142 resultados para Costa Rican women teachers-writers


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En el artículo se incluyen los cuentos: La Espera, El compañero, Prólogo, El extraño, De la ciencia.


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Se incluyen las poesías: De índole marina, Mundo privado, Razón de amor, Boceto del artista, Poema visible, De verde y de olores, Montaje con dos tiempos.


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Este estudio expone las poesías: Tránsito de sombra, Antología del caminante, Herencia de la soledad, Vallejania, Oscura versión, Certezas del azar, A la sombra de Ulises, Imitación de la sombra y Marina invernal.


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El propósito de este artículo fue el de revisar la naturaleza de los patrones de movimiento de los niños, con el fin de entrelazarlos con las recomendaciones que se han establecido en cuanto a la actividad física que deben realizar y compararlas con las que tradicionalmente, se han seguido en el entorno costarricense. En una segunda parte del artículo se menciona al juego como la alternativa para rescatar el disfrute de moverse en los niños y de poder propiciar estilos de vida activa usando como elemento precursor las clases de educación física.


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The purpose of this research was to apply a test that measures different multiple intelligences in children from two different elementary schools to determine whether there are differences between the Academicist Pedagogical Model (traditional approach) established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education and the Cognitive Pedagogical Model (MPC) (constructivist approach). A total of 29 boys and 20 girls with ages 8 to 12 from two different public schools in Heredia (Laboratorio School and San Isidro School) participated in this study. The instrument used was a Multiple Intelligences Test for school age children (Vega, 2006), which consists of 15 items subdivided in seven categories: linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual, kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Two-Way ANOVA) were used for the analysis of data.  Significant differences were found in linguistic intelligence (F:9.47; p < 0.01) between the MPC school (3.24±1.24 points) and the academicist school (2.31±1.10 points).  Differences were also found between sex (F:5.26; p< 0.05), for girls (3.25±1.02 points) and boys (2.52±1.30 points). In addition, the musical intelligence showed significant statistical differences between sexes (F: 7.97; p < 0.05).  In conclusion, the learning pedagogical models in Costa Rican public schools must be updated based on the new learning trends.


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The prevalence of Arterial Hypertension (AHT) has increased worldwide and preventive measures areinsufficient since only one third of the population is being treated. AHT is the primary cause of morbidity andmortality in the world. In this article is presented the first study on hypertension levels of personnel of aDistance Education university based on the analysis of all medical consultations in the Costa Rican StateUniversity for Distance Education (Universidad Estatal a Distancia-UNED) as of December 15, 2007 (1,526medical files). The population studied ranges from 20 to 70 years of age and is comprised of residents of theGreater Metropolitan Area (Costa Rica) with varied socioeconomic and academic levels. The StatgraphicsCenturion XV software and the chi-square test were used to analyze variables such as treatment administered,sex, age, and type of work. Only 45 patients knew that they suffered from hypertension prior to theirconsultation with the university medical service and 136 were treated with Enalapril and Hydrochlorothiazide.The number of hypertensive patients is higher among those who have worked at the institution for more than 20years, especially in those holding higher positions. No marked differences were found between men andwomen. It is concluded that the existence of a university medical service has permitted faculty and staff tosatisfactorily control their blood pressure.


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Resumen Se describe la metodología utilizada para el estudio de calificación del Queso Turrialba como Denominación de Origen de acuerdo a la legislación costarricense en la materia. El Queso Turrialba ha sido fabricado tradicionalmente en la comunidad de Santa Cruz de Turrialba, Provincia de Cartago, Costa Rica, principalmente por fabricantes artesanales (más de 250) y en menor escala por semi-industriales (12, al momento de realizar el estudio), que en su conjunto producen un volumen total aproximado de 90,000 kilogramos por semana, en la época de mayor producción, siendo la principal actividad económica local. Abstract We describe the methodology used for the study of Turrialba Cheese qualification of Origin according to Costa Rican legislation on the subject. Turrialba Cheese has traditionally been made in the community of Santa Cruz de Turrialba, Cartago Province, Costa Rica, mainly by artisanal producers (over 250) and lower semi-industrial scale (12, at the time of the study) , which together produce a total volume of approximately 90.000 pounds per week in the period of greatest production, the main local economic activity.


