7 resultados para contexto educativo

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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In the current context of education, parents, students, teachers, media and other sectors of Costa Rican society, express concern about the problem of school violence, a social phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years. Its manifestations are perceived by means of abuse behavior, intimidation, verbal or physical abuse among youth, which are constructed through cultural practices. Therefore, to understand this problem, reflection about possible causes is in order, taking into account the context in which social interaction is developed in each school. Some of the manifestations of violence are rooted in the family, the community, the imitation of the behavioral patterns, and the influence of mass media. Moreover, these behaviors are reinforced by the current curriculum model, generating resistance to institutional rules.


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Interpersonal relationships in human communities gained a great value since the begging of mankind, these relationships are constructed on interaction and socialization. The educational context is not exempt of these interactive and communicative processes, and it is specifically in the classroom where they can be found. The classroom can be identified as a physical and a humane space, in which dynamics are developed from the interactions between teachers and students, learning content, learning strategies and the class environment. All of these aspects are presented in the classroom as part of the teaching and learning processes. It is interesting to analyze the classroom environment and the interactive dynamics that are developed in it, regardless of the student’s age, wether in the case of infants, adolescents or adults. In this particular case, we analyze the classroom environment at the university level. Understanding the interactive dynamics that are being developed in the classroom, determine whether or not an environment is appropriate for the teaching and learning processes, which must be considered, if someone chooses an integral and quality of education.


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Educational services are essential to social and economical development of people, mainly to the progress of all sectors of society. Establishing actions that can promote the participation of various social groups is essential to improve their quality of life and building more respectful and fair human rights without any discrimination or exclusion. In recent years, the Costa Rican education system has undergone significant changes due to the pedagogical approach of inclusive education in which students with educational needs may require different support and specialized resources for training and development. For this, the Basic Educational Division of the Center for Teaching and Research in Education, generated a concern of investigating the participation of the Committee of Educational Support in the process of educational integration, thus, determine the functions performed in the educational context, under the rules of the 7600 Equal Opportunity Act for people with disabilities, which is the entity that corresponds to regulate access to education by identifying the support required for students with educational needs and, advice and trains, administrative staff in schools both public and private in the country. In addition, there is also a concern for exploring the role of the Special Education teacher for this Committee, as well as learning the perceptions of teachers and parents about the functions performed by the committee.


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Recibido 14 de abril de 2011 • Aceptado 26 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 29 de agosto de 2011   Se desarrolla el tema de las condiciones dignas de la labor docente en el desafiante siglo XXI. El objetivo recae en realizar una contextualización de la sociedad emergente en el siglo XXI, en general; así como plantear una revisión, en América Latina, del contexto educativo y de las mismas condiciones laborales del profesional de la educación. Otro objetivo es revisar las condiciones laborales en que se encuentran los educadores en distintos sistemas educativos, incluyendo realidades de Europa y América Latina, entre otras. En las principales ideas que se abordan, se define el perfil del educador de siglo XXI en comparación con el educador de la sociedad tradicional y se desarrollan algunos indicadores de consenso en distintas realidades educativas, así como su integración en tres grandes dimensiones: cognitivas, operativas e institucionales. Sobresale, entre las principales conclusiones, la determinación de políticas públicas que respalden las condiciones laborales en las que se desempeñe el docente de manera digna, lo cual se considera fundamental para una educación inclusiva de calidad, en armonía con las exigencias de la desafiante sociedad emergente. Concluye la autora que este tema es inacabado y debe ser una constante en las agendas educativas de las distintas sociedades.


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The way in which the teaching autonomy is materialized, considered as part of the path traveled by the teaching community on their way to become owners of the disciplinary knowledge and the required pedagogical competencies to practice their role has motivated this paper.  For success, Commercial Education requires the urgent transformation of the teaching role and the development of key competences to promote interdisciplinary integration, academic and administrative leadership and the use of contemporary pedagogies.  The level of awareness reached by the teaching group about the impact of the learning that is promoted within the educational context will allow the empowerment of the knowledge that comes from the relationship between theory and practice-key element for professional autonomy.


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IntroducciónEn años recientes, la mayoría de los análisis críticos sobre la educación costarricense, se han alejado de la búsqueda de una dinámica interna del cambio educativo hacia un enfoque que percibe esos cambios como aspectos de un contexto económico y político mucho más amplio. Consenso y Represión además de ser un trabajo pionero en ese sentido, ha estimulado la producción de otros investigadores que han fortalecido esa tendencia.


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O trabalho tem como foco a análise de práticas curriculares de professores de Geografia que atuam em cursos de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Suas reflexões derivam de pesquisa acadêmica que envolve o levantamento e a identificação do currículo praticado em instituições federais de ensino localizadas na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro que oferecem o Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA). Os objetivos do trabalho visam a identificar os sentidos atribuídos pelos professores ao processo de escolarização de jovens e adultos trabalhadores, analisar as concepções de currículo que se encontram presentes em suas ações pedagógicas, bem como examinar os critérios utilizados para a seleção e a organização dos conteúdos escolares de Geografia. Para tanto, utiliza-se da análise de dados qualitativos levantados a partir da realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas abrangendo professores de uma das instituições pesquisadas. Pretende-se, dessa forma, contribuir para o processo de reconstrução de referenciais teórico-metodológicos que apóiem o trabalho educativo do professor de Geografia em cursos de EJA.