2 resultados para oily water treatment,

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Este artículo desarrolla el diagnostico de los impactos del turismo en el ambiente, en Montezuma, Puntarenas. Se evaluó los efectos de la actividad turísticas en los recursos hídricos, fauna, vegetación y tenencia de la tierra, encontrando que el desarrollo de la actividad, en Montezuma, ha sido sin ninguna planificación y ha venido a alterar la cotidianidad de este pueblo. Aunque se han presentado algunos efectos positivos como son el nacimiento  de una conciencia ambiental entre los diversos grupos de la comunidad, se han desarrollado varios problemas ambientales que están íntimamente ligados a la falta de planificación.Este problema es la alta contaminación del agua, porque no existen sistemas de tratamiento de la misma, además que los antes responsables no supervisan el tratamiento de las aguas tanto potables como servidas en las instalaciones turísticas, las cuales aumentaron aceleradamente durante los últimos cinco años. Por otro lado, se han presentado cambios en el paisaje, han introducido especies exóticas que alteran las condiciones naturales del medio. En cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra en la zona marítima terrestre, ésta se encuentra bajo el dominio de los extranjeros, los costarricenses tienen más números de concesiones pero los extranjeros tienen más superficie (69%). Todos los efectos negativos de turismo en Montezuma, se relaciona con la falta de planificación, por lo que resulta urgente realizar una estrategia de turismo sustentable para el área.ABSTRACTS This article diagnosed the tourism impacts on the environment, in Montezuma, Puntarenas. It e evaluated the effects of tourism in water, wildlife, vegetation and land tenure. It found that tourism in Montezuma have been without planning and it altered the routine life of this town, Even there have been some positive effects like increasing of environmental education, there have been several problems that are very related to the planning lack. Those problems are high water pollution because there is not any system to treat water and also none monitored the water treatment in the hotels, even those increased very fast during the last five years. Changing in the landscape are provoking to loose species even plants or animal, due they have used exotic species in the new hotel. The land tenure in the marine terrestrial zone is controled by foreigners, Costa Ricans have more numbers of concessions but foreigners have more surface (More 69%). Because, all the negative effects of tourism in Montezuma, are related to lack of planning, it is urgent to carry out a management plan for a sustainable tourism in this place.


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The Lemnaceae family lacks morphologic and anatomical characteristics with comparative aims and for that reason the molecular studies has been necessary a differentiation. In Costa Rica there are two species of Lemna: Lemna aequinoctialis and Lemna valdiviana. With the objective of a molecular characterization and differentiation of both species were extracted isoenzymes esterases. The study was carried out in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the School of Biological Sciences at Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. The technical electrophoresis in gel of polyacrylamida SDS-PAGE was used. It was difference in the pattern of isoenzymes between both species. According to previous molecular studies based on morphology and anatomy, flavonoides, isoenzymes, and DNA sequences of certain genes both species are very different; in addition they belong to different monophyletics groups. On the other hand, the importance of this molecular characterization is its possible use in water treatment, because the esterases have had important in the bioremediation. Also, species of the Lemnaceae family are used in the water treatment like bioremediation.