7 resultados para Pragmática inferencial

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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The purpose of this research was to apply a test that measures different multiple intelligences in children from two different elementary schools to determine whether there are differences between the Academicist Pedagogical Model (traditional approach) established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education and the Cognitive Pedagogical Model (MPC) (constructivist approach). A total of 29 boys and 20 girls with ages 8 to 12 from two different public schools in Heredia (Laboratorio School and San Isidro School) participated in this study. The instrument used was a Multiple Intelligences Test for school age children (Vega, 2006), which consists of 15 items subdivided in seven categories: linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual, kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Two-Way ANOVA) were used for the analysis of data.  Significant differences were found in linguistic intelligence (F:9.47; p < 0.01) between the MPC school (3.24±1.24 points) and the academicist school (2.31±1.10 points).  Differences were also found between sex (F:5.26; p< 0.05), for girls (3.25±1.02 points) and boys (2.52±1.30 points). In addition, the musical intelligence showed significant statistical differences between sexes (F: 7.97; p < 0.05).  In conclusion, the learning pedagogical models in Costa Rican public schools must be updated based on the new learning trends.


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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate body image dissatisfaction in relation to low self-esteem due to physical appearance in students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela.  It was a non-experimental and correlational study.  The sample included 189 students (27% male and 73% female) with an average age of 19.58 ± 1.57 (men: 19.81 years of age ± 1.74 and women: 20.24 years of age ± 1.76).  Participants were intentionally selected from first-year courses of the Medicine, Nursing and Nutrition programs.  The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) (Cooper and Taylor, 1987) was the instrument used to measure body image dissatisfaction and Graffar’s modified method (Méndez and De Méndez, 1994) was applied to determine the participants’ socioeconomic status.  A descriptive analysis (frequency, percentages, mean) and an inferential analysis (one-way ANOVA) were applied to the data using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 9.0.  One of the most important findings in this study was the determination of a statistically significant relationship between dissatisfaction and body image and between low self-esteem and gender χ2 (2, N= 189) = 9.686, p=0.008.  Using ANOVA also helped determine that differences in the mean for dissatisfaction and low self-esteem levels with body image and gender are statistically significant, F= 11.236; p=0.008, F=10.23; p=0.002, respectively.  Conclusions: results obtained suggest a relationship between dissatisfaction and low self-esteem due to physical appearance. Consequently, subjects reject their body image because of a distorted or undistorted perception of their physical appearance, which can possibly affect self-esteem.  Moreover, it is observed that the students’ psychological health is more related to their satisfaction with their body-image than to the way their body image is perceived. Consequently, this group of participants must be analyzed regarding their self-esteem due to body image, as an expression in the institutional environment.  It is also important to emphasize that gender may be a risk factor concerning eating disorders.  We believe the foregoing because women showed higher dissatisfaction levels because of their physical appearance being conditioned by a higher dissatisfaction with their perceived body image, which is characterized by an overestimation of the physical dimension of their body image.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive effects of applying physical recreational activities to two groups of pre-school students, related to mathematics to one of the groups and recreational games to the other.  A total of 27 subjects (13 girls and 14 boys) of 5 and a half and 6 and half years of age participated in the study.  The instrument used was a questionnaire including basic math concepts such as geometry, basic operations with concrete elements, and how to read the clock, based on the topics established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education.  Once the instrument was developed, a plan of physical recreational activities related to math was prepared and applied to the experimental group (pre-school B) for one and a half months, while the other group played recreational games.  Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  Positive and significant effects were found in the physical recreational activity program regarding student performance in 10 of the 12 items that were applied to assess mastery of basic math concepts.  In conclusion, using physical education as another instrument to teach other disciplines represents an excellent alternative for pre-school teachers that try to satisfy the learning needs of children that will soon be attending school.  Using movement as part of guided and planned activities plays an indispensable role in children’s lives; therefore, learning academic subjects should be adapted to their needs to explore and know their environment.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the quality of life of faculty and staff of the Presbítero Benjamín Núñez Campus of Universidad Nacional (UNA, Costa Rica) as well as to assess the influence of two factors, sense of coherence and physical exercise, in the quality of life of the subjects.  A group of 37 faculty members and 30 staff members participated in the study.  The SF-36 Questionnaire, the Sense of Coherence Scale, and a survey to measure physical exercise habits were used.  In general, results showed a relatively good quality of life and similar scores were found in the Sense of Coherence Scale.  Additionally, significant connections were found between certain factors related to sense of coherence and quality of life.  Data confirmed that persons who practice physical exercise have a better quality of life than those who are not physically active.  It was concluded that, although quality of life and sense of coherence were relatively good, new proposals must be designed and implemented to improve both aspects.  In this sense, physical exercise proved to be one of the pillars in the development of innovative proposals aimed at bettering health in university employees, all of this within the “Healthy Universities” concept.


