4 resultados para Crocodiles -- Indo-Pacific Region

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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ResumenEl artículo explora a partir de fuentes diversas (orales, hemerográficas y documentales) la problemática de la desestructuración económica sufrida por el Pacífico Sur costarricense, los distintos impactos sociales de la crisis que esta suscitó, el gran conflicto huelguístico del año 1984 y las políticas y respuestas ofrecidas por el Estado y los distintos actores sociales, de cara a tal problemáticaAbstractThrough the use of a wide diversity of sources (oral, newspaper, and documentary), this article explores the problem areas of the economic destructuring suffered by the Costa Rican Southern Pacific region, the different social impacts generated by this crisis, the great strike of 1984, and the policies and solutions proposed by the State and other social actors, in the face of these major issues.


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ResumenEn éste artículo el autor analiza qué cambios conllevó la introducción, expansión y posterior intensificación de la caficultura en los sistemas de producción locales del Pacífico Centroamericano, cómo se entrelazaron los cambios tecnológicos con las diversas modalidades de organización social del trabajo en zonas cafetaleras, y de qué manera incidieron tales transformaciones técnicas y sociales en la viabilidad económica de distintos tipos de unidades productivas, sobre todo en coyunturas adversas del mercado cafetalero.AbstractIn this study, the author discusses changes resulting from the introduction, expansion and subsequent intensification of coffee growing in local productions systems of the Central American Pacific region. He explains technological changes in the various forms of social organizations of production in coffee-producing areas, and how such technological and social transformations have affected the economic feasibility of different types of units of production, especially under adverse conditions of the international coffee market.


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ResumenEn el Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica se había iniciado un proceso de colonización agrícola antes del establecimiento del enclave bananero. Ese proceso se vio truncado con la presencia de UFCO, debido a su carácter monopolista, pero sobre todo por las concesiones políticas que la empresa recibió de parte del Estado CostarricenseAbstractSettlement of South Pacific region of Costa Rica has begun before the establishment of the banana enclave. This process was interrupted by the presence of UFCO, given its monopolistic nature, but especially due to the political concessions granted to the company by the Costa Rica state.


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This text questions what it means to be black women in the context of inequity and the multiple forms of violence suffered in Colombian society. It argues that the analysis on black women situation, gender categories are insufficient. Instead, it declares as necessary an analysis that also articulates categories such as ethnicity / race, class, and sexual orientation, questioning these categories while at the same time giving new significance from the specific experiences of women and black communities are given. The text places in tension a universalistic view of feminism and the traditional left. It also explores the reasons for the poverty of the black population especially in the Colombian Pacific region, the institutional emergence of women´s organizations in the same region an examines the "ethnization" of Pacific communities in the context of regulation of article 55 of the Constitution of 1991. Finally, the article ends by showing how oppression has many faces for the black population, especially for black women.