2 resultados para Social Risk Hypothesis

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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The purpose of this paper is to share a proposal for teacher’s labor market integration in contexts of high social5 vulnerability. This paper is the result of a research conducted in a priority attention primary school6 of the central canton of Heredia7. It explored the labor market integration process of teachers, considering the community, family and student reality of a population social risk. The research that supports this proposal is based on a qualitative approach, since the diagnosis process is not intended to provide answers that could be commonly applied to other education centers in similar contexts, but to make an exploratory approach of teachers’ reality and their integration process into education institutions of high social vulnerability. Therefore, although this paper intends to share this experience, it does not aim to unify integration practices, but to be an input in carrying out similar processes.  (5) The concept of high social vulnerability is understood based on Sojo’s approach (2003), which defines it as marginal urban communities in areas considered by the Costa Rican government as priority areas with the greatest social, economic backwardness in the country, and high rates of violence, leisure, unemployment and drug addiction. (6) Translator’s note: The Costa Rican education system is composed of primary education (1st-6th grade) and secondary education (7th-11th grade). (7)A public primary school in the circuit 02 of the Province of Heredia.


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Se desarrolla un marco teórico de la seguridad comunitaria al definirla a partir de la evolución que ha tenido el tema de la seguridad comunitaria a partir de la adopción del enfoque más amplio de la seguridad humana de los habitantes como base y eje de las políticas públicas, de donde nace un nuevo conjunto de prioridades para la erradicación de los factores de riesgo social asociados o que son proclives a la violencia y la comisión de delitos, tales como la deserción escolar, el desempleo, la violencia en todas sus formas, la inequidad de género y diversidad social, la falta de cohesión social, las migraciones, internas o externas, forzadas por las condiciones de vida. El enfoque se basa en un nuevo modelo criminológico que está sustentado en el marco de los derechos humanos, la seguridad humana y el modelo de control social democrático para formar un modelo de desarrollo humano sostenible, por tanto la prevención sustentada en políticas públicas para la seguridad humana, la participación comunitaria y el nuevo rol de la policía comunitaria.It develops a theoretical framework for defining the community from the developments that have taken the issue of community safety from the adoption of the broader approach to human security of people as the basis and focus of public policy, arises where a new set of priorities for the eradication of social risk factors that are associated with or prone to violence and committing crimes, such as school dropouts, unemployment, violence in all its forms, gender inequity and social diversity, lack of social cohesion, migration, internal or external, forced by the conditions of life. The approach is based on a new criminological model that is based on the framework of human rights, human security and control model to form a social democratic model of sustainable human development, thus preventing sustained public policies for security human, community involvement and the new role of community police.