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Objetivo: Estudiar la forma en que contribuye la Agricultura Familiar a la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en las familias agricultoras. Metodología: Se utilizó una muestra de 43 familias de Tierra Blanca de Cartago conformadas principalmente por un jefe de familia, su cónyuge e hijo. La investigación se llevó a cabo mediante visitas a los hogares seleccionados en la muestra y con entrevista estructurada. Se evaluaron las características socio demográficas y de producción y el perfil de acceso alimentario mediante el formulario de Agricultura Familiar y la Situación Alimentaria y Nutricional, el nivel de Inseguridad Alimentaria por medio del ELCSA; y, en niños menores de 5 años, se llevaron a cabo medidas de peso y talla utilizando el Formulario de recolección de medidas antropométricas, una balanza solar y un tallímetro. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva (promedios y distribuciones) e inferencial (chi cuadrado y correlaciones). Resultados: La mayoría de familias estaban conformadas por entre 4 a 5 miembros y con edades promedio entre los 18 y 65 años de edad. Todos los jefes de familia se dedicaban a la agricultura y la mayoría de sus cónyuges eran amas de casa y no aportaban ingresos al hogar; el nivel de escolaridad para ambos en su mayoría era la primaria. De los 19 niños menores de 5 años evaluados, nueve tenían un estado nutricional normal y ocho presentaban algún retardo en la talla. Los alimentos que más se producía en la zona eran la cebolla, la papa y la zanahoria, los cuales se comercializaban principalmente a través de intermediarios. Menos de la mitad de las unidades de producción contaban con servicios básicos y solo 53% de las familias incorporaban a sus hijos en las labores productivas. Un 42% de las familias presentaba algún nivel de Inseguridad Alimentaria, leve en su mayoría. Sin embargo, casi todas ellas contaban con servicios básicos en sus hogares y eran asegurados por la C.C.S.S. Únicamente un 16,3% de las familias entrevistadas tenía una diversidad dietética adecuada y solo un 35% contaba con los ingresos económicos para cubrir una Canasta Básica Alimentaria. La principal forma de adquisición de alimentos era la compra excepto para la papa, cebolla y zanahoria. Conclusión: La agricultura familiar contribuía con la Situación Alimentaria y Nutricional mediante el aumento en la disponibilidad y acceso a los alimentos; sin embargo, a pesar de que tenían también el potencial de aumentar la variedad de alimentos, pocas familias lo lograban.


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This research recognizes the cognitive contributions to the students participating in the Third Costa Rican Biological Sciences Olympics that will define the advancement and strengthening in the construction of its conceptual dimension in the scientific literacy.  This paper is based, mainly, on qualitative approach techniques (ethnographic design:  case study); however, some data are interpreted through quantitative methodologies (descriptive design with an explanatory and exploratory touch) for the analysis of a sample of 54 high school students, finalists in the category A of the Olympics, through the use of tools such as a documentary study and a survey, in July 2009.  The information generated was analyzed using elements of inferential and descriptive statistics, figures and histograms.  It was proved that there is a better cognitive management in the topics assessed, an increase in the students’ academic performance as the tests are applied, a commitment for the academic update supported by the development of several tasks for previous preparation, curriculum contributions unprecedented based on our sample, a consent to optimize student’s knowledge about Biology, which will allow the application of scientific notions to diversify and renew the knowledge, according to what is established in the principles of scientific literacy.


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A Geografia como ciência consolidou-se durante o século XIX, no Brasil somente a partir da década de 1970, período em que iniciou-se um movimento de renovação  da Geografia dividindo-a em dois segmentos: Geografia Pragmática e Geografia Crítica. Dentro da perspectiva da Geografia Crítica está sendo desenvolvido um trabalho interdisciplinar procurando retratar diversas categorias espaciais. Neste sentido, os conteúdos abordados em sala de aula buscam interligar teoria à realidade vivenciada pelos estudantes. Este artigo tem como principal objetivo analisar o processo de ensino aprendizagem da Geografia, buscando enfatizar procedimentos, práticas e dinâmicas utilizados pelos docentes no âmbito escolar, com o intuito de incentivar a capacidade do aluno de expor suas idéias e pensamentos na aquisição e construção do conhecimento. Logo, a educação é vista como o principal meio para a receptividade desse aprendizado, sendo considerada a responsável pela direção e transformação da sociedade. Para tanto, foi realizada a revisão bibliográfica de autores que discutem essa temática. De fato, o estudo em pauta possibilita melhores reflexões do processo de ensino aprendizagem, o que corrobora na busca de novos caminhos e instrumentalização para modificar a realidade vivenciada.