321 resultados para Universidad de Costa Rica


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La microcuenca del río Segundo es parte de la principal zona de explotación hídrica, en la región Central de Costa Rica. Razón por la cual se realiza un diagnóstico de la disponibilidad del recur-so hídrico en  la microcuenca del río Segundo, e  identifcar  las áreas con mayor problemática de disponibilidad de recurso hídrico. Para ello se calculó un balance hídrico mensual, según uso del suelo, unidad geomorfológica y zona climática. Con base en este balance se calculó y clasifcó la disponibilidad del recurso en cuatro categorías de las cuales se identifcan en la microcuenca dos categorías: media y moderada. Las áreas de media disponibilidad del recurso hídrico se encuentran en la cuenca alta, en el uso de suelo bosque, lo que evidencia la necesidad de mantener y aumentar las áreas de bosque. Las áreas de moderada disponibilidad se encuentran cerca de las áreas urbanas por lo que se debe regular la expansión del uso urbano porque existe una limitante. En la micro-cuenca no existen áreas de baja disponibilidad de recurso hídrico lo que demuestra que la oferta es sufciente. Sin embargo, ya existe una presión importante sobre el recurso hídrico pues más de la mitad del área de la microcuenca se encuentra con una disponibilidad moderada.


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The Lemnaceae family lacks morphologic and anatomical characteristics with comparative aims and for that reason the molecular studies has been necessary a differentiation. In Costa Rica there are two species of Lemna: Lemna aequinoctialis and Lemna valdiviana. With the objective of a molecular characterization and differentiation of both species were extracted isoenzymes esterases. The study was carried out in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the School of Biological Sciences at Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. The technical electrophoresis in gel of polyacrylamida SDS-PAGE was used. It was difference in the pattern of isoenzymes between both species. According to previous molecular studies based on morphology and anatomy, flavonoides, isoenzymes, and DNA sequences of certain genes both species are very different; in addition they belong to different monophyletics groups. On the other hand, the importance of this molecular characterization is its possible use in water treatment, because the esterases have had important in the bioremediation. Also, species of the Lemnaceae family are used in the water treatment like bioremediation.


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Knowledge of direct and diffuse solar radiation in the area is vital importance for the use of solar energy, since it is a prerequesite information for the assessment and design of solar energy system. The work presented here focus on calculation and plotting of contours values of direct and diffuse solar radiation maps based on sixty two scattered radiometric stations nation wide. In the plotting of these contours experimental and predicted values are used, these are compared with the period of dry and rainy season into the six main climate regions of Costa Rica: Central Valley, North Pacific, Central Pacific, South Pacific, North Zone and Caribbean Region. The observed daily mean levels of direct solar radiation oscillate between 6.1 and 10.1 MJ/m2 with higher values in the North Pacific, western part of the Central Valley and in the tops of the highest mountains. The lowest values agree with the North Zone and the Caribbean Region. The highest values of diffuse solar radiation agree with the North Zone and the South Pacific. It is observed an increase of 40% of the direct radiation during dry season months.


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A clear sky solar spectral model which describes the irradiation flux has been tested experimentally in Heredia, Costa Rica. A description of the model and comparisons with radiation data are presented. The model computes spectral fluxes of direct, diffuse and global solar irradiation incident on a horizontal surface. Necessary inputs include latitude, altitude, and surface albedo as characteristics of a location as well as the atmospheric characteristics: turbidity, precipitable water vapor, and total ozone content. The results evidence a satisfactory agreement.


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In the period from September to November 2003 I registered tinamids, using routes with variable radius through paths and transects of 200 m in four different habitats of La Selva Biological Station (10°25ʼ52.51"N, 84°00ʼ12.96"W). The objective of this study was to identify the sites that are frequent the most by the three different species of Tinamiformes of the area. I registered highest number of tinamous using transects of 200 m. Tinamus major was mainly found in primary forest, where it was very hard to observe, and in an abandoned agroforestry system, where it was very tolerant to the presence of humans. It was observed solitary or in group of up to five adult individuals. Crypturellus soui would concentrate more in areas that had an initial secondary growth, and was the specie most difficult to observe, it was registered as pairs and groups. Crypturellus boucardi is a uncommon specie, it was found solitary in different types of habitats.


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This paper clarifies doubts concerning the valuations of condominium performed for tax purposes in Costa Rica. It distinguishes the different steps in this process, and the difficulties and its implementation. Cadastral valuation for tax purposes of horizontal and vertical condominium is included, and a comparative analysis between current regulations and the work that is being performed is made.