11 resultados para Mujeres y moda

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Ponencia presentada en la reunión de decanos de las facultades humanísticas de universidades estatales Centroamericanas (COFAHCA) en Antigua, Guatemala


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This article summarizes the main findings of a research on literacy made with immigrant Nicaraguan men and women workers residing in Costa Rica, specifically with parents from students at the Gonzalo Monge School in Pital, San Carlos. In this investigation, the more relevant motives for these Nicaraguan immigrants to come to Costa Rica are established. In addition, some of their needs living in this country are stipulated as well as the role of informal education in their lives. It is clearly important to design a literacy proposal on informal education that allows immigrant Nicaraguan men and women workers to prepare and educate for life and work. According to the Project for Latin America and the Caribbean, Education for Everyone program, education is understood as one basic need of the person: every person –child, young or adult- must have the basic opportunity of taking advantage of education. These needs include not only essential tools for learning (such as reading, writing, learning problems…), but also basic learning contents required for human beings to: survive, develop their capacities, live and work with dignity, fully participate on development, improve the quality of their lives, take their fundamental decisions and continue learning.


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This article shows results of a research regarding the scholar work of men and women in the fields of science and technology at the Universidad Nacional. This qualitative analysis research was based on the narratives of female and male scholars interviewed in 2006 and 2007. The objective of this project was to explain and to understand the unequal participation and differences in scientific production between sexes that holds a 35/65 ratio in favor to men. This paper intends to contribute to a process of making sexist practices visible, as means to assess what has been done and what still lays ahead as a necessary step for advancing policies on gender equality at the University. This article marks an end to the series of our research project report on gender-related issues first published on Temas 47 regarding female and male participation in science.


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A partir de la lectura de algunos textos de Nietzsche se indica la relación entre la verdad y la mujer en esos textos. Se muestra cómo en la filosofía de este pensador existen al menos dos tipos de mujeres, y que la supuesta misoginia de Nietzsche es infundada.


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María Eugenia Dengo es una de las principales pensadoras y educadoras del siglo XX, su obra está sumergida en una serie de ideas filosóficas y humanistas que le permitieron vislumbrar algunas de las necesidades educativas costarricenses. Con el estudio y seguimiento de varios filósofos costarricenses, empezando con su padre Omar Dengo, su tesis basada en los poemas de Roberto Brenes Mesén y de la mano con Dra. Emma Gamboa, inició un largo camino en la investigación educativa con cimentos humanistas. Palabras claves: María Eugenia Dengo, educación, humanismo, pensadores/as costarricenses, ideas filosóficas costarricenses. Abstract María Eugenia Dengo is one of the most outstanding thinkers and teachers of the 20th. Century in Costa Rica. Her work, developed throughout her philosophical and humanistic thinking, fulfilled some of the most urgent educational needs of the country. Throughout the study of several Costa Rican thinkers, starting by his own father, Omar Dengo, followed by her thesis dissertation on Roberto Brenes Mesén poems and side by side with Dr. Emma Gamboa, Dengo set off the road in educational research and its humanistic foundations. Key words: Maria Eugenia Dengo, Education, Humanism, Costa Rican thinkers, Costa Rican philosophical tought


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El propósito de este estudio fue conocer la relación entre las variables (soporte social, autonomía, salud mental, actividad físico recreativa) que integran la perspectiva subjetiva de la calidad de vida, ligadas al género en personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Además, conocer el principal motivo de estos sujetos para realizar la actividad física y el beneficio percibido por estos, de acuerdo al género. En este estudio participaron 152 sujetos (92 mujeres y 60 hombres) con edades entre los  60 a 75 años, de 21 centros diurnos, a los cuales se les aplicó dos instrumentos: un cuestionario  de calidad de vida (INISA,1994) y una encuesta sobre actividad física recreativa. Los resultados mostraron relación significativa entre las variables autonomía y soporte social; autonomía y estado mental; autonomía  y frecuencia de la actividad; autonomía y duración. Asimismo, en lo que respecta al género; la depresión geriátrica fue superior en las mujeres (F=5.86). La salud fue el motivo principal para realizar la actividad física y los beneficios principales de ésta para ambos géneros fueron, el sentirse más reanimados, más alegres, con energía, y el alivio de dolores. Se concluye, que la calidad de vida (soporte social, autonomía, salud mental)  percibida por el adulto mayor no difiere en lo que respecta al género e incluso en el motivo o beneficio para hacer actividad física, excepto en lo que respecta a la depresión, la cual se presenta con mayor frecuencia en las mujeres. Se comprueba que la actividad física recreativa le permite obtener al adulto mayor resultados positivos entre más cantidad de veces y  de tiempo por  semana le  dedique.


