4 resultados para Psychology in Mexico

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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This research arises from the current state of reading in Mexico, because the contextual situation to local and national level has become critical on this issue. Results on standardized tests such as ENLACE (National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools) and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) have shown that Mexican basic level students have text comprehension problems. Given this reality, this is a qualitative descriptive study on the use of analogies in reading as a strategy for reading comprehension, through application of an ethnographic survey, a questionnaire and the application of a pedagogical model for the use of analogies in reading. The study incorporates the theoretical tenets of Constructivism, referring to Piaget (1969), Vygotsky (1997) and Ausubel (2002). The results show that the use of analogies promotes reading comprehension in 4th grade students, from an expository text that compares the evolution of man and the metamorphosis of a butterfly.


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This paper refers to a crucial issue for higher education institutions.  In Mexico, particularly, the collective work of academic bodies is an unresolved issue despite the efforts made in this regard. In this context, a well-founded systematic discussion is essential to understand the potential of these academic bodies on faculty strengthening and their subsequent impact on the quality of education. This paper presents the results of a research project conducted by FIME  with the purpose of identifying the characteristics of its academic bodies as well as their current and potential condition. (1) Translator’s Note: FIME refers to the Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering).


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Las áreas naturales en México se encuentran sujetas a intensos procesos de deterioro como resultado de la creciente intervención humana. Tal es el caso del Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca localizado en la zona central del país. Mediante la aplicación del SIG Idrisi fue posible generar una base de datos para su caracterización general y evaluar los cambios en el uso del suelo a lo largo de un periodo de 30 años. Con los datos generados se analizaron los procesos de regeneración y deterioro de los bosques. También se determinó el nivel de adecuación del territorio para el desarrollo deespecies agrícolas y forestales dentro del área natural protegida. Los resultados obtenidos permiten corroborar que el parque nacional se viene deteriorando muy rápidamente y está siendo ocupado por actividades agrícolas y pecuarias para las que presenta niveles bajos de aptitud. La aplicación del Idrisi se vislumbra como una alternativa importante para continuar con el monitoreo del parque.Palabras clave: SIG Idrisi, uso del suelo, Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, México, nivel de adecuación.ABSTRACTPopulation growth in Mexico is affecting the natural protected areas of the country. This is the case of the Nevado de Toluca National Park, located in central Mexico. Application of the GIS Idrisi has been very useful to generate a cartographical database of the protected area and to evaluate the land-use changes over a 30-year period. With the land-change results it was possible to analyze the recovery-degradation processes. In order to define alternatives for the protection of the national park, a sustainability analysis is carried out for the main forestall and agricultural species. The primary results of the application allowed us to confirm there is a serious degradation process in the protected area. The Idrisi is seen as an important alternative for continued monitoring of the park.Keywords: GIS Idrisi, land use, Nevado de Toluca National Park, Mexico, sustainability standard.


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ResumenLos derechos humanos y el desarrollo humano comparten la misma visión y objetivo: garantizar la libertad, el bienestar y la dignidad de todas las personas del mundo. Para alcanzar un desarrollohumano alto es necesario el respeto y el ejercicio eficiente de los derechos humanos, como el acceso a la educación, a los servicios de salud, a la alimentación, a un trabajo dignoy bien remunerado, a la participación activa de las decisiones económicas, entre otros. Al mismo tiempo, es importante tener un nivel de desarrollo suficiente para proporcionar y garantizarlos derechos humanos más fundamentales. En este artículo se presenta un análisis de la situación de los derechos humanos y el desarrollo humano en México. Se utilizan informes e índices de diferentes instituciones, examinando la situación específica de algunos estados. Los resultados indican que aunque México es considerado como un país de desarrollo humano “alto”, no necesariamente ha implicado que el nivel de vida de toda su población sea mejor ytampoco ha garantizado el respeto y ejercicio eficiente de los derechos humanos.Palabras clave: derechos humanos, desarrollo humano, derecho al desarrollo, México. AbstractHuman rights and human development share common visions and goals: to ensure the freedom, well-being and dignity of all the people. The achievement of a high level of human development requires both respect for and the effective exercise of fundamental human rights, including the right to: education, healthcare services, adequate food, dignified and justly remunerated work, and meaningful participation in economic decision-making, among other fundamental rights. The provision for and protection of the most basic human rights and the achievement of an acceptable level of human development are interdependent. This paper presents an analysis of human rights and the human development situation in Mexico. Reports and indices sourced from various institutions are cited and the specific conditions that exist in some Mexican states are evaluated. The results show that although Mexico has a high level of human development, it does not implies that the standard of living of all of its citizens has improved or that respect for and the effective exercise of human rights has accompaniedthis development in Mexico.Keywords: human rights, human development, right to the development, Mexico.