8 resultados para socio-environmental indicators

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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This article aims to present the relation between the selected socio environmental indicators used to make the expert system environment (SEA) as tool for automate the process of viability consultation for implementation of new constructions, which tends to increase the agility of the public administration within the control of use and occupation of municipal land. The development of this tool is justified since the urban growth in most Brazilian cities has promoted sociospatial segregation, marginalization of the poor and degradation of natural environments. To elaborate the conceptual model of the SEA, the present study has selected socio environmental indicators and, also, has used parameters of environmental law and land use. For each indicator was determined a value that is measured by a checklist procedure and for the analysis of the legislation and crossed with the city’s basemap. Thus, it was made a connection between the characterizations of the environment versus the type of work in viability, resulting in a graph which allowed measuring the significant environmental impact. The implementation of the environmental modeling system encounters the instrumentalization of the municipal administration, which will feature modern land management tool.


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Se analiza la re-configuración de los espacios urbanos y las repercusiones socio-ambientales vinculadas con la globalización neoliberal en las zonas metropolitanas de las sociedades periféricas, específicamente en la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica. La tesis central del análisis es que esta re-configuración ha moldeado y acelerado el patrón urbano, espacial y ambiental de la GAM a través de 1) la segmentación de los mercados en correlación con procesos dispares de inclusión y exclusión social y 2) la erosión de los circuitos naturales ligados a los ecosistemas terrestres ubicados en la GAM. Abstract The article analyzes the re-configuration of the urban spaces and the socio- environmental impacts related with the neoliberal globalization in the metropolitan zones of peripheral societies, specifically in the Metropolitan Area (GAM) of Costa Rica. The central thesis of the analysis is that this re-configuration has molded and accelerated the spatial and environmental urban pattern of the GAM through the 1) segmentation of the markets in correlation with different processes of social inclusion and exclusion and 2) the erosion of the natural circuits linked to the terrestrial ecosystems located in the GAM


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In this article I offer a general analysis of social-environmental vulnerability, considered as a permanent condition of the various scenarios characteristic of our regional realities, and the challenges such vulnerability presents, given the current global, regional, national, and local circumstances. Similarly, I consider the contribution that the analysis of social-environmental vulnerability offers to students of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA).


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The dominant development system with its neoliberal policies and market-centered approaches contribute to aggravate the socio-environmental problems, under the context of the globalization of the market. For that reason, the concern about the sustainable development of the environment makes highly necessary the structuring of an environmental education that forms and informs about this problem. As a result, environmental education constitutes the educational process that deals with the relation between the human being and his/her environment (natural and man-made) and with itself, as well as the effects caused by this relation. In this way, environmental education must constitute an integral process, which plays its role throughout the whole teaching and learning intertwinement. For this reason it is necessary to establish an educational process that examines the relation of any topic or human being activity, within an analysis of the importance or incidence on social life, as it is the pedagogical part and its political essence.


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Este  artículo  analiza  las  políticas  ambientales,  relacionadas  directamente  con  el establecimiento y el manejo de  los espacios protegidos, y muy especialmente, con  las zonas de amortiguamiento  en  Costa  Rica,  como  un  elemento  esencial  para  comprender  la  dinámica  en áreas  de  conservación  reciente  creación,  por  ejemplo  el  Parque Nacional  Piedras Blancas  y  la Reserva  de Vida Silvestre Golfito.   Se  analiza  en  esta  área,  de  forma  cualitativa,  los  procesos socioambientales, como componentes fundamentales en  la determinación del nivel de alcance de la conservación de estas áreas protegidas.   Finalmente, este artículo concluye  la  importancia de abordar la gestión de los espacios protegidos desde perspectivas sistemáticas, que permita no sólo articular  diferentes  áreas,  sino  que  realice  una  gestión  que  considere  tanto  los  aspectos socioeconómicos  para  la  conservación  como  los  ecológicos,  debido  a  que  las  condiciones  de pobreza  imperantes  en  el  área  de  estudio  han  limitado  fuertemente  la  consolidación  de  estas áreas. Abstracts:This article analyzes the environmental policies related directly with the creation and management of protected areas, especially the buffer zones  in Costa Rica, as crucial elements  in the  comprehension  of  different  dynamics  in  the  recently  created  conservation  areas,  like  the Piedras Blancas National Park  and  the Golfito Wildlife Refuge. There  is  a  qualitative  analysis regarding  the  socio-environmental  processes,  as  key  elements  in  determining  the  conservation level  in  these  protected  areas.  Finally,  the  article  details  the  importance  of  approaching  the management  of  protected  areas  from  systematic  points  of  view  that  allow  the  articulation  of different areas, as well as considering the basic and socioeconomic aspects of the area, due to the fact that critic poverty conditions have strongly limited the consolidation of these protected areas.


