4 resultados para Riordan, Michael: Crystal fire. The birth of the information age

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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This year the School of Library, Documentation and Information is twenty years from its beginning as Unit Library.


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The Library of the Institute of Alajuela made an induction experience and training of users and ventured into the information literacy and engaged in the work of the teaching-learning as an integral part of the curriculum. The actions of the library in developing search strategies, location, selection and use of information brought inthe health service, changes to the role of the library, the librarian, the book and the information in the educational environment.By sharing this experience is intended to provide information that can motivate staff of educational institutions that wish toenter the field of information literacy as a strategy to support the development oflifelong independent learning skills and meaningful learning. Currently, the library should be a proactive part in the education of students but also teachers, administrative and family.This will result in a benefit to Costa Rica: the development of youth and their proper integration into the workplace.


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Training in information competencies or information literacy is one of the current challenges of university libraries at the possibilities of access to vast information resources that facilitate digital media, which require a better understand and apply the selection and assessment criteria to retrieval the highest quality and relevance of information as needed. In this situation, Ibero-American university libraries (Latin-America, Spain and Portugal) have been slowly incorporating this training either from direct training programs, offered from the library or through collaborative work with teachers and schools in curricula of various universities as a whole or in specific disciplines. In this text, it was identified that, at present, from the information displayed on Web sites of universities-HEI in Costa Rica, a very small percentage of university libraries would find taking actions in a level 1 or 2 of incorporating information literacy, since a large most developed is still very focused programs and processes to the traditional user training, while another large majority, unfortunately, has no action-information about actions from the forming perspective that should be any library.


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Linked to the investigation is, without being able to do without it, the information. In fact it is a factor without which the research is done by halves, or does not occur at all.Research in any field or discipline, needs the support of those who previously investigated in the work of interest. Researchers need to give more authoritative backing, more scientific, his creation of what others wrote, reported or are inquiring about a hypothesis. Thus, the information defined as "a means of communication" without being an end in itself, is an indispensable means to strengthen, guide and accelerate any research process, and in many cases up to edit to change completely.The information was therefore an unusual importance in developing nations, as the link that binds makes available to the researcher or student, all I thought of Man produces and has produced over time and world geography.