5 resultados para Los ciclos de desarrollo profesional
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
This article identifies beliefs and practices of self-learning existing processes developed in the CIDE during 2007. It is based on a research project with two groups of informants both academics from CIDE, that during the decade of the 90 participated in the experience of self-learning, some of themas teachers and other as students. Current practices being carried out by academics in the field of self-reporting of apprenticeships in the CIDE, show that they attach great importance to this process in the lesson and agree on the necessity to implement this process in concrete terms, that because, experiences become isolated initiatives that do not fall within any policy, guideline or orientation openly raised by the community CIDE. The beliefs of the participants with regard to the possibility of implementing self-evaluation processes of learning in the training that develops the CIDE, highlight the need for scholars to train group of academics and students in this field and also create more spaces for student involvement. Moreover, scholars believe that the self-assessment of learning is a strategy for developing metacognitive processes and reflective, which is considered a core importance in the training provided by the Centre.
Innovar en la enseñanza de contenidos de Geografía Rural exige a los graduados universitarios la actualización de conocimientos, tanto conceptuales como procedimentales. Los estudios académicos sobre problemáticas rurales ofrecen hoy renovados esquemas conceptuales y nuevos enfoques teóricos para explicar los procesos de construcción territorial. Es necesario considerar algunos actores sociales tradicionales e incorporar otros nuevos, quienes tejen las relaciones productivas y sociales que caracterizan cada contexto espacial. Desde la cátedra de Didáctica de la Geografía de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina), se desarrolla el Proyecto de Extensión “Enseñar Geografía Rural con entrevistas e imágenes satelitales y aerofotográficas” como un espacio de desarrollo profesional donde se intercambian experiencias y saberes entre los integrantes de la cátedra, los alumnos de la asignatura y los profesores de escuelas secundarias. Se valoran los conocimientos que éstos últimos tienen sobre sus prácticas, promoviendo desde el proyecto procesos reflexivos para que reconozcan la necesidad de construir nuevos esquemas conceptuales y de elaborar propuestas didácticas innovadoras. Para construirlas realizan entrevistas en profundidad a diversos actores del mundo rural, siendo partícipes de la construcción de materiales de enseñanza innovadores. También utilizan críticamente imágenes satelitales y aerofotográficas, en sus clases, abordándolos como textos visuales que pueden promueven la conceptualización en geografía.
This article shows results of a research regarding the scholar work of men and women in the fields of science and technology at the Universidad Nacional. This qualitative analysis research was based on the narratives of female and male scholars interviewed in 2006 and 2007. The objective of this project was to explain and to understand the unequal participation and differences in scientific production between sexes that holds a 35/65 ratio in favor to men. This paper intends to contribute to a process of making sexist practices visible, as means to assess what has been done and what still lays ahead as a necessary step for advancing policies on gender equality at the University. This article marks an end to the series of our research project report on gender-related issues first published on Temas 47 regarding female and male participation in science.
The social aspects of development strategies in Latin American countries came to occupy an important rore in gouverment preocupation and development theories.