5 resultados para Audience development,Cultura,Città,Rigenerazione urbana,Eventi culturali,Frida nel Parco

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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The text came from the UNESP-Project in Partnership with the Public Administration: City of Echaporã ‖, a multidisciplinary project, interdepartmental and that results from a term partnership signed between the State University / Campus Marilia, the Regional Office of Articulation Planning and the Municipality of Echaporã.Given the serious social problems diagnosed in this county Administrative Region of Marilia, somaramse forces and, since April 2002, Echaporã account with the performance of a design matrix that involves the community in six (6) subprojects, among which a which emphasizes the dissemination of information (the public library as a center of information and knowledge irradiator for urban and rural areas, seeking to enter the Society daInformação). By their nature, the project-matrix is considered open and can accommodate new subprojects, where they concern the problems identified in the initial diagnosis. For its validity, each subproject has its own methodology, some innovative and will be subject to further systematization and dissemination, however, after a few months of deployment, the results show the correctness of community involvement (being representative) in all discussions and steps of research, and activities developed, widely disseminated to the target audience. The membership of the community, the leaders and the authorities can be considered a good barometer of the actions carried out in Echaporã and evidence of change in information culture that is already noticeable in the city, setting the socio-cultural dynamics of the same, in terms a new public policy to be strengthened with the participation of specialists in this specific area, in direct work with local managers, in this case, specific examples relating to the strength of information in the process of change in small municipalities.


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Society and information economy have changed every aspect of our life in society: the economy, trade, business, industry, media, education, health, our entire culture. More than twenty years, Dr. Jerrold Maxmen2 said all medical functions may be performed in future by a team of paraprofessionals and computers: the clinical histories, physical examinations, laboratory tests, diagnoses, treatment and prognosis, and preventive functions, public health, research, education and health administration.The consequence is that doctors have less political power and consumers more opportunity to control the operation and structure of the health care system.


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The purpose of this research was to analyze whether the use of technological resources may be feasible in the implementation of the environmental culture cross-cutting factor for sustainable development, which focuses on environmental issues related to the contents of the Science study program for the seventh year of the basic general education. The research design is qualitative with a dominant approach and uses some quantitative elements specifically in the design of instruments and some data analysis techniques. The type of study was developed with a multi-method approach; a trend that has been shaping a research style which integrates various methods in a single design. For this, we identified the didactic strategies and their relationship to both, technology and the environmental axis for sustainable development, used by six Science teachers of the 7th grade, in public institutions of the province of Heredia, Central Valley, Costa Rica, as well as the opinion of 20 students from that same grade. The main results include the opinions of the students, who showed a considerable interest in classes where technological resources are used. However, teachers do not show great interest or positive opinions on this matter; in addition, they are not well trained on the use of technological resources. It was also identified that the teaching personal who participated in the study do not develop this curricular axis.


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La práctica y teorías de la planificación urbana han avanzado históricamente hacia  la  incorporación de  temas  y análisis  intersectoriales,  fundamentalmente aquellos en  relación con  la base  territorial y el ambiente. En materia de zonificación urbana se han  hecho esfuerzos por  incorporar  la variable ambiental a  la planificación urbana. El presente artículo hace un recuento general de  la evolución del concepto de zonificación tradicional  hacia  la    zonificación  ambiental  territorial,  la  macrozonificación  y  la zonificación  por  rendimiento.  Finalmente  plantea  el  acercamiento  metodológico planteado  como  parte  de  la  estrategia  de  la  Fase  III  del  Plan Nacional  de Desarrollo Urbano  de  Costa  Rica  en  relación  con  la  macrozonificación  por  rendimiento,  como ejemplo de  la puesta en práctica de  las más  recientes herramientas en  la planificación urbano- regional de un Área Metropolitana (PRUGAM). Abstract:The Urban Planning practice and  theory  has  historically developed  towards the inclusion of more comprehensive themes and analyses, fundamentally those that are environmentally  and  territorially  related. Within  this  context,  urban  zoning  has made significant efforts  to  incorporate the environmental component  in planning. The article makes  a  general  account  of  the  evolution  of  zoning  from  its  traditional  form  to environmental land zoning, macro zoning and performance zoning. Finally it establishes the  Costa  Rica’s National Urban Development  Plan methodological  approach  for  its phase III with regards to performance macro zoning as an example of putting the more recent  zoning  and  planning  theories  to  practice  in  a  regional  Plan  for  a metropolitan area.


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A produção de moradia social no Brasil sempre esteve permeada, desde suas origens, pela perspectiva do custo/benefício. Assim, as determinações do mercado, de uma maneira geral, e de modo específico, do mercado imobiliário, historicamente, traçaram as matizes da política habitacional brasileira desde o começo do século XX, vindo a se gravar no momento atual. A par das contradições, pois ainda que se tenha percebido um avanço na produção da moradia social no Brasil, pode-se afirmar que as relações capitalistas comandam a produção de habitação social e, por seu turno, a aquisição da terra urbana, em todo o território brasileiro. Ao se colocar os interesses do mercado imobiliário acima dos interesses e necessidades dos grupos sociais vulneráveis, estão negligenciando, os direitos desses grupos a uma moradia adequada bem como suas necessidades de deslocamento, de lazer, de cultura e de trabalho. O presente estudo utiliza-se de base de dados dos órgãos governamentais, a exemplo do IBGE e do Ministério das Cidades. Faz uso também da base teórico-metodológica sobre esta temática, além de registros empíricos. É sob esta perspectiva que se pretende discutir, aqui a produção e aquisição da moradia social no Brasil, e por seu turno uma equidade ao direito à cidade.