4 resultados para Automatismo espiritual
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
El cuestionamiento de las relaciones capitalistas de producción debe surgir a partir de su tendencia inherente a los desequilibrios y a la irracionalidad económica y no desde algún pre-juicio ideológico o político. En este contexto, la planificación económica se presenta como necesaria en la medida en que se requiera asegurar una autonomía humana de decisión con respecto a la distribución del ingreso, el acceso al empleo y la protección del medio ambiente. A partir de la constatación de este hecho, la planificación no sustituye a las relaciones mercantiles sino que cumple la función de garantizar una tendencia al equilibrio sobre la base de las relaciones mercantiles, lo que ningún automatismo del mercado puede garantizar. Se propone un principio de delimitación entre la planificación y la autonomía de las empresas (la reproducción de la vida humana), principio ampliable a la delimitación entre el Estado y las actividades de los grupos autónomos y de los mismos sujetos en general. Abstract The questioning of the capitalist relations of production must come from their inherent tendency to irrationality and economic imbalances and not from any ideological or political prejudice. In this context, economic planning is as necessary as it is required to ensure a human decision-making autonomy with respect to income distribution, access to employment and environmental protection. From the observation of this fact, planning is not a substitute for market relations but serves to ensure a tendency to balance on the basis of market relations, so no automatic of the market can guarantee. The article proposes a principle of demarcation between the planning and autonomy for enterprises (the reproduction of human life), expandable to top the demarcation between the state and the activities of autonomous groups and the same subjects in general.
Communities, neighborhoods, and other environments are currently immersed in a series of situations and problems that have favored the deterioration of social, cultural and spiritual values, which are essential for harmony with oneself, others, and the environment. Stereotypes have captured minds and settings have been reduced to indoor spaces, hemmed in by security bars and protective devices. Peace, fraternity and happiness are diminishing. It is at this point that the social, spiritual and professional work of specialists in the recreational field contributes to rescue and restructure society. Traditional games and singing games are then the tools used to facilitate relationships, contribute to the learning process, and exhibit skills. They are fundamental in a person’s life since they are a social and cultural expression of how humans have adapted to their environment (Maestro, 2005). They do not take ethnicity, age, sex or social conditions into consideration. Traditional games are also a way of promoting health, improving motor, cognitive and emotional skills and a means of encouraging creativity and imagination and developing a sense of rhythm. Their goal is to attain a state of personal well-being. They are a way to release tension and accumulated energy and to get away from the daily routine. They represent a bridge to learn about oneself, the environment, values, habits, and traditions. In this document, readers will learn how traditional games are transmitted, what their characteristics are, why they are an important tool in today’s society, how they are prepared, and how they can be revived and preserved.
Al español lo caracterizó su afán de trascender, sin privarse de las cosas y placeres terrenales, pero teniendo muy presente que a pesar de que esta vida es perecedera, debe ser gozada, disfrutada, frente a lo inevitable de la muerte. Este goce y deleite no sólo debe entenderse de las cosas materiales, sino también de aquellas cosas que permitieron un goce espiritual, quizás más intenso que el que provoca la materia a los sentidos, como lo son la fama y el honor.
El paradigma holista ha transformado la sociedad actual para desarrollar una cultura de géneros con tal de promover la búsqueda y la redefinición de lo masculino y lo femenino no con características excluyentes, sino con equilibrio en las oportunidades y con equidad. Esta es una cultura en la cual todos y todas nos veamos como seres humanos holistas. El nuevo paradigma promueve una pedagogía crítica para el rescate de la armonía, la aceptación y la libertad social con el fin de recuperar la equidad de género. La sociedad necesita un cambio de paradigma en la relación masculino/femenino con una nueva conciencia que se desarrolle por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje, que dignifiquen a los hombres y a las mujeres y con un profundo sentido espiritual de la vida para que, de esta forma, puedan convivir fraternal y libremente. The holistic paradigm has transformed modern society to develop a culture of gender in order to promote a quest and redefinition of the feminine and masculine not exclusive traits, but as equilibrium in the opportunities and equity. This is a new culture where everyone is seen as holistic human beings. The new paradigm promotes critical pedagogy to rescue harmony, acceptance and social freedom in order to recover gender equity. Society needs a change of paradigm for masculine and feminine relationships, with a new consciousness developed by learning experiences that dignify men and women and with a deep spiritual feeling of life; so both of them can live freely.