3 resultados para Acciones, hechos y sucesos
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Introducción Ambien-tico es una revista mensual de 16 páginas (tamaño carta), nacida en 1992, que en julio de 1998 sacó a la luz la edición n° 62. Nació en el seno de un proyecto de investigación (explotación ecosistémica y coyuntura ambiental en Costa Rica) planteado y ejecutado por profesionales de diversas unidades académicas de la Universidad Nacional (su “sede” era la Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales). El objeto de estudio de ese proyecto era los modos (pluridimensionales) de relación entre la sociedad tica y la naturaleza del país en la “coyuntura” histórica. AMBIEN-TICO, cuyas primeras siete ediciones fueron trimestrales, cumplía la función de divulgar los resultados de la investigación.
This investigation has the purpose of identifying how to prevent through educational processes, and then eradicate, the sexual abuse against children and adolescents in rural communities from Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The premise is that sexual abuse cannot be approached in an isolated way; it requires integral and committed actions of the institutions in charge of children and adolescents’ integral protection and development. This implies considering: the legal framework, the response offered by government and private organizations towards the prevention and attention of rights as well as their actions to penalize and restore the violated rights; the role of families as main responsible of the well being of their children and the role of children and adolescents.
Few studies relating to librarianship as a science, because it is argued that the Library lacks a body of theory, an object of study and methodology of its own. According to Murcia and Tamayo "science is a critical task not dogmatic, that puts all its cases to trial and criticism." 0 is, science tests the presumed knowledge. He adds that science related facts and interconnected with each other, in order to achieve logical connections that allow the provision of postulates and axioms from the systematization achieved through research and the scientific method to determine the objectivity that exists between facts and phenomena. For him, scientific research is the instrument by which science makes it to scientific knowledge. (1982, p. 11)