79 resultados para Derechos de propiedad intelectual


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En este artículo se presenta el análisis metodológico del mercado y el inventario de las tierras necesarias para el proceso de conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana en la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica.El crecimiento de las ciudades demanda nuevas tierras para su expansión y localización del crecimiento de la población y la concentración metropolitana de las actividades económicas y sociales.Al realizarse la transformación de la tierra agrícola a urbana cambia la naturaleza de uso, su contenido económico y los derechos de propiedad.Nos interesa presentar en este tratamiento teórico-metodológico: primero; los objetivos de la investigación, el planteamiento del problema y la delimitación de a tierra urbanizable de la región metropolitana de Costa Rica , segundo; los procesos y factores que intervienen en la conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana; las características del mercado, el contenido económico, el contenido jurídico y los derechos de propiedad de la tierra potencialmente urbana; tercero, los instrumentos de gestión urbana de la tierra y cuarto; el análisis regional y subregional de la tierra urbanizable.Conviene entender que esta tierra de futura urbanización está en transición y que sus formas de uso y propiedad están determinadas por esta característica transicional.Abstract:This article discusses the methodology analysis of the land market and evaluation necessary lo convert agriculture land to urban Iand in the Big Metropolitan Área of Costa Rica.The grow of the cities requires new geographical space in order to expand and locate the new population and Ihe urban concentration of the economical and social activities.In the way the agricuLture Iand transforms to urban space, the nature of the use, thee economic content and the land tenure change.It is important to present in this article about the methodological teorical approach; first the objective of the research, the problem definition of urban land in the region of Costa Rican Metropolitan Área. Secondly, the process and factors that acts in the conversion from the agriculture land to urban land; the characteristics of market, legal and economic aspects and land tenure of the potential space to convert to urban land. Thirdly, the tool of the land urban is planning. Finally, the regional and subregional of the land with the properties to develop urban facilities.The land that in the future will be urbanice is in transition and their forms of use and land tenure determined by this condition.


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This year the School of Library, Documentation and Information is twenty years from its beginning as Unit Library.


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Until the middle of the XVIII Century, children were considered as miniature adults, but with Jean Jacob Rousseau the study of the development of the human being was started and the foundation was set up for the new science of Paidology (the study of children), wich focuses on the different intellectual and physical conflicts which children face, and also for other sciencies such as Paidofilaxis, Pueroculture and Pediatrics. The Society of Nations, created, in 1919, the Consultancy for the Trafficking of Women and the Protection of Children, and in Geneva, the International Union for Aid was founded in 1920. In Argentina, the First American Congress for Children was organized in 1916, and others followed. The first Declaration of Childrens Right was proclaimed in 1924 and then followed the first Ten Commandments of Childrens Rights. In Costa Rica in 1929, a project was presented for the Constitutional Congress to establish an institution for the protection of children, wich was duly enacted into law in 1930 with the name of National Institution for the Protection of Children (Patronato Nacional de la Infancia, PANI) whose duty was to oversee the welfare of minors and their physical, intellectual, moral and emotional development. In 1930, the first Declaration of the Rights for Costarrican Children was proclaimed. The creation of the PANI, the declaration of Childrens Rights, and the enactment of a Code for Infants (1932), constitute the three events that signal Costa Rica as one of the pioneers countries in Latin American and the World, in the protectionof children and mothers. At the end of the article, some of the crucial events that have happened during the decades that PANI has been working in the country are analized.


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El objeto de este trabajo, es presentar el conjuento d eelementos teóricos y metodológicos para la valoración de la propiedad inmueble, aplicando la categoría Espacio Económico Homogéneo (EEH).  Se presentan cada uno de los procedimientos, criterios y técnicas a aplicar en la valoración individual y colectiva de la propiedad. El ensayo se divide en cuatro partes: en la primera parte; se intenta una definición teórica y metodológica, en la segunda parte, se exponen el método de valoración de la propiedad, en la tercera parte, se presentan los  procedimientos para la delimitación de las zonas económicas, en la última parte, se presenta un resumen de la base de datos necesarios para la valoración por zonas.