4 resultados para Thought and thinking.
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
El pensamiento social crítico tiene una nueva demanda. Le urge revisarse en sus conceptos fundamentales, dialogar con las experiencias de los movimientos sociales y hacer valer el recurso del método: el hacer conceptual radical del pensamiento y la acción social por una emancipación humana. Desde la experiencia de trabajo del Grupo América Latina, Filosofía Social y Axiología (GALFISA) se exponen algunos elementos alcanzados y construidos en conjunto y que compartimos para seguir narrando juntos la emancipación. Abstract The critical social thought has a new demand. Is urgent to review its fundamental concepts, dialogue with the experiences of the social movements and give value to the resource of the method: Of making radical conceptual of the thought and the social action for a human emancipation. From the experience of the Latin America, Social Philosophy and Axiology working group (GALFISA) some elements that where reached and built together are exposed, elements that we shared in the continuing task of narrating together the emancipation.
La contribución intelectual y política de la pensadora Carmen Lyra, militante comunista, maestra y escritora costarricense, puede identificarse como una dádiva que aportó luz en la construcción de una sociedad costarricense más justa. Exilada política, murió en México, el país que la recibió, rogando volver para fallecer en su Patria, petición humanitaria que le fue negada por la jerarquía política de la Suiza Centroamericana. Hoy, su pensamiento y su praxis han sido despojados por el imaginario oficial del contenido político que movió su pluma y su vida. Palabras claves: Carmen Lyra, María Isabel Carvajal, comunismo costarricense, pensamiento político femenino costarricense Abstract The intellectual and political deeds of Costa Rican thinker Carmen Lyra, communist, writer and teacher, can be understood as an inheritance that shed light for the building of a more justice Costa Rican society. She was exiled to Mexico and died there begging Costa Rican authorities to allow her return to the Homeland for her final days. This humanitarian request was refused by the rulers of the so-called Central American Switzerland. Today, Carmen Lyra ́s thought and deeds are being swept away of its political content that moved her writing and her entire life by the official ideology. Key words: Carmen Lyra, María Isabel Carvajal, Costa Rican Communism, Costa Rican female political thought
The paper deals with Wittgenstein ́s ideas about epistemology and language, mainly those from his Philosophical Investigations and On Certainty, so that the relationship between this thought and current debates in contemporary epistemology can be accurately defined.
In this article I examine the emergence of modern political thought and the unfulfilled promises that characterized modernity. If the Peace of Westphalia (1648) marks the beginning of modern political thought, the article explores the possibility of a «new peace of Westphalia» to confront the crisis of the paradigm of Modernity.