4 resultados para Stodghill, Whit
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
ResumenEstudia el rito mortuorio en la sociedad cartaginesa del siglo XVIII. La muerte se ve como una aproximación certera al cómo se vive, de ahí las diferencias sociales entre los ritos de los miembros de la élite y la gente de las llamadas castas.AbstractA study on death rituals in eighteenth century Cartago. Death is seen as a close approximation to the life each person lived. Hence, the author refers to social differences whit respect to the rites for members of the elite and the “castas”.
The article id based on the participation in the country school, It goes over the national and international legislation, is important to stand out the fact that this article establish questions that the personal teaching will affront if he wants to open a space to participate in country school. Besides it includes and develops the share capital concept and relate it whit the educational theme.
La técnica del análisis multicriterio se aplicó en la evaluación de técnicas de manejo alternativo para áreas de pendiente deforestadas usadas en la agricultura en Costa Rica y Guatemala. Se identificaron objetivos de evaluación entre los actores locales, con la ayuda de diferentes herramientas; pudiéndose identificar la pérdida de suelo, el ingreso de la finca, los insumes agrícolas, el lavado de nitrógeno, protección de la biodiversidad y necesidades nutricionales. Luego mediante algoritmos y fórmulas matemáticas, fueron caracterizados todos los objetivos. Este modelo se utilizó como base para la construcción de una herramienta para apoyar la toma de decisiones que hace posible el cálculo del valor de cada objetivo bajo diferentes escenarios de producción y protección. ABSTRACT The multimedia analysis approach was applied to the evaluation of alternative management practices in deforested sloping áreas used for farming in Central American countries (Guatemala, Costa Rica). A major number of major evaluation objectives were identified, with the help of workshop ,whit local actors, including soil loss, farm income, agricultural inputs, nitrogen leaching, protection of biodiversity, and local nutrition needs. Then, appropriate algorithms and other mathematical formulas were put together for the quantitative characterization of all these objectives. This model was used as the basis for the construction of a user-friendly decision support tool, making possible the calculation of the values of the objectives for each scenario.
En el presente artículo el lector podrá encontrar algunos aspectos relacionados con el turismo como actividad económica y su expresión concreta en las comunidades de Tambor y Montezuma de Cóbano, provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Pero además y es la parte fundamental del mismo se hace referencia aquí al impacto que ha tenido este sector en la convivencia comunal y cotidianidad de esas comunidades. Este impacto se analiza en tres dimensiones específicas: la socioeconómica, la cultural y la ambiental. En síntesis y como producto de los efectos del turismo, la zona analizada sufre una transformación importante que engloba la convivencia comunal; convivencia que en sus manifestaciones generales coincide en cierta medida con el contexto nacional y mundial, pero que también tiene su particularidad. En este sentido, se nota una re-dimensión en la individualidad de actor y sector social, pero además en la totalidad de la convivencia comunal. Esta re-dimensión, si bien es producto de actividades económicas de sistemas productivos y de nuevas estrategias de desarrollo globalizantes, se manifiesta en lo social, en lo cultural y en la relación sociedad naturaleza ó ambiente a nivel local, como un producto más divertido de la actividad turística. Abstract: This paper discusses the effects of the tourism industry in the communities of Tambor and Montezuma, Cobano, province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. If focuses in the impact and tourism in peoples everyday life from on three- fold perspective: socio-economic, cultural and evironmental. Regarding the impact of tourism in the socioeconomic dimensión the study revels an important change in the labor market, which was traditionally related to farming and fishing, now oriented to the production of goods and services for tourists and other economic activities take place in medium and small scales and involve men and women, Young and adults. They generate different social and interpersonal relations, which contribute to change comunal daily coexistence. In the cultural discussion tourism had changed daily like in these communities and patterns of social coexistence. Among the most significant changes are customs and holidays, clothing styles, the loss of traditional forms of communication, the beginning of different ways of dialoging and new relationships among neighbors, and even of the way people talk and how and whit they eat. In relation to the environment the new ways to relate to nature and of trying to manage and handle the natural resources the awareness and the new attitude in regard to the environmental situation, as well as the wormiest for conservation. For having clean and healthy surroundings, among others, had the collective levels. To summarize as a result of the effects of tourism an important transformation is talking place in the communities under study that coincides with the national and global context to a certain extent, but to also has its own particularities. In this sense, it is noticeable a re-definition of the individuality of each actor and social sector and in the totality of the communal identify as well. Eventhough that redefinition is the result of economic activities, of economic systems and new globalized developmental strategies, also effects in the social and cultural aspects and in the relation men-nature in a local level.