50 resultados para Monge
Se describe y analiza el cultivo y desarrollo del poema en prosa en las letras costarricenses, considerando que no ha sido objeto de suficiente atención por parte de la crítica. Una vez expuestos los aspectos históricos, conceptuales y teóricos, y la procedencia europea de esta modalidad discursiva, se exploran sus manifestaciones desde sus orígenes, a finales del siglo XIX, y el desarrollo posterior hasta sus manifestaciones en la literatura contemporánea.The development and evolution of prose poetry in Costa Rica is described and analyzed in view of the fact that critics have not given it the attention it deserves. A discussion of historical, conceptual and theoretical aspects, together with the European origins of this genre, provides the basis to explore its appearance around the end of the 19th century, and its later development up to the present time.
En esta sección se recoge una serie de cartas que, publicadas en diversos periódicos finiseculares, dejan en claro cuáles fueron las razones que tenían nuestros creadores literarios para escribir en ese momento. Se presentan algunos textos a través de los cuales el pensamiento nacional se volcó sobre la literatura para definirla en ese momento. Por ejemplo: Hojarasca, El nacionalismo en literatura, El Heraldo, Carta a don Joaquín García Monge, Nacionalismo literario, Carta a don Rafael Machado, Casi palique, Constantinopla futura.
No data has apparently been published on morbidity and outpatient service of faculty and staff of a distance university. This report presents such data from the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Costa Rican State University for Distance Education). The participants in this study were the employees who were outpatients between January 15, 2004 and December 15, 2006. Instead of using a sample, the entire population was studied with a total of 1,526 medical records. Procedure: During the first stage all of the medical records were read and the morbidity data was tabulated. Subsequently, this information was statistically analyzed using Statgraphics Centurion XV. The main findings were that 50% of the patients used the outpatient service only once during the study period and that most of them were between 20 and 50 years of age. The days with the most consultations were Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. The number of consultations was relatively stable throughout the year, with a slight increase in June. The three main causes for visiting the service were: upper respiratory tract diseases, muscular-skeletal disorders, and irritated digestive system problems. Main conclusions: Most of the consultations were from the departments with the more faculty and staff members; however, some departments had extremely high or low consultation rates per capita, maybe due to factors such as pathologies that require periodic control, geographical proximity, and psycho-social issues of patients who create a vicious circle due to the somatization of such problems. The hypothesis that this population’s morbidity rate would differ from the national average because of its high educational level was rejected. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that there are weekly and yearly cycles was maintained.
The prevalence of Arterial Hypertension (AHT) has increased worldwide and preventive measures areinsufficient since only one third of the population is being treated. AHT is the primary cause of morbidity andmortality in the world. In this article is presented the first study on hypertension levels of personnel of aDistance Education university based on the analysis of all medical consultations in the Costa Rican StateUniversity for Distance Education (Universidad Estatal a Distancia-UNED) as of December 15, 2007 (1,526medical files). The population studied ranges from 20 to 70 years of age and is comprised of residents of theGreater Metropolitan Area (Costa Rica) with varied socioeconomic and academic levels. The StatgraphicsCenturion XV software and the chi-square test were used to analyze variables such as treatment administered,sex, age, and type of work. Only 45 patients knew that they suffered from hypertension prior to theirconsultation with the university medical service and 136 were treated with Enalapril and Hydrochlorothiazide.The number of hypertensive patients is higher among those who have worked at the institution for more than 20years, especially in those holding higher positions. No marked differences were found between men andwomen. It is concluded that the existence of a university medical service has permitted faculty and staff tosatisfactorily control their blood pressure.
Introducción Conforme se profundizaban en el Tercer Mundo los efectos funestos de la globalización, empezó a cobrar importancia en enfoque analítico denominado “Sustainable rual livelihoods”(Modos de Vida Rural Sostenibles). Sus proponentes lo definieron en la siguiente manera: ”Un modo de vida rural sostenible comprende las capacidades y bienes, tanto de orden material y social (tangibles e intangibles), que poseen las familias campesinas, así como las actividades que despliegan para desarrollar medios de vida que les permiten subsistir, sortear o recuperarse de adversidades, manteniendo o aumentando sus recursos productivos y sin afectar la base de recursos naturales”…
Introducción El golpe de Estado de 1917, el periódico “La Información” en su primera pagina destacaba con grandes titulares los sucesos políticos ocurridos el día anterior, esto era el 27 de enero, fecha de importantes acontecimientos en nuestra historia patria
Introducción Desde la publicación, en 1866, de un artículo escrito por Dudley Baxter, titulado la expansión de los ferrocarriles y sus resultados, el problema del impacto que innovaba de los ferrocarriles e las economías centrales (particularmente Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos), ha pasado a un primer plano. Posteriormente, y dentro del esquema teórico- metodológico elaborado por el New Economic History, en Estados Unidos, la edición de un difícil libro preparado por RW. Fogel imprimió a la cuestión su verdadero significado.
