4 resultados para Danger

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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This paper is about the Maleku, one of the indigenous languages that is still alive in the country; though the linguistic community that uses it, composed of less than 400 people, tends to reduce rapidly. There is a high risk that in the near future this language will disappear. This paper is the result of a research project that proposes the construction and implementation of learning strategies that would help to include the customs, traditions and the native language of the Malekus in the schools, to strengthen the identity and culture of this Costa Rican indigenous population.The research project includes a brief overview of the history and problems of the indigenous Maleku population, and an analysis on the importance of the language and oral expression. It also makes a review of how the indigenous languages in Costa Rican schools are currently taught. It later includes a diagnosis of the current situation of language from the perspective of different members of the Maleku community. This diagnosis is based on the research conducted and it will facilitate focusing on the integration of the Maleku and rural curriculums. Finally, there are some reflections about the bilingual intercultural education.


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Los incendios forestales constituyen problemas que ocasionan grandes daños ambientales sobre los ecosistemas, uno de los mayores impactos en el ambiente son los efectos sobre el cambio climático, situación que acentúa los problemas globales que atentan la vida sobre el planeta. Notoriamente, se reconoce que los incendios son un agente constante de cambios sobre los paisajes naturales y por tanto su estudio reviste importancia, ya que afectan de una manera notable la vegetación, la fauna, el suelo y aumentan el peligro de desertificación, lo que conlleva a los problemas socioeconómicos. Este artículo tiene por objetivo determinar el riesgo ante incendios forestales en la cuenca del Río Tempisque en Costa Rica, a partir de variables explicativas como la proximidad a carreteras, tipos de usos de la tierra, focos de incendios, insolación y altitud sobre el nivel de mar, modeladas con técnicas de Evaluación Multicriterio (ECM) en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG).Dado que el concepto riesgo se refiere a una condición de probabilidad, en este artículo se recrea escenarios en donde podría tener lugar el fuego, los cuales se correlacionan con eventos que se han presentando en años anteriores. Se debe advertir que no se considera la variable viento como factor dispersor del fuego, ya que el objetivo es determinar lugares con condición favorable a incendio sin mediar los factores que contribuyen en su distribución.Palabras claves: incendio forestal, problema ambiental, riesgo, modelaje, sistemas de información geográfica y evaluación multicriterio.AbstractForest fires are problems that cause environmental damage to ecosystems. One of the biggest impacts is on the atmosphere and their effects on climatic change, a situation that exacerbates globalproblems perpetrated on planet life. Historically, fires are recognized as a constant agent of change Julio César Moraga Peralta Evaluación del riesgo ante incendios forestalesen la cuenca del río Tempisque, Costa Rica on the natural landscape. Therefore, fire studies are important because of the significant effect of fire on vegetation, fauna and soils and the increased danger of desertification, leading to socioeconomicproblems.This article has as its objective to determine the risk before forest fires on the Tempisque RiverBasin in Costa Rica from explanatory variables such as proximity to roads, types of land uses, fireoutbreaks, isolation and altitude above sea level, using Multicriteria Evaluation (NDE) modeling techniques in a Geographic Information System.As the term risk refers to a condition of probability, this article recreates scenarios where a fire could occur, which correlate with events that have occurred in previous years. It should be noted that the variable of wind is not considered as a fire-scattering factor since the objective of this study is to identify places with conditions already favorable to fires without a contributing factor in their distribution.Key words: forest fire, environmental problems, risk, geographical information system, multicriteria evaluation modeling, Tempisque River Basin, Costa Rica


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En los Diques de Taras de Cartago reside una población con alto grado de vulnerabilidad a la ocurrencia de lahares  provenientes del  Río Reventado.  En este artículo se analiza la situación del Barrio La Unión ante un eventual lahar, tanto desde el punto de vista de la amenaza, a la que están expuestos, como de la percepción del riesgo que tienen sus habitantes.Palabras clave: Lahar, desastres naturales, percepción del riesgo, diquesAbstract:In Taras Diques, Cartago, the inhabitants are highly vulnerable to mud slides from the Reventado River. This article analyzes the situation of the La Unión Community in an event of a mud slide, from the danger`s point of view they are exposed to as well as how the inhabitants perceive the risk.Keywords: Lahar, natural disasters, perception of the risk, dikes


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La decisión de realizar este trabajo, cuyo objetivo fue salvar y dar a conocer el Mural de la Segunda República, fue tomada después de analizar la situación de esta obra-mural de Lucio Ranucci, elaborada en 1954, para el gobierno de Costa Rica en el Aeropuerto Internacional El Coco (actual Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría).Este mural estaba en peligro de perderse, pues la empresa concesionaria para la construcción y remodelación del aeropuerto iba a demoler el edificio que por más de 48 años, había albergado esta obra y hasta ese momento nadie se había preocupado por su suerte. AbstractThe decision to undertake this work, aimed at rescuing and bringing to light the Mural de la Segunda República, was taken after carefully analyzing the conditions of this masterpiece, a mural painted, by request of the Costa Rican government, in 1954 by Lucio Ranucci at the El Coco Airport, today known as Juan Santamaría International Airport. This mural was in danger, since the contracting company for the building and remodeling of the new airport was about to demolish the building that have had hosted work of art for over 48 years. Up to then no one had shown interest in its relocation.