2 resultados para Internet (Computer network)
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Los geógrafos ahora tienen a su disposición la red mundial de INTERNET. Esta res es mucho más que un depósito gigante de datos y programas. Es un cúmulo de experiencias humanas que incluyen texto, artículos, imagen, video y foros de discusión. Es una nueva forma de procesamiento a la información de formas que antes considerábamos imposibles. El profesional que continúe procesando y obteniendo información de la manera tradicional se estará quedando al margen de nuevo conocimiento disponible a diario en INTERNET. El profesional de hoy no se limita a recopilar información en una biblioteca o librería, sino que accesa directamente sitios de búsqueda que le permitirán encontrar rápidamente los datos que busca. Un ejemplo, son los meteorólogos que tienen en INTERNET su mejor herramienta, ya que pueden recuperar imágenes sobre el clima casi inmediatamente después que son almacenadas desde el satélite, lo cual les permite evaluar y discernir sobre el estado actual del clima (Aberdeen University Compiting Center, 1996). Las imágenes las pueden ver y bajar a su computadora individual para su propio uso. Los profesores en la actualidad brindan al estudiante todo su material almacenándolo en INTERNET. La relación profesor-estudiante ya no es la misma. Al estudiante se le exige encontrar la información en su computadora y asimilarla. El viejo cuaderno no es necesario, las lecciones pueden ser recuperadas para su estudio sin que el profesor tenga que impartirlas, como se hace en la mayoría de las universidades de los Estados Unidos (Ohio State University, 1996). En general, este articulo persigue mostrar a los profesionales de las ciencias geográficas, dónde encontrar la información que buscan t cómo localizar más de lo que imaginan con la red INTERNET. ABSTRACT Geographers now have at their disposition the world network of INTERNET. This network is much more than just a large deposit of digital data and programs. It is an accumulation of human experiences that include text, articles, images, videos, and discussion bulletin boards. It is a new form of processing and managing information that was previously considered impossible. The professional who continues searching and obtaining information by traditional methods will be left on the fringes of this new wave of digital information and material available daily on INTERNET. Hence, a professional is not limited to compiling information in libraries or bookstores as direct and rapid access of desired research materials is available on the INTERNET. For example, meteorologists have in INTERNET their best tool in that they can acquire meteorologic satellite images, which permit them to evaluate and discern the actual present climatic situation (Aberdeen University Computing Center, 1996). One can see and then down load to one´s personal computer imagines of interest for personal use. Professors can offer to students all their materials for a class through and stores on the INTERNET. The relationship between professor and student is not the same. Students can be asked to access and assimilate the information via individual computers connected to the INTERNTET. Notebooks are becoming obsolete given that all class lectures and materials could be placed on the INTERNET for review without a professor having to give a lecture, as is being done in many universities of the United States (Ohio State University, 1996).This article pursues showing, in general, where professionals in Geographical Sciences can find available information and much more on the INTERNET.
Have been less than thirty years since a group of graduate students and computer scientists working on a federal contract performed the first successful connection between two computers located at remote sites. This group known as the NWG Network Working Group, comprised of highly creative geniuses who as soon as they began meeting started talking about things like intellectual graphics, cooperating processes, automation questions, email, and many other interesting possibilities 1 . In 1968, the group's task was to design NWG's first computer network, in October 1969, the first data exchange occurred and by the end of that year a network of four computers was in operation. Since the invention of the telephone in 1876 no other technology has revolutionized the field of communications over the computer network. The number of people who have made great contributions to the creation and development of the Internet are many, the computer network a much more complex than the phone is the result of people of many nationalities and cultures. However, remember that some years later in 19732 two computer scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerft created a more sophisticated communication program called Transmission Control Protocol - Internet Protocol TCP / IP which is still in force in the Internet today.