2 resultados para Space-time geography
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
This article analyzes the relationship of the categories of time and of space, as long as holder of the ideological process, since the alteration of these categories is what characterizes to such a process. That is to say, the divisions of this even dialectical categorial bears a characterization of the reality like something static. Also, it thinks about the timespatiality concept as a notion that re-establishes the dialectical unit of the categories of time and space, and that it allows the apprehension of the movement.
Con base en los ejemplos de representaciones mentales del espacio geográfico a diferentes escalas, elaborados por estudiantes de varias carreras de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), se realizó el presente análisis. Si bien la cartografía mental ha sido clasificada como una técnica cuantitativa dados los análisis factoriales que de ella pueden desprenderse, el análisis que de las representaciones mentales se hace, es totalmente cualitativo, poniéndose énfasis en el conocimiento y la forma en que se expresan imágenes y conceptos. Pese a que la cartografía mental posee sus deficiencias, el análisis es valioso en tanto que los mapas mentales del espacio geográfico permiten representar un espacio percibido, pensado.Palabras claves: Cartografía mental, espacio geográfico, geografía del comportamiento, representaciones mentales.Abstract:Based on mental representation of geographic space draws by students from Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) this study was realized. Even though, mental cartography has been classified as a cuantitative technique due to factorial analysis than can be derived by, the analysis done in this study is totally qualitative, emphasizing in the knowledge and shape that images and concepts are expressed. Although mental cartography has deficiencies, its analysis is valuable in the sense that mental maps of geographic places allow us to represent a percept space.Keywords: Mental cartography, geographic space, behavior geography, mental representations