Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de casos y controles. Se recopilaron los datos de los expedientes clínicos de los pacientes nacidos en el Hospital Universitario durante el periodo del 1 de agosto del 2005 al 31 de julio del 2006 con peso de 1,000 a 1,500 g. Se excluyeron pacientes que nacieron en otro hospital o que tuvieran malformaciones congénitas. Se analizaron los datos mediante las pruebas de la χ2, la t de Student y razón de momios. Resutados: de los 55 pacientes que reunieron los criterios de inclusión, 18% tuvieron enterocolitis necrosante grado II o mayor. Se encontraron como factores de riesgo con significación estadística al Apgar de 0 a 6 al primer minuto, uso de presión positiva continua nasal, uso de aminofi lina y sepsis tardía (p < 0.05). Conclusiones: su prevalencia es mayor en el hospital en donde se efectuó el presente estudio que la reportada en países desarrollados o en hospitales privados de países en vías de desarrollo, pero con menor mortalidad. Los factores de riesgo con significación estadística fueron los relacionados con episodios de isquemia, reperfusión e infección.
Para el historiador y analista político (México, D. F., 1942), la objetividad en los temas de estudio, ya sean históricos o sociales, se establece en función de razones políticas y de formación de quienes hacen historia, y considera que en el ámbito de los académicos se presenta una muy buena y saludable pluralidad.
Francisco de Paula y Verea González fue el octavo obispo de Linares. Duró 26 años en el cargo, de diciembre de 1853 a septiembre de 1879 cuando se fue a Puebla. Entre las edificaciones que hizo en Nuevo León, inició la construcción del templo de Nuestra Señora del Roble (Juárez y Juan Ignacio Ramón).
Este personaje, nativo de Cadereyta Jiménez, pese a algunos altibajos en su carrera, dirigió, tanto en su carácter militar como político, los destinos en el noreste del país, donde además desarrolló prósperos negocios con importantes empresas, incluida la banca y el ferrocarril.
Sesenta años de labor de José Manuel López González, maestro decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, quien ha dedicado su vida a la docencia, distinguido por su dedicación, con un gran énfasis en el aspecto ético, social y humano. Convirtiéndose en el profesor de más antigüedad en la cátedra de la Universidad.
La labor del maestro de la Máxima Casa de Estudios, Domingo Treviño se desarrolló en la Escuela de Bachilleres, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, donde fue profesor fundador, y la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, de la que fue Secretario.
Aurelio Fernández G, fue alumno fundador de la Preparatoria Técnica “Álvaro Obregón” de la que llegó a ser su director luego de titularse en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica y al tiempo de desarrollar su trayectoria profesional en el Departamento de Laminados de Fundidora Monterrey.
Jerónimo Treviño, nativo de Cadereyta Jiménez, pese a algunos altibajos en su carrera, llego a dirigir, tanto en su carácter militar como político, los destinos en el noreste del país, donde además desarrolló prósperos negocios como importantes empresas, incluida la banca y el ferrocarril.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) in patients with menopause, and to compare the incidence of MS between surgical and natural menopause. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective, unblinded study of cases seen at the Menopause Clinic of the University Hospital “Dr. José eleuterio González” of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León from March 2009 to December 2011. The frequency of MS was determined based on Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) classiication. Results: at the end of the study, 391 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 50.1 years. We found a frequency of MS of 38.1%, the risk factor most often found was low HDL cholesterol (62.5%), followed by obesity (46.5%), hypercholesterolemia (42.3%), hyperglycemia (11.5%), and hypertension (7.7%). The incidence of natural and surgical menopause was 37.6% vs. 39.2% respectively; however, the result was not statistically signiicant (p = 0.093). Conclusions: Patients with menopause are at increased risk of developing MS. it is important to detect MS early in this of patients, when they have one risk factor to avoid complications which may trigger the syndrome. We recommend screening for MS during perimenopause, in order to detect and try to delay it in a timely manner and recommend primary prevention (diet and exercise), or secondary prevention in cases with one or more risk factors.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) in patients with menopause, and to compare the incidence of MS between surgical and natural menopause. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective, unblinded study of cases seen at the Menopause Clinic of the University Hospital “Dr. José eleuterio González” of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León from March 2009 to December 2011. The frequency of MS was determined based on Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) classiication. Results: at the end of the study, 391 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 50.1 years. We found a frequency of MS of 38.1%, the risk factor most often found was low HDL-cholesterol (62.5%), followed by obesity (46.5%), hypercholesterolemia (42.3%), hyperglycemia (11.5%), and hypertension (7.7%). The incidence of natural and surgical menopause was 37.6% vs. 39.2% respectively; however, the result was not statistically signiicant (p = 0.093). Conclusions: Patients with menopause are at increased risk of developing MS. it is important to detect MS early in this of patients, when they have one risk factor to avoid complications which may trigger the syndrome. We recommend screening for MS during perimenopause, in order to detect and try to delay it in a timely manner and recommend primary prevention (diet and exercise), or secondary prevention in cases with one or more risk factors.
To establish the prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in smoking and non-smoking students of our Faculty who attend the Department of Otolaryngology (ENT) of our Hospital. Materials and method: Students (smokers and non-smokers) that do and do not suffer from olfactory dysfunction. We applied a questionnaire and a pocket smell test for screening all of the students. Results: We evaluated 207 students, between 18 and 30 years old; 50.7% (n=105) were women and 49.3% (n=102) were men. The smokers among them smoked up to 6 packs per year. One hundred twenty three students were non-smokers and 84 students were smokers. Of the 84 students who were smokers, 67 (79.7%) answered the Pocket Smell Test correctly (3/3) and 17 (20.2%) students had one or more errors. We had 123 non-smoker students and 103 (83.7%) students answered the Pocket Smell Test correctly and 20 (16.2%) answered with one or more errors. The prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in young smokers with a 95% conidence interval would be 32.8%. Conclusions: This study informed us about olfactory dysfunctions in our student population and their smoking habits. We corroborate that the Pocket Smell Test is reliable with the questionnaire; nevertheless it is a screening test. We have a population of young people who smoke one cigarette per day and who didn’t have a signiicant alteration in their ability of smell at the time of the study. This is consistent with medical literature. More studies should be conducted in order to expand this information.
Medical research has greatly beneited from molecular biology and increasingly relies on tools from the “omics” disciplines (mainly genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics). The availability of biological samples preserved with high quality standards is a sine qua non condition for such studies and their repositories are referred to as biobanks. Biobanks support the transportation, storage, preservation, and initial pathological and analytical examinations of biospecimens, as well as the protection of relevant information and the comparison of clinical and laboratory findings. A biobank facility is one of the most valuable tools the academic medicine organizations can offer to their researchers to improve the competitiveness of their current and future medical research. it acts as an essential bridge and an effective catalyst for research synergies between basic and clinical sciences, and it can be potentiated with efforts to raise funds for acquiring and maintaining cutting-edge analytical infrastructure to better serve its clinical, pharmaceutical and biotech clients.