9 resultados para Academic decorations of honor

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Se analizan los factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Bachillerato en la Enseñanza del Inglés (BEI) de la Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). El contexto universitario, el papel de los profesores, la motivación en los estudiantes y los hábitos de estudio son condiciones para fomentar el éxito académico. Según los resultados, los aprendientes necesitan ciertas características personales, motivación y metas para tener éxito en su trabajo académico. Este estudio de caso contribuye a una mejor percepción de los factores que influyen en el mejoramiento de las aptitudes de estudio y aprendizaje, así como los que intervienen en el logro de las metas académicas.This analysis refers to factors contributing to the academic performance of the students majoring in the teaching of English at the Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). The university context, the professors' role, students' motivation and their study habits are conditions for fostering academic success. The findings indicate that learners need certain personality traits, motivation and goals to succeed in their academic work. This case study provides insight on the factors that influence the enhancement of study skills and leaming, as well as other factors that contribute to the accomplishment of academic goals.


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This study shows the main socio- affective factors related to school difficulties of a group of three girls and three boys identified as "star" in the Programa Psicomotricidad e Intervención (Psychomotor and Intervention Program). The study was developed through a mixed methodology, in which the Human Figure Test, the Kinetic Family Drawing and an interview with the mother of each student were applied. The most important results revealed the existence of family conflicting factors that affect the emotional state of children, generating negative feelings about themselves that affect their social interactions and their school performance.


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The notion of academic performance renders account of the results achieved by the students during their school education.  Internally, there are two opposed phenomena:  school success and school failure.  Sociology of education has contributed to the discussion of both notions revealing their social nature closely related to the institutional and socio-cultural contexts in which education is developed.  This paper is the result of a research project conducted for our doctoral thesis.  Its purpose is to contribute to enlighten the scopes of this discussion, by analyzing the school development of a group of working class women from Mendoza. We were interested, in the first place, in knowing the reasons why they quit school when they were young girls or adolescents.  Subsequently, we have approached the opportunities they had to access the system again during their adulthood, the obstacles they had to face and the resources to be able to complete the medium level.


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This paper refers to a crucial issue for higher education institutions.  In Mexico, particularly, the collective work of academic bodies is an unresolved issue despite the efforts made in this regard. In this context, a well-founded systematic discussion is essential to understand the potential of these academic bodies on faculty strengthening and their subsequent impact on the quality of education. This paper presents the results of a research project conducted by FIME  with the purpose of identifying the characteristics of its academic bodies as well as their current and potential condition. (1) Translator’s Note: FIME refers to the Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering).


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Today's society called information society, grows rapidly and undergoes changes in the sources of information under the Information Technology and Communication ("tics"), in this situation it is necessary to develop tools or reference sources that allow the (to) user (a) the accessibility and use of information. It systematized information on the Meritorious Citizen of the Fatherland and Honor that is Costa Rica, since 1847 to 2008, due to its contribution to culture, science, recreation, among others. The overall objective of this research was to make a work print and digital reference, which will collect each of the biographies and works written by (as) Benefactors (as) of the country and citizens (as) of Honor and to facilitate access to information and strengthen outreach conducted by the Library "Victor Manuel Sanabria Martínez" of the Legislature, through its publications, exhibitions and related activities, to publicize its documentary. The variables used for this investigation were:-sources (primary and secondary), Organization of information - tools in various documentation centers and libraries. This was carried out a questionnaire, which was structured in the Excel program, aimed at (as) directors (as) or officers (as) in different libraries and documentation centers, and visits to selected sites for search and selection information. It is important to spread this final graduation in different public and school libraries in the country, since history and culture rescues national, who gave identity to the Costa Rican people. The systematization made by a thematic CD-ROM, provide accessibility to all (as) the (as) citizens (as) who access the Internet through the website of the Legislative Assembly Library and other state institutions wishing through a hyperlink on your "web", to refer the same.