IntroducciónEl objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar un inventario de todas las tesis presentadas en los campos de Historia y Geografía de 1945a 1986, El mismo ha sido organizado en tres partes:En títulos y autores organizados cronológicamente, con una numeración secuencial. Al pie la refere4ncia para su localización en las Bibliotecas Carlos Monge Alfaro (BCMA) y Eugenio Fonseca Tortós (BEFT), ésta última localizada en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.Indice lo autores ordenados alfabéticamente, con indicación del número para ser localizados en la primera parte.indice temático, Este índice es bastante general, se trató de condensar la gran variedad de títulos en unos pocos temas, también ordenados alfabéticamente con la numeración que refiere la primera parte...
Introducción En las dos últimas décadas la historia de la clase trabajadora costarricense ha ido lentamente a partir de los trabajos de De la Cruz, Fallas Monge y Oliva Medina. No obstante, es mucho mayor lo que desconocemos que lo que sabemos. Así, a pesar de que dicha historia ha estado jalonada por algunos movimientos huelguísticos importantes, pocos de tales conflictos han sido objeto de una investigación histórica detallada. En este sentido, la obra que comentamos constituye una útil contribución a este campo del saber histórico en nuestro país.
IntroducciónEscribir sobre el Quinto Centenario del Descubrimiento de América, a esta altura de la partida, no sólo es redundar sobre lo que se ha dicho y redicho hasta el hartazgo, sino que incluso, es necesario. Pues uno corre el riesgo de repetir las tesis eurocéntricas según las cuales los españoles trajeron consigo la civilización a nuestras tierras; o, por otra parte, se cae tambien en el vicio tercermundista de atribuir todos nuestros problemas a los excesos del conquistador español
ResumenReflexiona acerca del papel de la Historia y los historiadores en Costa Rica.AbstractThe author reflects upon the role of History and historians in Costa Rica.
This article summarizes the main findings of a research on literacy made with immigrant Nicaraguan men and women workers residing in Costa Rica, specifically with parents from students at the Gonzalo Monge School in Pital, San Carlos. In this investigation, the more relevant motives for these Nicaraguan immigrants to come to Costa Rica are established. In addition, some of their needs living in this country are stipulated as well as the role of informal education in their lives. It is clearly important to design a literacy proposal on informal education that allows immigrant Nicaraguan men and women workers to prepare and educate for life and work. According to the Project for Latin America and the Caribbean, Education for Everyone program, education is understood as one basic need of the person: every person –child, young or adult- must have the basic opportunity of taking advantage of education. These needs include not only essential tools for learning (such as reading, writing, learning problems…), but also basic learning contents required for human beings to: survive, develop their capacities, live and work with dignity, fully participate on development, improve the quality of their lives, take their fundamental decisions and continue learning.
The proposal includes the systematization of a training experience where 35 teaching and administrative officials participated. They came from 9 elementary schools located in marginal communities, developed by a team of two school counselors whose main purpose was to encourage among the participants the development of skills that will let them design and apply activities in the field of “parents’ school”. Thus, an educational counseling proposal has been modeled in order to reach greater coverage and efficiency of the counseling work with families being done from within the school. Moreover, what’s being sought is the promotion of healthy family relationships that contribute to the family’s wholeness and well being and therefore to the appropriate academic and social development of their children.
The theory of curricular administration is applied in order to explain the use of the strategy of management committees in institutions of elementary and high school education. A case study is carried out in an educational institution of the metropolitan area; an institution known for organizational features that are common in a national reality that affects the malpractice of this strategy. It is established within the case study, some of causes of its abuse in the particular context of the educational institution “Unidad Pedagógica José Rafael Araya Rojas” located in the “Tibás, La Florida” community and in the light of these results, some recommendations are suggested in order to improve the use of the administrative strategy based on committees.
The experience approached in this paper aims at reflecting, reasoning, planning and implementing the “Conversation Circles” as a teaching strategy in the PF-4237 course “Theory of Education: Multiculturalism and Education” of the Latin American Doctoral Program in Education, University of Costa Rica. This training experience, based on the communicative action theory, intended to integrate the assistance of the teacher, the confrontation to otherness and the building of knowledge, skills and social attitudes in higher education.