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Vulnerability and sustainability studies of an area help to assess both its level of exposure and capacity to support possible environmental impacts, and it is of primordial importance for proposals of the Legislation on Zoning, Allotment, Land Use/land cover, aiming to stimulate those areas indicated for urban growth, to discourage growth of overcrowded areas, to detect sections with restrictive use, as well as districts for permanent protection. This paper aims to analyze the vulnerability in the Maranhão Ilha, using GIS techniques, geospatial inference intersected with relevant social-environmental indicators.Estudos de vulnerabilidade e de sustentabilidade de uma área ajudam a avaliar o seu grau de exposição e sua capacidade de suporte a possíveis impactos ambientais, sendo fundamental para propostas de Lei de Zoneamento, Parcelamento, Uso e Ocupação do Solo, tendo por finalidade orientar as áreas onde deverá haver estímulo para o crescimento urbano; contenção da malha urbana; detecção de locais com possibilidade de uso restritivo, bem como locais de proteção permanente. Este trabalho propõe analisar o índice de vulnerabilidade a perda de solo da Ilha do Maranhão com base na metodologia proposta por (CREPANI, et al. 2001) e em técnicas de inferência espacial com apoio na AHP (Análise Hierárquica de Processo).


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Existe una estrecha relación entre bienestar y escala urbana. Considerando una combinación ponderada de indicadores socioeconómicos y ambientales tenemos que las Aglomeraciones de Tamaño Intermedio (ATIS) grandes (entre 400.000 y 999.999 habitantes) poseen el mayor nivel de bienestar, seguidas por las ATIS medias (entre 50.000 y 399.999). Las ciudades grandes (más de un millón de habitantes) recientemente se ubican en un tercer escalón. Cruzando la escala urbana y la región se evidencian mejor estas diferencias. La mejor conjunción corresponde a las ATIS medias patagónicas, mientras que la peor es la que reúne a las ATIS medias del Nordeste Argentino (NEA). Es decir que, más allá de la jerarquía urbana como factor de diferenciación, también deben considerarse los contextos regionales para intentar dimensionar más ajustadamente las diferencias del bienestar en Argentina. ABSTRACT A very close relationship exists between well-being and urban scale. If we consider a weighted combination of socioeconomic and environmental indicators, we find that bigger middle-sized cities (ATIS in Spanish) of between 400,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants have the highest level of well-being, followed by middle ATIS, or cities, of 50,000 to 400,000 in population. The largest cities, those with a population of more than 1,000,000 ranked third. However, these differences are better evidenced by crossing urban scale and region. In other words, beyond urban hierarchy as a differentiation factor, the regional context must also be considered to more accurately gage differences in well-being.


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Considering the wide implications of global warming it is evident the need, not only of diminishing the energy consumption patterns, but of diversifying to “sustainable” energy resources. Moreover, within the frame of national security, this requires tore-think the managing and use of available resources, because any change of the energy paradigm will depend, at least at the beginning, on fossil energy.Considering the above, the following paper opens a discussion about energy, entropy and the limits of economic growth, following the premises of the school of ecological economics. It offers several empirical data about the situation of the current energy pattern, mostly about its socio-environmental aspects. The paper ends discussing the characteristics and limitations of the main available alternative energies; meanwhile it highlights the relevance of contemporary patterns of territorial organization. It concludes pointing out the inherent need of diminishing the type and rhythm of current energy consumption.