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Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la reforma económica implementada en Costa Rica en los últimos veinticinco años como resultado de la aplicación de los programas y políticas de ajuste estructural. Para tal efecto se analiza el debate que acompañó el proceso de aprobación e implementación de los mencionados programas, el discurso de los mismos, su desempeño y algunos de sus principales efectos sociales. Esta reforma económica representó un cambio importante en el estilo de desarrollo y en las funciones del estado social vigentes desde la década de los 1950s. De ahí que resulte de gran interés analizar cuál fue el nuevo enfoque de desarrollo que se implementó a partir de la década de los años ochenta y los resultados del mismo en materia de crecimiento económico y equidad social. Esta publicación pretende servir de insumo para promover la tarea académica de repensar la política de desarrollo que la sociedad costarricense debe definir dentro del nuevo contexto de la globalización.   Abstract The objective of this article is to analyze the economic reform implemented in Costa Rica in the last twenty-five years as result of the application of the structural adjustment programs and policies. For such effect we analyze the debate that accompanied the process of approval and implementation of the mentioned programs, the speech of such, its performance and some of its main social effects. This economic reform represented an important change in the style of development and in the current functions of the social state from the decade of 1950s. Hence it results of big interest to analyze which was the new approach of development that was implemented from the decade of the eighties and the results of the same one on the subject of economic growth and social equity.This publication tries to serve as input to promote the academic task of rethinking the politics of development that the Costa Rican society must define inside the new context of the globalization.


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Recibido 13 de octubre de 2011 • Aceptado 23 de febrero 2012 • Corregido 23 de marzo de 2012   Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que analiza aquellos rasgos del semblante docente que promueven o inhiben el deseo de aprendizaje de estudiante. Tiene como referente teórico el psicoanálisis y los datos empíricos de estudiantes del grupo 602, de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), en México, del ciclo escolar 2009-2010. Se analizan solo las características o rasgos del semblante que promueven el deseo de aprender de los estudiantes. El objetivo es conocer si el deseo de los estudiantes y las estudiantes de Psicología por aprender los contenidos de una asignatura es despertado cuando estos se identifican con el semblante de su docente, desde la premisa de que este posee rasgos o cualidades que permiten al estudiante identificarse con el llamado semblante docente. Se utiliza el enfoque cualitativo y el método fenomenológico. Las técnicas de recolección de datos fueron el cuestionario y la entrevista en profundidad. La principal conclusión fue que un mismo docente no impacta de la misma manera a sus estudiantes.


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The evaluation of school students has always attempted to estimate the effort, abilities and learning of students. However, at the beginning, evaluation consisted in measuring the progress of the student’s behavior compared to a desirable behavior. Later on, different changes in evaluation benefited the processes addressed to assessing the academic achievement of students and learning itself. Today, the demands of the contemporary society are vast and numerous: students not only require knowledge, they need to develop skills, values and postures. Postmodern education requires individuals to develop different talents and competencies to grow in every way. Therefore, evaluation should respond to such needs promoting an ethical, technical, reliable assessment of the student’s competencies, thus providing more fair and objective, qualitative and quantitative judgments. This dissertation project is the result of a literature review of several authors and the daily work of teachers in the Centros de Educación Media Superior a Distancia [High School Distance Centers] of Morelos, Mexico.


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El Programa de Atención Integral de la Persona Adulta Mayor, PAIPAM, del Centro de Estudios Generales de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, tuvo su origen con un curso de sensibilización sobre el proceso de envejecimiento y la etapa de la vejez dirigido a jóvenes estudiantes universitarios(as), en 1996. Este Programa integra todas las áreas del quehacer universitario, a saber: la docencia, la extensión, la investigación, la producción y la vinculación externa con el fin de contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores, con actividades y proyectos que facilitan la convivencia amorosa entre las distintas generaciones y desde valores como la comprensión, el respeto y la solidaridad Abstract The integrated project named Programme of Comprehensive Care for Seniors (PAIPAM as per its acronym in Spanish) had its starting point in an awareness course on aging and elderly taught to freshmen students of the Humanities Department back in 1996. By the year 2000 the course had became a regular programme of the Humanities Department at the Universidad Nacional. It integrates all the academic areas of the University; namely, teaching, extension, research, production and external linkage. PAIPAM seeks to contribute to theimprovement of the quality of life of senior citizens by means of activities and projects that further facilitate a caring coexistence between generations while growing the values of understanding, respect and solidarity.