4 resultados para DRY SEASON

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Sediments of Tamarindo estuary and its tributaries were evaluated in order to determine the effect of anthropogenic activities of the surrounding communities. The evaluation relied on texture, total phosphorus, organic matter, and heavy metal (Pb, Cu, Ni and Cr) analyses. The study spanned four sampling campaigns between October 2007 and April 2008, including four climatic seasons: rainy season, rainy-dry transition, dry season and dryrainy transition. Five sampling points were selected at Tamarindo estuary and three additional sites were set at Matapalo, Lomas and Lajas rivers. Ontario Ministry of the Environment regulation was used to evaluate sediment quality. It was determined that theanthropogenic activities of the surrounding communities exert a negative impact over the sediment quality; the pollution effect caused by such activities was rated as lower effect.


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El mayor consumo de agua en Costa Rica ocurre en el Valle Central, pues ahíestá asentada cerca del 60% de la población del país. Sin embargo, la disponibilidad de agua está disminuyendo debido al crecimiento demográfico y al decreciente volumen de los ríos y aguas subterráneas.El Valle Central posee cerca de 57 ríos que podrían utilizarse como fuente de agua potable. pero sólo 10 de ellos tienen sus nacientes ubicadas en bosques primarios y son adecuadas para este fin. Las nacientes de la mayoría de los otros ríos se encuentran en tierras económicamente improductivas, tales como pastizales y áreas de bosques muy alterados, que pierden su volumen de agua durante la estación seca.Las proyecciones de crecimiento demográfico hasta el año 2100 permiten visualizar un marcado incremento en la demanda de agua, el cual se mantendrá durante los próximos 50 años. Consecuentemente, para proporcionar un adecuado suministro de agua para esta creciente población. es fundamental detener la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas y recobrar el volumen de agua de los ríos.En este trabajo se propone un plan sencillo para aumentar el volumen de agua de los ríos del Valle Central y para proteger nuestros acuíferos. Se mencionan también otros beneficios económicos y sociales que tendría la aplicación de esta propuesta.Abstract: About 60% of the popuiation of Costa Rica lives in the Central Valley where consequcntly occurs the highest water consumption. As a contrast water shortness is increasing in this country due to population growth and diminishing volume of river and subterranean water.There are about 57 rivers in the Central Valley that could be used as a source of water but only 10 of them have their headwaters inside primary forest and are appropriate for this purpose. The headwaters of mosi of the nvers lay in underproductive lands such as grass fields and very disturbed forest and bose their water volume during dry season.Population growth estimates until year 2100 allow foreseeing a high rate of increase in water demand for the next 50 years. In order to have an adequate supply of water for ihis expanding population it is mandatory to stop subterranean water pollution and to recovcr nver water volume.In this paper 1 propose a simple plan to augment the water volume of the headwaters of the rivers of the Central Valley and to protect our subterranean water sources. Other social and economic benefits that stem from this plan are also analyzed.


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El presente artículo de fitogeografía histórica trata  de explicar a partir de documentos históricos y relatos de exploradores, buscadores de oro y científicos que recorrieron Costa Rica durante los siglos XVll, XVlll, XlX, el origen y flora de la sabana.   Las sabanas de Guanacaste deben su origen a factores antropológicos, edafológicos y climatológicos que actúan en conjunto y no solo al factor antrópico como ha querido explicar.   La flora de sabana proviene de la asociación vegetal matorral deciduo por la sequia con especies sempervirentes entremezcladas, cuya florase relaciona con la de las formaciones arbusticas herbáceas secas americanas, llanas y cerradas. Esta flora encuentra las condiciones favorables (fuego anual, larga estación seca, precipitación mal distribuida en el año, etc.) para diseminarse y ocupar el área del bosque seco deciduo por la sequia.   SUMMARY The present article of historical phytogeography tryst to explain by means of historical documents and commentaries of explorers, goldminers and scientists that traveled in Costa Rica during the 17, 18 and 19 th centuries, the origin of the flora found in the Guanacaste savanna.   The Guanacaste savanna owes its origin to a combination of anthropologic, edafologic and climatologic factors; and not only to the anthropologic factor as has been often thought.   The savanna type flora originates from the deciduous thicket vegetative association that is common in dry areas intermingled with evergreen species. This type of flora is related to shrub and opens and closed dry Americans herbaceous formations. This flora chooses favorable conditions (burnt off areas, long dry season, poor annual precipitation distribution, etc) in the order to disseminate and occupy the deciduous dry forest. RESUME Cet article de phytogéographie historique, à partir de documents historiques, de récits d’explorateurs, de chercheurs d’or ; de scientifiques qui ont parcouru C.R aux XVll, XVlll et XlX siècles, tente d’expliquer l’origine de la savane ainsi que sa flore.   On reconnaît que ces origines sont plutôt dûes aux actions conjointes de facteurs anthropologiques, pédologiques et climatiques, au lieu du seul facteur anthropologique comme on voulait l’expliquer auparavant. La savane résulte d’une association végétale : une brousse entremêlée d’espèces « semper virens » malgré l’existence de la saison sèche. Cette flore est en relation avec les informations arbustives et herbeuses –qui caractérisent les dépressions centre américaines-  fermées, fonc sèches. Cette association végétale s’est implantée à la faveur de pratiqués culturales tels les brûlis annuels, des longues saisons sèches et de la répartition irrégulière des pluies au long de l’année, à la place de la forêt claire caducifoliée.


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Knowledge of direct and diffuse solar radiation in the area is vital importance for the use of solar energy, since it is a prerequesite information for the assessment and design of solar energy system. The work presented here focus on calculation and plotting of contours values of direct and diffuse solar radiation maps based on sixty two scattered radiometric stations nation wide. In the plotting of these contours experimental and predicted values are used, these are compared with the period of dry and rainy season into the six main climate regions of Costa Rica: Central Valley, North Pacific, Central Pacific, South Pacific, North Zone and Caribbean Region. The observed daily mean levels of direct solar radiation oscillate between 6.1 and 10.1 MJ/m2 with higher values in the North Pacific, western part of the Central Valley and in the tops of the highest mountains. The lowest values agree with the North Zone and the Caribbean Region. The highest values of diffuse solar radiation agree with the North Zone and the South Pacific. It is observed an increase of 40% of the direct radiation during dry season months.