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Introducción En un contexto de marcadas desigualdades, q evolucionaron a partir de un modelo de corte principalmente agroexportador, la tenencia y distribución de la tierra ha sido un eje fundamental en el diseño y ejecución de políticas para la equidad en la región centroamericana. Existe una extensa literatura que recoge las discusiones relacionadas con la tenencia y distribución de la tierra, pero en la casi totalidad de los casos esos trabajos no consideran la perspectiva de las mujeres y la relación que ellas tienen con la tierra. Cuando se hace ese esfuerzo, el tema se tiñe de una serie de matices, prácticamente inexplorados, a los cuales apunta este documento…


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Until the middle of the XVIII Century, children were considered as miniature adults, but with Jean Jacob Rousseau the study of the development of the human being was started and the foundation was set up for the new science of Paidology (the study of children), wich focuses on the different intellectual and physical conflicts which children face, and also for other sciencies such as Paidofilaxis, Pueroculture and Pediatrics. The Society of Nations, created, in 1919, the Consultancy for the Trafficking of Women and the Protection of Children, and in Geneva, the International Union for Aid was founded in 1920. In Argentina, the First American Congress for Children was organized in 1916, and others followed. The first Declaration of Childrens Right was proclaimed in 1924 and then followed the first Ten Commandments of Childrens Rights. In Costa Rica in 1929, a project was presented for the Constitutional Congress to establish an institution for the protection of children, wich was duly enacted into law in 1930 with the name of National Institution for the Protection of Children (Patronato Nacional de la Infancia, PANI) whose duty was to oversee the welfare of minors and their physical, intellectual, moral and emotional development. In 1930, the first Declaration of the Rights for Costarrican Children was proclaimed. The creation of the PANI, the declaration of Childrens Rights, and the enactment of a Code for Infants (1932), constitute the three events that signal Costa Rica as one of the pioneers countries in Latin American and the World, in the protectionof children and mothers. At the end of the article, some of the crucial events that have happened during the decades that PANI has been working in the country are analized.


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Las relaciones asimétricas entre los géneros encuentran expresión en la organización del espacio urbano: las ciudades son percibidas, construidas y habitadas de manera diferencial por mujeres y hombres, de acuerdo con la identidad socialmente asignada y culturalmente construida por cada género.


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ResumenEl presente artículo se propone como una disertación en torno al fenómeno del abuso sexual infantily el Backlash, comprendiendo a este último como un contra-movimiento social que buscalegitimar diversas manifestaciones de violencia en contra de las mujeres y las personas menoresde edad. En aras de alcanzar dicho propósito, el artículo parte de la conceptualización del términoabuso sexual infantil, resaltando sus principales características y consecuencias, continúa con unadiscusión conceptual en torno al Backlash y sus principales derivaciones y concluye con una reflexiónrespecto a la relación entre este y el abuso sexual infantil. Producto del recorrido emprendido seafirma que, si bien el Backlash nace como una respuesta contraria y contestataria al éxito obtenidopor el movimiento de mujeres, ha evolucionado e incursionado en otras áreas temáticas, como lo esel abuso sexual infantil, cuya comprensión y atención se ha visto influenciada por teorías “pseudocientíficas” como el síndrome de alienación parental y el síndrome de falsas memorias, desde lascuales se desacredita la revelación de las víctimas. En tanto el uso de teorías compatibles con elBacklash en procesos de custodia y juicios por denuncias de abuso sexual se encuentra en aumentovertiginoso, se concluye que el movimiento de derechos humanos debe fortalecer una respuestaconjunta y sólida frente a esta reacción extrema.AbstractThe present article is a dissertation proposal regarding the child sexual abuse phenomenon and the Backlash, being the last a social countermovement which pretends to legitimize various manifestations of violence towards women and underage people. The article starts from the conceptualization of the term child sexual abuse, highlighting its key characteristics and consequences, moving on to a conceptual discussion concerning Backlash and its main derivations, and ending in a reflection about its relationship with child sexual abuse. From the research undertaken it is stated that, while Backlash started out as a counter response to the success achieved by the women movement, it has evolved and moved into other thematic areas, such as child sexual abuse, which understanding and focus have been influenced by pseudoscientific theories like the parental alienation syndrome and the false memory syndrome, from which the victims’ declarations are discredited. While the use of Backlash compatible theories in custody processes and sexual abuse accusation trials shows an accelerated increase, it is concluded that the human rights movement needs to build up a solid and joint answer against this extreme response.Keywords:Backlash, child sexual abuse, parental alienation syndrome, false memories syndrome.


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This text questions what it means to be black women in the context of inequity and the multiple forms of violence suffered in Colombian society. It argues that the analysis on black women situation, gender categories are insufficient. Instead, it declares as necessary an analysis that also articulates categories such as ethnicity / race, class, and sexual orientation, questioning these categories while at the same time giving new significance from the specific experiences of women and black communities are given. The text places in tension a universalistic view of feminism and the traditional left. It also explores the reasons for the poverty of the black population especially in the Colombian Pacific region, the institutional emergence of women´s organizations in the same region an examines the "ethnization" of Pacific communities in the context of regulation of article 55 of the Constitution of 1991. Finally, the article ends by showing how oppression has many faces for the black population, especially for black women.