em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Los hongos se caracterizan por su capacidad de producción y secreción de enzimas al medio externo. Las especies del género Mucor son microorganismos importantes en la producción de proteasas. En este trabajo se investigó la producción de estas enzimas con dos cepas (A y B) de Mucor sp utilizando dos medios: Sabouraud-dextrosa y Sabouraud- miel. Se realizaron fermentaciones durante 120 h a temperaturaambiente en un agitador orbital a 110 rpm. Las pruebas cuantitativa y cualitativa indicaron la presencia de actividad proteásica en el medio Saboraud-miel inoculado con la cepa B.
The sponges are simple multicellularorganisms; they inhabit in marine environments from the polar seas to the tropical waterswhere they are more abundant. These species are exposed to large populations of microbes, reason that explains their complex morphological and cellular defense mechanism, which are used by these organisms to fight against pathogens. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the marine sponge Ircinia campana, whichinhabits in the south of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica against Sthapylococcus aureus gram-positive bacteria. Sampleswere collected in Punta Uva in Limónduring July of 2007. The active compounds were obtainedby extraction with acetone (crude extract); and subsequently, chromatographic extracts were obtained using fractions 1:4 hexane: ethyl acetate. The antibacterial activities of the different fractions, including the crude extract were tested.Our results suggest a zone of inhibition of 14.60 ±0.25 mm for the crude extract and18.70±0.25mm for the most active fraction separated by chromatography. The metabolite responsible for the antibacterial activity was isolated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)and preliminarily characterized through ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy.