2 resultados para 670705 Plastic products (incl. construction materials)

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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The purpose of this article is to offer the design and infrastructure parameters necessary to have safe playgrounds since they represent a unique opportunity to foster an integral development, particularly in children.  In these public places, children learn to resolve conflicts to continue playing, having fun, and developing.  These recreational areas then become learning places that foster the formation process and provide great social, emotional, physical, cognitive, intellectual, and spiritual benefits.  However, such benefits are diminished by the lack of interest of the communities and the adult population to optimize playground conditions and by unscrupulous developers, who design playgrounds in inappropriate places putting the population at risk.  Therefore, the following must be taken seriously into consideration before, during, and after the construction of a playground: design, construction, materials, equipment, components and the procedures to meet the necessary safety requirements and the objective for which they were created, that being an area designed, equipped, and located exclusively for playing that facilitates the integral development of the population.  Consequently, it is urgent for Costa Rica to enact clear regulations that guarantee the construction, design, and use of playgrounds that do not put the population’s health at risk, prevent accidents, and guarantee the inalienable rights of each Costa Rican.


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El Camino de Mulas, con excepción de las veredas y trillos precolombinos, fue el primero, y por muchos años el único camino para las comunicaciones interiores y exteriores. El camino fue construido ya en 1601 con el objeto de unir Cartago (en la  oriental de la Depresión Tectónica Central) con Tierra Firme (Panamá), pero también el camino contribuyo a unir Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Por el se transportaban los productos y materias primas hasta la feria de Portobelo y desde esta las mercaderías por el mismo camino hacia las colonias. El tráfico origino importantes ingresos públicos y con ellos fue posible pagar los gastos militares y administrativos de la provincia. Ejemplos de contratos de venta, hipotecas y opciones de compraventa, incluso por parte de eclesiásticos, son presentados en el trabajo. Sin embargo, la supresión de la feria en 1746, determinó la decadencia económica de Panamá, la reducción del tráfico de mulas a lo largo del camino y la subsecuente disminución y, finalmente, la desaparición de los impuestos, todo lo cual puede ser verificado en las cuencas de Tesoro Real de la provincia de Costa Rica.  ABSTRACT The Mule Trail, with exceptions to the Pre-colombian footpaths, was the first, and for many years the only, interior and international communications route. The trail was constructed in 1601 with the object being to link Cartago (in the Eastern Sub-Basin of the Central Tectonic Depression) with Tierra Firme (Panamá) but also the trail contributed in linking Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panamá because it permitted. The transportation of products and raw materials to the Portobelo fair and also allowed Spanish merchandise to arrive to the colonies. The traffic originated ingresses and with the money it was possible to pay the Administrative and Military debts of the province. Example of sales contracts, mortgages and buying and selling options, even used by the ecclesiastics, are presented in this essay.  Nevertheless, the suppression of the fair in 1746, determined the economic decadence of Panamá, the reduction of mule traffic over the trail and the subsequent diminish and finally disappearance of the accounting of the Royal Treasury of the Province of Costa Rica.