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En este ensayo, la autora hace un recuento histórico acerca de cuáles eran las condiciones morales de las instituciones de salud, a partir de sus experiencias personales como médico y administradora en la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social.


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This work is part of a history of the political ideas in Latin America, approached from Marxist criteria (structural and situational) and from a framework of construction of a radical emancipationist Latin American theory. Both criteria are used to analyse a ‘tican’ (Costa Rican) style communism (comunismo “a la tica”), as an ideological expression that must be criticised and overcome.


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Nos proponemos trazar las bifurcaciones de esta publicación y determinar el proyecto político cultural que promueven sus inspiradores donde coinciden intelectuales de ambos lado del océano. Por otro lado, interesa destacar las producciones literarias de latinoamericanos reproducidas en sus páginas y particularmente la creación costarricense de sesgo ácrata.


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In this article I analize the novel Los héroes impuros by the Costa Rican authoress Rosibel Morera. The analytical categories used include, from the elimination of absolute historical facts, all the way to the notion of eternal return (Mircea Eliade), processes of idolization, and the various symbols appearing on the text. Examination of these categories shows the characters´ duality because of their universality, and also the worldview and the conception of literature held by Morera.


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ResumenAnaliza la invención de la fiesta de la independencia en el calendario civil del Estado Costarricense, en el periodo de 1824-1874, y retoma la función de las fiestas civiles en la construcción del Estado y nación. Abstract This article analyzes the invention of Independence Day festivities in the civil calendar of the Costa Rican state, in the years 1821 to 1874, and reconsiders the function of civic celebrations in the construction of state and nation


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ResumenEl artículo explora a partir de fuentes diversas (orales, hemerográficas y documentales) la problemática de la desestructuración económica sufrida por el Pacífico Sur costarricense, los distintos impactos sociales de la crisis que esta suscitó, el gran conflicto huelguístico del año 1984 y las políticas y respuestas ofrecidas por el Estado y los distintos actores sociales, de cara a tal problemáticaAbstractThrough the use of a wide diversity of sources (oral, newspaper, and documentary), this article explores the problem areas of the economic destructuring suffered by the Costa Rican Southern Pacific region, the different social impacts generated by this crisis, the great strike of 1984, and the policies and solutions proposed by the State and other social actors, in the face of these major issues.


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ResumenEste articulo trata de presentar un punto de vista diferente a la tradicional perspectiva de la supremacía del beneficiado húmedo sobre otros métodos de procesar el café. El análisis es sustentado en una base de datos cualitativos levantada de una lectura de múltiples fuentes como periódicos, censos, protocolos, expedientes judiciales, actas municipales, libros, etc. Al mismo tiempo, hace un repaso histórico de la introducción tecnológica extranjera y la innovación criolla por elaborar un grano de una calidad aceptable para la exportación. Simultáneamente, se hace hincapié sobre los problemas técnicos de la caficultura costarricenseAbstractThis article seeks to present a different point of view with regards to the traditional preeminence of wet coffee processing over other methods. The analysis is based on a qualitative database put together after the study of a wide variety of sources such as newspapers, census, protocols, court records, municipal records, books, etc. At the same time, it takes on a historical review of the introduction of foreign technology and the native innovation to develop a coffee bean of acceptable export quality. Likewise, the article stresses on the technical problems faced by the Costa Rican coffee industry.


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Resumen Analiza las características del régimen municipal anteriores a la constitución de 1949, como preámbulo para presentar los rasgos del régimen municipal en la constitución vigente y como ha funcionado las municipalidades de 1949 al presente. Abstract The author analyzes the characteristics of the Costa Rican municipal sistem prior to the 1949 constitution, as a preamble to presenting the features of the municipal system under the current constitution and discussing the functioning of municipalities from 1949 to the present.