4 resultados para Archives Library Information Center (U.S.)
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
ERIC is an information system sponsored by the National Institute of Education, Department of Education, United States acquires, selects, summarizes, indexes, processes and disseminates information that is generated and produced in the field of education.ERIC was founded in 1966 with the purpose of controlling and collecting the literature of education and research and technical reports, conferences, studies by commissions and committees, descriptions of projects and programs, lectures, speeches and the like.
Principle 7 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (UN General Assembly, 1959) states in part: "The child has the right to receive education which will be free and compulsory ... You will be given an education that promotes their general education and training on an equal opportunity to develop their individual judgment skills and sense of moral and social responsibility, and to become a useful member of society. " I will expose to you that the school library resource center is the general instrument essential to fulfill this right of the child. Within the comprehensive range of materials and acquisition objective of their materials, school library complements and supports all aspects of the educational program.
The underdeveloped countries of today were those who came late to the industrial revolution, tomorrow will be those who fall behind in the information revolution, "this principle formulated by UNESCO is the reality that is experienced in the new economic and social era of knowledge, making Costa Rica is part of the countries of information as an essential element for development, is the purpose and underlying philosophy of the School of Library, Documentation and Information, National University, which its work in teaching, extension and research provides answers feasible and viable to do so.
El objetivo de este Trabajo Final de Graduación fue formular una propuesta de diseño y construcción de una Intranet, que permita al Centro de Documentación "Alvaro Castro Jenkins" del Banco Central de Costa Rica, administrar los recursos, servicios, y productos de información de acceso confidencial, discrecional y restringido a los funcionarios del Banco, con una red privada de comunicaciones, basada en los protocolos TCP/IP y tecnologías de World Wide Web (WWW). La implementación de la Unidad de Información del OVSICORI se propuso a partir del diagnóstico de la infraestructura, de los recursos tecnológicos, recursos documentales, financieros, humanos y necesidades de los usuarios reales y potenciales. Este Trabajo Final de Graduación consistió en una investigación descriptiva en la que se realizó un diagnóstico de los servicios de información existentes en la Biblioteca Conjunta de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y del Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, con el fin de analizar la pertinencia y utilidad de los mismos y proponer un programa de mejoramiento continuo para los servicios y productos existentes, así como el diseño de nuevos servicios y productos de información.