11 resultados para rural communities

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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This study examines the services provided by the bookmobile of SINABI-Public Libraries in rural communities visited Costa Rica during 2009 and 2010 according to the sample selected for the presentation of a proposed Mobile Library Network to Costa Rica.Each country has very heterogeneous populations and the populations in unfavorable geographical areas (rural or urban fringe areas) and areas without library service or cultural institution, they have specific information needs. By its terms can not exercise the right to information, while urban areas have greater influence and social advantage to have easy access to various information resources.The mobile library services are presented as an ideal tool to deliver library services to any population, mainly those remote communities and vulnerable state as rural areas. Bookmobile is defined as any means of transport (buses, trains, boats, motorcycles, boats, animals, etc.), which shifts documentary material.


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Education management in the schools of indigenous rural areas faces a number of difficulties to implement and comply with the guidelines and requirements of the laws related to budgetary management of resources allocated to Education or Administrative Boards. In addition to being located in scattered rural areas, far from the municipal heads and regional offices of the Ministry of Public Education, one of the main obstacles is that all regulations, laws and guidelines are written in Spanish, and there is people, in this indigenous rural communities, who do not speak, write, read or understand this language. This puts them at an enormous disadvantage, which has a direct impact on the indigenous children’s right to education.


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Resumen Aunque los aspectos productivos, económicos y legales de las indicaciones geográficas (IG) han sido analizados ampliamente, las dinámicas sociales y políticas detrás de su establecimiento, y sus efectos sobre los diferentes sectores de las comunidades involucradas, necesitan más investigación. ¿Podrían las IG ofrecer un instrumento válido para obtener diferentes formas de agricultura sostenible, orientadas a la calidad y de raíces locales? ¿O más bien son sólo una herramienta de “marketing” basada en utopías agrarias e ideas románticas del pasado, destinadas a la transformación de productos tradicionales y artesanales en mercancías de alto precio? Este artículo examina cuáles son los elementos que están siendo incluidos, excluidos o negociados en las definiciones legales de las IG. También se explora el potencial de los instrumentos jurídicos alternativos para la protección de la producción alimentaria de las comunidades rurales en los países menos desarrollados.Abstract Although the productive, economic and legal aspects of geographical indications (GI) have been widely discussed, the social and political dynamics behind their establishment, and their effect on different sectors of the communities involved need further investigation. Can GIs become a valid tool to implement community-based, sustainable and quality-oriented agriculture? Or are they rather just a marketing tool based on agrarian utopias and romanticized ideas of the past, aimed at the commoditization and high-priced sale of traditional and artisanal products? The article will examine what elements are included, excluded or negotiated in the legal definitions of GI. The potential of alternative juridical instruments in protecting the food production of rural communities in less developed countries will also be explored. 


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ResumenEl artículo es un análisis de la construcción del poder en el mundo predominantemente rural del Valle Central, fundamentado en la interacción entre los agentes del Estado y las comunidades campesinas. Propone develar una dimensión de las prácticas hegemónicas en la organización del trabajo colectivo para el desarrollo de la infraestructura requerida por el proceso de mercantilización de la economía. El poder directriz de los agentes del Estado es afirmado, disputado y negociado por comunidades campesinas, cruzadas por diferencias y conflictos económicos y regionales. Puntos de encuentro y fractura entre las comunidades se integran a las construcciones discursivas que, sutil o abiertamente, enfrentan las políticas públicas.AbstractThis article constitutes an analysis of the construction of power, in a predominantly rural world of the Central Valley of Costa Rica, based on the interaction between government agents and rural communities. It intends to unveil a dimension of hegemonic practices in the organization of collective work for the development of infrastructure required for the process of commercialization of the economy. The steering power of the government agents is acknowledged, debated on, and negotiated by the peasant communities, intersected by economic and regional differences and conflicts. Points of coincidence and fracture between communities are woven into the discursive constructions facing public policies, whether in a subtle or open manner. 


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The purpose of this article is to reflect about current reality experimented in rural communities in our country in order to look for solutions to their problems that allow them to reach a better quality of life. Analyses are made from different perspectives. Within this context, we take into account the role that rural communities have in the development of a country as well as the part education plays in the fight for the achievement of a better quality of life.


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This article is intended to discuss about existent national legislation concerning community and student participation. It is focused on rural communities because of their serious limitations as well as their great potential for development. An education for effective participation of the rural citizens is necessary since their first learning processes, in order to achieve their full and effective insertion inside the national and global market.


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This investigation has the purpose of identifying how to prevent through educational processes, and then eradicate, the sexual abuse against children and adolescents in rural communities from Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The premise is that sexual abuse cannot be approached in an isolated way; it requires integral and committed actions of the institutions in charge of children and adolescents’ integral protection and development. This implies considering: the legal framework, the response offered by government and private organizations towards the prevention and attention of rights as well as their actions to penalize and restore the violated rights; the role of families as main responsible of the well being of their children and the role of children and adolescents.


