3 resultados para Respeto de sí mismo
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Obstacle courses are an activity that brings a group of people together, in which teams are organized to navigate an established route during a set period of time, completing tasks (clues, riddles, or challenges) to meet a defined goal. Rules and safety norms are explained to all participants; however, they are not informed of the location of the clues, riddles, or challenges. The following should be considered when organizing an obstacle course: objective, topic to be developed, location, materials needed, clues, riddles or challenges that may be included, and how to supervise that all teams pass the checkpoints. Like any other activity with a touch of competitiveness, fair play and respect should be above any interest. If, for any reason, any of the teams has an emergency, solidarity should prevail, and the activity can be used to teach values. An adventurous spirit is also essential in this activity. The desire for the unknown and the new challenges individuals and groups. This activity helps groups of friends, children, adults, families, etc. share a nice and healthy day together in contact with nature, rescuing concepts such as cooperation, cleverness and, particularly, team work.
ResumenLa identidad de una persona, adultos/as o niños/as, es un conjunto de características que particularizan a ese ser humano. Desde la infancia y hasta avanzada la edad adulta se van erigiendo rasgos que servirán para afianzar una identidad propia; la mayoría de estas características se toman a muy temprana edad y por lo tanto, debe delimitarse muy bien no solo el derecho que tienen las personas menores de edad a tener una identidad propia y estatalmente resguardada, sino también, se debe valorar y hacer respetar al derecho que tienen a formarla. Los instrumentos internacionales destinados a la protección de los derechos de las personas menoresasí como el Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia costarricense, no delimitan claramente el derecho a la identidad en general y del todo son omisos en relación con el derecho de los/as infantes a conformar su identidad.Palabras clave: Derechos Humanos de las niñas y los niños, identidad, formación de la identidad, derecho a la identidad.AbstractThe identity of a person, adults or children, is a set of characteristics that distinguish that human being. Traits that will strengthen one’s own identity are erected from childhood to advanced adulthood; mostof these features are acquired at an early age and therefore, they should not only be delimited by the right minors have of their own and state protected identity, but also, their rights of identity formationshould be assessed and enforced. International instruments aimed at the protection of the rights of children, as well as the Costa Rican code of children and adolescents, do not clearly delimit the right to identity in general and are entirely neglectful in relation to the right of infants to shape their identity.Keywords: Human Rights of Children, identity, identity’s training, right to the identity.
ResumenLos derechos humanos y el desarrollo humano comparten la misma visión y objetivo: garantizar la libertad, el bienestar y la dignidad de todas las personas del mundo. Para alcanzar un desarrollohumano alto es necesario el respeto y el ejercicio eficiente de los derechos humanos, como el acceso a la educación, a los servicios de salud, a la alimentación, a un trabajo dignoy bien remunerado, a la participación activa de las decisiones económicas, entre otros. Al mismo tiempo, es importante tener un nivel de desarrollo suficiente para proporcionar y garantizarlos derechos humanos más fundamentales. En este artículo se presenta un análisis de la situación de los derechos humanos y el desarrollo humano en México. Se utilizan informes e índices de diferentes instituciones, examinando la situación específica de algunos estados. Los resultados indican que aunque México es considerado como un país de desarrollo humano “alto”, no necesariamente ha implicado que el nivel de vida de toda su población sea mejor ytampoco ha garantizado el respeto y ejercicio eficiente de los derechos humanos.Palabras clave: derechos humanos, desarrollo humano, derecho al desarrollo, México. AbstractHuman rights and human development share common visions and goals: to ensure the freedom, well-being and dignity of all the people. The achievement of a high level of human development requires both respect for and the effective exercise of fundamental human rights, including the right to: education, healthcare services, adequate food, dignified and justly remunerated work, and meaningful participation in economic decision-making, among other fundamental rights. The provision for and protection of the most basic human rights and the achievement of an acceptable level of human development are interdependent. This paper presents an analysis of human rights and the human development situation in Mexico. Reports and indices sourced from various institutions are cited and the specific conditions that exist in some Mexican states are evaluated. The results show that although Mexico has a high level of human development, it does not implies that the standard of living of all of its citizens has improved or that respect for and the effective exercise of human rights has accompaniedthis development in Mexico.Keywords: human rights, human development, right to the development, Mexico.