6 resultados para Tecnologías de información y comunicación
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
The article must like intention reflect, from a critical perspective, on the use of the technologies of the information and the communications (TIC) in the rural education, under the assumption that these resources are not in themselves solutions to problems, but that can allow to obtain solutions to concrete problems, in the scope of the rural education. For it, an analysis becomes from different edges.
The intention of the article is to announce the needs of a curriculum Identified in the NicaraguanThis article analyses the potential of information and communication technologies from a rural social context approach. The author approaches the advantages of the social incorporation of this resource, its menaces and risks as well as the aspects that have to be valued when an impact on social development is expected. This perspective allows tackling the relation between ICTs and social concerns such as social inequality, gender equity, and community participation, among others. The article ends up presenting a reflection about some challenges in this matter.
El artículo reflexiona sobre el aporte de la didáctica en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, enfatizando en su carácter teórico – práctica. Diferencia entre una didáctica general y una didáctica específica.La Didáctica Crítica propone al profesor en Geografía como un maestro en el saber y actuar, en el cumplimiento de sus deberes, responsabilidades y habilidades. La enseñanza de la Geografía precisadel apoyo de numerosos instrumentos de alta tecnología, que constituyen valiosos aportes didácticos, la incorporación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TICʼs) es una necesidad. La formación a nivel universitario debe ofrecer las destrezas y habilidades en la creación y composiciónde medios audiovisuales para la enseñanza de la Geografía. La Geografía contribuye eficazmente al desarrollo de capacidades, actitudes y competencias genéricas esenciales sobre las que ha de basarse la formación ciudadana y la educación de valores.Palabras claves: Geografía, didáctica de la Geografía, saber geográfico, metodología de enseñanza, método didáctico.AbstractThe article reflects on the contribution from didactics in the process of teaching-learning, emphasizing in its theoretical character – practice. It differentiates between general didactics and specific didactics. Critical didactics suggests that the Geography professor, as an expert, knows and acts according to his or her duties, responsibilities and abilities.The teaching of the Geography draws upon the support of high-tech tools, which constitute valuable didactic contributions, so that incorporation of the Technology Information and Communication (TICʼs) is a necessity to be the mode of communication. Formation at the university level ought to offer talents and abilities in the creation and composition of audio-visual media in the teaching of geography. Geography effectively contributes to development of capabilities, attitudes and competencies generic essential for citizen formation and the education of values.Key Words: Geography, didactics of Geography, geographical knowledge, teaching methodology, didactic method
The Library of the Institute of Alajuela made an induction experience and training of users and ventured into the information literacy and engaged in the work of the teaching-learning as an integral part of the curriculum. The actions of the library in developing search strategies, location, selection and use of information brought inthe health service, changes to the role of the library, the librarian, the book and the information in the educational environment.By sharing this experience is intended to provide information that can motivate staff of educational institutions that wish toenter the field of information literacy as a strategy to support the development oflifelong independent learning skills and meaningful learning. Currently, the library should be a proactive part in the education of students but also teachers, administrative and family.This will result in a benefit to Costa Rica: the development of youth and their proper integration into the workplace.
A partir de la implementación de un aula multimedia de Geografía en el plantel 2 Erasmo Castellanos Quinto, adscrito a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), un grupo de profesoras se interesó por la elaboración de material didáctico con el propósito de aprovechar al máximo la infraestructura del aula. Es así como surge un proyecto que de elaboración de material didáctico a través de las tecnologías de Información y Comunicación, enmarcado en el programa denominado “Iniciativa para Fortalecer la Carrera Académica en el Bachillerato” de la UNAM (INFOCAB) El trabajo que presentamos tiene como objetivo compartir la experiencia de aplicación de cuatro materiales didácticos: “Espacio social”, “El quehacer del geógrafo”, “La Geografía en la vida cotidiana” y “Coordenadas Geográficas” Se inicia la presentación analizando la estructura y forma de organización de los materiales, después se abordan las secuencias didácticas empleadas para el trabajo en el aula, finalmente se plantea una reflexión sobre los aciertos y problemáticas encontradas durante su aplicación.
Division de Educología (School of Education for Secondary Level) of Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica, (UNA) has been aware of the necessary planning and thought of a future that demands a continuous reflection between what is possible and what is desirable. In this sense, the formation of future educators of the country in different specialties, should promote not only the use of the technology, but also the development of critical and objective thinking that will embrace its advantages and its limitations in the noble exercise of what is teaching and learning. Under the light of these precepts, in the year 2007, the educational research activity emerged by the name of Didactic Resources for Learning with a bimodal focus. The present article exposes the main ideas that have been matured after an experience of more than two years with this course, and it is also searching for recapturing a responsible way of planning, implementing and managing the policies of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) for the bimodal learning in the context of the Division de Educología (School of Education for Secondary Level) of UNA.