3 resultados para 070101 Agricultural Land Management

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Este artículo es resultado del seguimiento a graduados de la carrera de Ciencias Geográficas desde el año 2005. El objetivo general se centró en analizar las tareas que realizan los geógrafos para establecer la correspondencia con el perfil del graduado. Se identificaron 16 líneas de trabajo y las tareas realizadas en cada una de éstas, desde la perspectiva de los graduados. Los resultados indican que el área que emplea mayor número de geógrafos es Ciencias de la Información Geográfica; en tanto el área de enseñanza y divulgación de la Geografía ofrece una oportunidad de complementar el empleo principal. Los empleadores destacan como fortalezas de los geógrafos la formación humanista y en Ciencias de la Información Geográfica, Paisaje, Territorio y Recursos Naturales, Gestión y Ordenamiento del Territorio. Se concluye que las tareas realizadas son congruentes con el perfil del graduado del plan de estudio de la carrera.Palabras claves: Líneas de  trabajo del geógrafo, mercado  laboral del geógrafo, carrera de Ciencias Geográficas Universidad Nacional, seguimiento a graduados, perfil del graduado. AbstractThis article is the result of monitoring graduates who started their careers in geographic sciences from the year 2005. Sixteen jobs and the functions of each of these were identified, from the perspective of the graduates. The general objective centered on analyzing the tasks the geographers performed in order to establish the relationship with the graduate profile.The results indicated that the major field of employment is Geographical Information Sciences, meanwhile the field of teaching and publishing offer an opportunity to complement the primary job. The employers emphasized the humanistic formation and geographic information sciences, landscape, land and natural resources, land management and zoning. It concluded that the tasks carried out are congruent with the profile of the graduateʼs plan of course study. Key Words: Lines of work for geographers, labor market for geographers, Geographical Sciences degree, Universidad Nacional, graduate monitoring, graduate profile.


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Esse artigo pretende discutir como as transformações tecnológicas vêm influenciando a ciência geográfica, especificamente com o advento das geotecnologias. Diante de inúmeras potencialidades e aplicações na análise e gestão territorial, nós devemos refletir sobre seu real significado, que certamente ultrapassa o caráter meramente técnico. É necessário compreender a vasta dimensão social, política e econômica que abrangem. Atualmente as técnicas são cada vez mais utilizadas, aceitas e menos compreendidas, o que pode implicar riscos para a sociedade em função de interpretações equivocadas e muitas vezes desprovidas de princípios éticos. Vinte anos após a “unificação” do mundo com a queda do Muro de Berlim, o cenário sociocultural e político se redefine em um paradigma de contradições. As inovações tecnológicas funcionam como um instrumento emblemático subordinado ao mercado financeiro e a globalização marca a atual fase do capitalismo, que segue seu curso encontrando as limitações inerentes à tecnologia em que se sustenta. This paper intends to discuss how the technological changes have affected the geographical science, specifically with the advent of geotechnologies. Up against with great potential and applications in analysis and land management, we must to reflect on its real meaning, which certainly goes beyond the merely technical. It’s necessary to understand the broad social, political and economic dimension wich inclued. Currently, the techniques are increasingly used, accepted and least understood, which may to implicate a risk to society due to misinterpretation and often devoid of ethical principles. Twenty years after the "unification" of the world with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the cultural and political landscape was altered in a paradigm of contradictions. Technological innovations work as a emblematic instrument subordinate to financial markets and globalization marks the current phase of capitalism, which runs its course finding the limitations inherent in the technology which supports.


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This article aims to present the relation between the selected socio environmental indicators used to make the expert system environment (SEA) as tool for automate the process of viability consultation for implementation of new constructions, which tends to increase the agility of the public administration within the control of use and occupation of municipal land. The development of this tool is justified since the urban growth in most Brazilian cities has promoted sociospatial segregation, marginalization of the poor and degradation of natural environments. To elaborate the conceptual model of the SEA, the present study has selected socio environmental indicators and, also, has used parameters of environmental law and land use. For each indicator was determined a value that is measured by a checklist procedure and for the analysis of the legislation and crossed with the city’s basemap. Thus, it was made a connection between the characterizations of the environment versus the type of work in viability, resulting in a graph which allowed measuring the significant environmental impact. The implementation of the environmental modeling system encounters the instrumentalization of the municipal administration, which will feature modern land management tool.