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El principal atractivo turístico de Costa Rica lo constituyen sus recursos naturales; de ahí que en los últimos años se ha presentado el acelerado desarrollo de una serie de proyectos llamados “ecoturísticos”, ejecutados por grandes consorcios, en la mayoría de los casos con el aporte de capital extranjero. El proyecto que se describe en el presente artículo lo ejecutan las comunidades de Cariblanco, Ujarrás y Los Angeles, ubicadas en las zonas aledañas al Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Bosque Alegre. Esta experiencia representa un modelo de desarrollo turístico, que se puede llevar a cabo en otras poblaciones rurales, que cuenten COfl los componentes necesarios para la protección y la conservación de sus recursos naturales, asimismo posibilita la utilización de estos desde una perspectiva de sostenibilidad. El trabajo comunitario se realizó con niños de edad escolar, jóvenes, docentes, líderes comunales y amas de casa. Estos grupos mcta constituyen los verdaderos núcleos de apoyo por medio de los cuales se realizan los diversos subproyectos que se ejecutan en el ámbito del turismo ecológico en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Bosque Alegre. Abstract:The main touristic altractive of Costa Rica is its natural resources. For this reason, during the last years there are an accelerate development of ecotouristic project by transnational. The project thai is described in ihis article is carrying out by the Cariblanco, Ujarras and Los Angeles Communities located next to the Wildlife National Refugee of Bosque Alegre. This experiene is a model of tourism development thai can be carrying out in others rural communities thai has the difference component of conservation and preservation of the natural resources. For other hand, it gives the opportunity Lo use and management the natural resources basing in the sustainable approach. The community work was realized with school children, young people, teachers, community leader and housekeepers. Those target groups are (he real people thai support the different activities of the projects that are carry out in to the Wildlife National Refugee of Bosque Alegre.


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La lucha por la protección de la biodiversidad se está llevando a cabo en varios escenarios, desde las comunidades rurales afectadas que denuncian el saqueo y defienden sus recursos locales, hasta los círculos académicos donde personas sensibilizadas ante el problema se oponen a la devastación.AbstractThe fight for the protection of the biodiversity is being carried out in various scenarios, from affected rural communities that denounce the stealing and defend their local resources, to the academic circles where people sensitized towards the problem are opposed to devastation. The issue of bio-piracy has been little divulged, since the institutions specialized on those topics have carried out their research almost in a “secret” way and so far little is known about their final outcomes. The environment issue has had limited linkage with social reasons related to biodiversity since they weren’t the concern of many organizations. That’s why it is necessary to open a debate about these complex issues but related to the daily life of rural and urban communities nowadays. Furthermore, it is necessary to make a critical analysis of bio-piracy and patent mechanisms, in detriment of indigenous people’s interests.  El tema de la biopiratería ha sido poco divulgado, pues las instituciones más especializadas en dichos temas han trabajado de manera casi «secreta» sus investigaciones y hasta hoy se tiene poco conocimiento de sus resultados finales. El tema ambiental ha tenido poca ligazón con las razones sociales relacionados con la biodiversidad no eran parte importante de muchas organizaciones.De ahí que, es necesario abrir un debate sobre estos temas complejos, pero relacionados con la vida cotidiana de las comunidades rurales y urbanas actualmente. Además, conviene un análisis crítico de la biopiratería y los mecanismos de patentes en detrimento de los intereses de los pueblos indígenas.


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This article describes a teaching experience developed in Environmental Education in a Costa Rican rural school with students from ninth year, characterized by the dynamics of a workshop in which stresses the participation in the construction of initiatives to address environmental problems detected by the youth in their communities. The article aims to contribute to the construction of a pedagogical model of self-management training and education of young people in environmental sectors, tourism and agriculture, in the conviction that education constitutes a vital alternative for understanding and solving environmental problems.


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En el presente artículo el lector podrá encontrar algunos aspectos  relacionados  con el turismo como actividad económica y su expresión concreta en las comunidades de Tambor y Montezuma de Cóbano, provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Pero además y es la parte fundamental del mismo se hace referencia aquí al impacto que ha tenido este sector en la convivencia comunal y cotidianidad de esas comunidades. Este impacto se analiza en tres dimensiones específicas: la socioeconómica, la cultural y la ambiental. En síntesis y como producto de los efectos del turismo, la zona analizada sufre una transformación importante que engloba la convivencia comunal; convivencia que en sus manifestaciones generales coincide en cierta medida con el contexto nacional y mundial, pero que también tiene su particularidad. En este sentido, se nota una re-dimensión en la individualidad de actor y sector social, pero además en la totalidad de la convivencia comunal. Esta re-dimensión, si bien es producto de actividades económicas  de sistemas productivos y de nuevas estrategias de desarrollo globalizantes, se manifiesta en lo social, en lo cultural y en la relación sociedad naturaleza ó ambiente a nivel local, como un producto más divertido de la actividad turística.   Abstract: This paper discusses the effects of the tourism industry in the communities of Tambor and Montezuma, Cobano, province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. If focuses in the impact and tourism in peoples everyday life from on three- fold perspective: socio-economic, cultural and evironmental. Regarding the impact of tourism in the socioeconomic dimensión the study revels an important change in the labor market, which was traditionally related to farming and fishing, now oriented to the production of goods and services for tourists and other economic activities take place in medium and small scales and involve men and women, Young  and adults. They generate different social and interpersonal relations, which contribute to change comunal daily coexistence. In the cultural discussion tourism had changed daily like in these communities and patterns of social coexistence. Among the most significant changes are customs and holidays, clothing styles, the loss of traditional forms of communication, the beginning of different ways of dialoging and new relationships among neighbors, and even of the way people talk and how and whit they eat. In relation to the environment the new ways to relate to nature and of trying to manage and handle the natural resources the awareness and the new attitude in regard to the environmental situation, as well as the wormiest for conservation. For having clean and healthy surroundings, among others, had the collective levels. To summarize as a result of the effects of tourism an important transformation is talking place in the communities under study that coincides with the national and global context to a certain extent, but to also has its own particularities. In this sense, it is noticeable a re-definition of the individuality of each actor and social sector and in the totality of the communal identify as well. Eventhough that redefinition is the result of economic activities, of economic systems and new globalized developmental strategies, also effects in the social and cultural aspects and in the relation men-nature in a local level.