2 resultados para Spaces of socialization
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
In the process of socialization, the family has a fundamental role in the care and raising of the children, but principally, in the transmission of knowledge, values and customs that allow them to adapt to the society as active and productive individuals. In the last years, the Costa Rican educational system has experienced significant changes, due to the processes of students’ school integration, who present educational needs, because they need specialized supports and different resources for their formation and integral development. Thus, a concern was generated so that the familiar support is investigating in the process of students’ school integration, who are the ones who receive significant curricular adaptations in the public schools, and for instance, it was necessary to determine the kind of supports that are provided to the members of the family, as well as, the ways in which these supports can benefit the process of school integration.
ResumenEste trabajo pretende ser un instrumento de reflexión sobre el rol histórico de la autoridad en el aula. El supuesto es que los períodos autoritarios han dejado huellas en las cosmologías docentes y por ello el autoritarismo se resiste a partir. Esto último impide enfatizar en actitudes y acciones didácticas de tipo cooperativo; invisibilizando derechos fundamentales, principalmente aquellos referidos en la infancia y adolescencia. Se hace hincapié en la participación democrática de docentes y estudiantes, enfatizando en la exaltación de un tipo de socialización enmarcada en la participación democrática desde la escuela, que pueda aportar hábitos trasladables a otros ámbitos sociales, contribuyendo a formar actitudes deliberativas, necesarias para participar activamente. El marco utilizado es, en el caso de las teorías del aprendizaje y como soporte metodológico, el principio de Zona de Desarrollo Próximo (Vigotsky) y el supuesto de aprendizaje práctico/participativo (Rogoff), además de brindar algunas concepciones sobre filosofía política en educación (Gutman).Respecto al marco normativo, se presta atención al cuerpo jurídico internacional sobre derechos humanos poniendo énfasis en la esfera de la educación, las recientes leyes argentinas de educación (2006) y de protección de la infancia y la adolescencia (2006). Palabras clave: autoridad democrática, diálogo horizontal, ciudadanía activa, talleres pedagógicos. AbstractThis work aims to be an instrument of reflection on the historical role of authority in the classroom. The assumption is that authoritarian periods have left footprints in the cosmologies of teacher, hence authoritarianisms resists to leave. This prevents the emphasis on didactic cooperative attitudes and actions, thus subduing fundamental rights, mainly those referred to infancy and adolescence. The teachers´ and students´ democratic participation is emphasized, remarking the exaltation of a kind of socialization framed by the democratic participation from the school, which can bring habits transferable to other social areas, facilitating the development of the deliberative attitudes needed to participate actively. The theoretical framework is, in the case of learning theories and as a methodological support, the principle of Near Area Development (Vigotsky) and as the second argument, we use the assumption of learning by doing/participatory (Rogoff). In the first case, a task that is done with help today will be autonomously tomorrow. For the latter, it means participatory activities in order to achieve habits that may relocate to other social environments. In the case of Guttmann, it is looking for framing issues of political theory of education, mainly those related to the new skills a twenty-first century citizenship must acquire. Regarding the regulatory framework, attention is paid to international norms on human rights with emphasis on education, recent Argentinean education laws (2006) and new laws on childhood and adolescence protection (2006). Keywords: democratic authority, horizontal dialogue, active citizenship, pedagogical workshops.